Ep 5 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3 Oct 20, Xbox One/360 Oct 21, iOS/Amazon App/Android Oct 22



  • I love this game so damn much!!! :) It really made me laugh so many times...I'm going to miss it.

    I have high expectations for the last episode, but I'm sure Telltale won't let us down. They have been doing such a great job with this game, I'd like to thank them their great work too. And I don't mind the long waiting time either, it totally worth it!

    It's been an AWESOME journey, fingers crossed for season 2 wink wink. :)

    enter image description here

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Well I guess this is it eh? The last wait, I never thought that I would be sad to get the last episode. Because that means the end of story

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    @puzzlebox tweeted a picture of the Telltale finger gun tradition :P

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • edited August 2015

    Woookish Psh Psh Pew Pew PEew Shka!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    @puzzlebox tweeted a picture of the Telltale finger gun tradition :P https://twitter.com/lauraperusco/status/634435916057169920

  • edited August 2015

    Could always happen at the crowd play. There'd be enough people. Make it happen Telltale!

    Too bad we don't have enough people to do this "scene."

  • Huh this is weird. I usually want the next episode as soon as possible but not this time. I JUST DON'T WANNA LET THIS AMAZING GAME GO!!! (please do not make any frozen references)


  • edited August 2015

    Wow I still can't believe we have almost come to the finale. I've been playing Borderlands since the first, and when I started playing Tales, I really didn't know what to expect. I barely knew the story, I didn't even see screenshots nor I watched the trailer. I wasn't even a fan of point-and-click games. But I still decided to give it a shot. I stopped halfway because I saw Felix getting shot (in Episode 1, when the deal goes wrong) and I thought I did something wrong, but some days after I managed to finish it. To be honest, the only time in which I felt so much hype for a videogame was when Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel came out. And here I am, super-duper hyped for the finale. I've only felt emotional during the Mass Effect series. Man, so much time passed, but, to quote Mass Effect 3

    It's been a good ride. The best.

    Now, on to Episode 5. Man can't really wait for it

  • Company of Heroes ;)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    @puzzlebox tweeted a picture of the Telltale finger gun tradition :P https://twitter.com/lauraperusco/status/634435916057169920

  • enter image description here

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Huh this is weird. I usually want the next episode as soon as possible but not this time. I JUST DON'T WANNA LET THIS AMAZING GAME GO!!! (please do not make any frozen references) cries

  • edited August 2015

    I see. You just couldn't resist.. I understand. I'm too sad to be mad at you.. :(

  • Here's a smile for you!

    enter image description here

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I see. You just couldn't resist.. I understand. I'm too sad to be mad at you..

  • I totally agree. I can wait longer, I don't ever want developers to rush a game. It only ends up being cut in all corners. I rather wait longer and then enjoy a perfect masterpiece.

    AChicken posted: »

    I think we should get it early, early November. That way Telltale can make this episode long and beautiful. I want the ending to be PERFECT. The wait might kill me, but the end result would keep me alive.

  • My man!

    I'd still choose a wolf among us season 2 over both of them.

  • edited August 2015

    Know what's funny? When I was playing that part in the episode with the pretend shootout I was thinking 'is this what Telltale Staff do in their spare time?' XD apparently it is.

    Btw why is there a lady with a fake mask on?

    OzzyUK posted: »

    @puzzlebox tweeted a picture of the Telltale finger gun tradition :P https://twitter.com/lauraperusco/status/634435916057169920

  • I'm with you buddy, TWAU S2 over everything. But if TTG were to continue more of their games I'd place TFTB S2 right after TWAU S2, I honestly don't need anything else from TTG

    I'd still choose a wolf among us season 2 over both of them.

  • Do you think we'll see moxxi or ellie and tell them?

  • Same here. I want TWAU S2 more than anything, but I would love a TFTB season 2 as well.

    Jacol posted: »

    I'm with you buddy, TWAU S2 over everything. But if TTG were to continue more of their games I'd place TFTB S2 right after TWAU S2, I honestly don't need anything else from TTG

  • Couldn't agree more.

    Jacol posted: »

    I'm with you buddy, TWAU S2 over everything. But if TTG were to continue more of their games I'd place TFTB S2 right after TWAU S2, I honestly don't need anything else from TTG

  • Every time I watch the episode 4 intro sequence on youtube it makes me feel really good and then empty on the inside :(

    rhonu posted: »

    ohhh boy, i'm going to feel empty for a while after the end. i'm not ready at all.

  • I'm thinking it will actually happen.

  • enter image description here

    I'd still choose a wolf among us season 2 over both of them.

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    I feel the need to say this was by far the best scene in the game.

    Well... There you go! Are you happy Telltale!?!? You took a franchise full of humour, one of my lesser favourite characters and you managed

  • Well there is a lot of stuff there needs to be done within episode 5 but if it's gonna be like LIS episode 4 I could see it happening.

  • Slow down!

    My man!

  • So... I just discovered that Telltale has a forum specifically for Forum Games, and it got me thinking.

    Would anyone be interested if I ran a TFTBL themed play-by-post game over there, to help pass the time until episode 5? Something like Ruby Quest, where I write a short story segment and everybody else tells the characters what to do? No guarantees on the quality of it bc I have all the writing skills of a potato, but it might kill a little bit of time.

  • why bring up mass effect? my heart cant take this :( ... its my all time fav series.. i also consider borderlands as a whole franchise the same, its been a good ride, thank GOD we have mass effect andromeda next year! it will make the wait for BL3 easier

    TheTP87 posted: »

    Wow I still can't believe we have almost come to the finale. I've been playing Borderlands since the first, and when I started playing Tales

  • Omg i want the next ep tomorrow!!! lol Jk Too Impossible. Anyone Think the Next Ep is Going to Release on October

  • Gonna finish The Pre-Sequel! Trophies list so time can go fast, i'm not ready to say goodbye =(

  • It's kinda been the other way around for me. I started playing Tales because I love telltale-game, without having played any of the borderlands games. I kinda fell in love with the world and the characters so I decided to try the other Borderlands-games, not really knowing anything about it, and it was not what I expected, at all, and I loved it!

    Anyways, so hype about episode 5, and B3!!

    TheTP87 posted: »

    Wow I still can't believe we have almost come to the finale. I've been playing Borderlands since the first, and when I started playing Tales

  • October makes sense. I'm kinda secretly hoping for nov 17th, because that's my birthday, and that would be the best gift ever, haha.

    Bounphitak posted: »

    Omg i want the next ep tomorrow!!! lol Jk Too Impossible. Anyone Think the Next Ep is Going to Release on October

  • edited August 2015

    I think Moxxi's model is in the files, so it's possible we get to see her at least.

  • I may have gone crazy, but I want this wait to last a little longer...

    enter image description here

  • This happened to me to. I didn't like Borderlands games before but now I'm crazy about them!

    I'm really exited to see what happens in Borderlands 3. I hope that at least some of the Tales' characters will be in it.

    It's kinda been the other way around for me. I started playing Tales because I love telltale-game, without having played any of the borderla

  • Ikr!!! ;]

    I will cry so much during ep 5

    buntingsir posted: »

    I may have gone crazy, but I want this wait to last a little longer...

  • I need that Fiona shirt... I know they were originally giveaways, but if they sold them I'd be all over them!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    @puzzlebox tweeted a picture of the Telltale finger gun tradition :P https://twitter.com/lauraperusco/status/634435916057169920

  • Oc6 or Oc13?


  • We'll be like

    enter image description here

    At least we'll have each other at the end ;_;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Ikr!!! ;] I will cry so much during ep 5


  • Episode 1 to episode 2: 4 months, Episode 2 to episode 3: 3 months, Episode 3 to episode 4: 2 months

    Episode 4 to episode 5... 1 month?

  • Do you know what would be the most awesome freaking ending ever?!?!?!

    They summon the Vault and open it. Giant monster comes out. They're all trying to fight it and losing when suddenly... Dramatic scene where ALL the other Vault Hunters show up along with several other supporting characters (Moxxii, Tina, Marcus, Hammerlock, etc) and join in the fight. Everyone starts kicking ass, rockets and explosions everywhere, Jimbo and Tector Hodunk Fire a Machine Gun, Loaderbot makes a witty comment. Several scenes of badassness later, they win and then everyone goes out for Milkshakes.

    The end.

    Huh... Man... They should start paying me for this stuff... It's pure genius!

  • edited August 2015

    I uninstalled the game 2 times ...and downloaded the episode 4 again !! No use .... the game hangs on the Fiona after the meteor fall in the beginning.... Please guys i am BEGGING you for a save game of 4th episode please..... Anyone who completed 4th episode save game please give me the save game of ANDROID so i can forward to the next scene.... PLEASE !! PLEASE GIVE ME ANDROID SAVE GAME FILE OF EPISODE 4 !!

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