I Still don't trust Jack

After listening to some audio on Hyperion Trash can's Tumblr I feel like Jack will still betray us even if we side with him and rule Hyperion. Even if it's cut audio does it mean Telltale want us as the player to get the ultimate betrayal in the end. Jack isn't in the present time so probably they got rid of him for good without killing Rhys and without destroying Helios either. Jack won't change even if it's an AI it still has his personality.

http://hyperiontrashcan.tumblr.com About 4 Posts down. What do you guys think about it.



  • It's kinda obvious he can't be trusted, if you side with him he will probably invite Fiona up and try to kill her like what he said if you don't side with him

  • Yeah especially after all Jack has been through he can't Mentally recover from it. Since Yvette has Fiona, Sasha and Gortys she would probably come up there and Jack will strangle her (I hope). Air locking is still an option though.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It's kinda obvious he can't be trusted, if you side with him he will probably invite Fiona up and try to kill her like what he said if you don't side with him

  • Last time I trusted Jack he tried to blow me up on a train

  • Is there anyone who actually trusts Jack? I mean, I can "trust" Jack but inside I know he's totally gonna screw us over. It would really be surprising if he didn't, imo. I just think siding with him is safer because I really do not want an angry Handsome Jack after me, that's way more frightening than one whose plan went perfect.

  • im just happy i told fiona and sasha about jack, im suprised only like 20% told them

  • Yeah I know whereas like 80% told Vaughn

    im just happy i told fiona and sasha about jack, im suprised only like 20% told them

  • edited August 2015

    There are some people who think he's just a misunderstood cutie pie. Plus those who believe that AI is different from real thing. And those who just want to believe.

    So yes, those people exist.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Is there anyone who actually trusts Jack? I mean, I can "trust" Jack but inside I know he's totally gonna screw us over. It would really be

  • Well... Vaughn is our bro. And we know Fiona and Sasha roughly a month.

    Yeah I know whereas like 80% told Vaughn

  • well there was no choice but to trust. I know he could control my hand and plug the port in anyway because he controlled the hand before, beside fiona and sasha was in a really bad situation how I was gonna save them if I have rejected hyperion? And yeah also I didn't want to anger him.

    About trusting... Well I feel like I can trust him. If you played the borderland games, you know that he had countless of betrayals, everyone tried to stab him in the back. He clearly needs someone to trust, I mean everyone needs someone loyal, someone that you can trust completely. He seems very shocked and happy if you choose to accept because probably he was waiting for another betrayal, think about it he didn't even have a friend after countless betrayals and dying alone. And to be honest, I don't think he would do something bad unless we mistreat him, we all know he is a mad man but he is a mad man who is loyal to the ones loyal to him in my perspective.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Is there anyone who actually trusts Jack? I mean, I can "trust" Jack but inside I know he's totally gonna screw us over. It would really be

  • Yeah you're right

    DeityD posted: »

    Well... Vaughn is our bro. And we know Fiona and Sasha roughly a month.

  • edited August 2015

    I told no one. After that 'going native' stunt Vaughn pulled at the start of ep.2 I could no longer trust him to have Hyperion's best interest at heart, and Fiona and Sasha are obviously bandit Pandoran scum, and besides Jack explicitly told me not to tell them, no way I'd disobey him.

    All in all, Jack may still screw Rhys over if he needs to for some reason, but I don't intend to be the one to give him that reason. He could have easily left Rhys high and dry after he got uploaded into the system and no longer needed him, but he kept his word and made us Hyperion President instead. Looks like he has some plans for Rhys still.

    im just happy i told fiona and sasha about jack, im suprised only like 20% told them

  • and Fiona and Sasha are obviously bandit Pandoran scum


    enter image description here

    I told no one. After that 'going native' stunt Vaughn pulled at the start of ep.2 I could no longer trust him to have Hyperion's best intere

  • Rekt

    DeityD posted: »

    and Fiona and Sasha are obviously bandit Pandoran scum Rude.

  • so you want to be jack's private ass kisser?

    I told no one. After that 'going native' stunt Vaughn pulled at the start of ep.2 I could no longer trust him to have Hyperion's best intere

  • Yeah, I'm sure he'll end up screwing us over if we trusted him. I'll be pleasantly surprised if he doesn't, though. I'd love for him and my Rhys to be evil BFFs. :P Jack really is amazing at manipulation, though. Like, seriously, I almost believe him. But then I keep asking myself "Why would Jack share power? Why would Jack share anything?" Really excited to see how both these endings play out.

  • enter image description here

    DeityD posted: »

    and Fiona and Sasha are obviously bandit Pandoran scum Rude.

  • You... probably don't want to know my detailed answer to that question.

    so you want to be jack's private ass kisser?

  • You're saying you wouldn't?...

    so you want to be jack's private ass kisser?

  • i would killed him (again) if i had the option, sure i want to rule hyperion but not under jack's control waiting for him to decide to kill me

    You're saying you wouldn't?...

  • Yeah, I trust because of the situation, but over all I would defiantly not whole heartily drink his kool-aid. I don't think Jack fully trusts Jack, he gets...carried away. I think he will totally betray us and have it not be exactly what he had planned.

  • because he doesn't have hands to actually slowly squeeze the life out of someone. Sure a robot could do it for him, but there is something viscerally missing. It's that human touch that means so much.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Yeah, I'm sure he'll end up screwing us over if we trusted him. I'll be pleasantly surprised if he doesn't, though. I'd love for him and my

  • enter image description here

    You... probably don't want to know my detailed answer to that question.

  • Jack won't betray me! He's like my bestest friend! Right Jack? ...Right?!

    enter image description here

  • So, you think he'll share Rhys' body then? Like sometimes he takes over and sometimes Rhys stays in control? 'Cause I think Jack would prefer to just straight up steal Rhys' body. :P

    My mind is still really contradicted on what I think will happen, though. Like when you agree to rule, Jack looks so surprised and happy, like he was expecting Rhys to say no. Like he was expecting that he'd have to do this the hard way and force him into it. And then when Jack does get out of Rhys' head, he could've just been like "PSYCH. I'm taking over now, lol". But instead he straight up announces to all of Helios that Rhys is the new guy in charge. So, I dunno, maybe Jack does actually want somebody by his side when ruling now?

    I think it could really go either way, which has be both excited and horrified.

    because he doesn't have hands to actually slowly squeeze the life out of someone. Sure a robot could do it for him, but there is something viscerally missing. It's that human touch that means so much.

  • I like to think that Jack might have mellowed after death...I like to think that. Still job number one would be getting that port taken out of my head by a non-Hyperion doctor.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    So, you think he'll share Rhys' body then? Like sometimes he takes over and sometimes Rhys stays in control? 'Cause I think Jack would prefe

  • That's sad actually. I like him as being the bad guy, scoopin out peoples eyeballs with spoons and doing all that crazy shit. Evil characters are awesome, there's no need to make them good unless you somehow feel guilty for likin a fictional bad guy, pff.

    DeityD posted: »

    There are some people who think he's just a misunderstood cutie pie. Plus those who believe that AI is different from real thing. And those who just want to believe. So yes, those people exist.

  • He looks stoned as fuck

    Jack won't betray me! He's like my bestest friend! Right Jack? ...Right?!

  • It would be a pleasant surprise, but his little speech about the AIs purpose to find a new head of Hyperion just sounded like a bag of fancy lies. Liiieeees, I tell ya.

    rino90 posted: »

    well there was no choice but to trust. I know he could control my hand and plug the port in anyway because he controlled the hand before, be

  • Why so sad? Nothing has really changed, he's the same psycho. If someone wants him to be less crazy (as long as they won't push their agenda) it's all fine. It's just like some sort of a headcanon.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    That's sad actually. I like him as being the bad guy, scoopin out peoples eyeballs with spoons and doing all that crazy shit. Evil character

  • Well I mean, sad as some people really try to push their ideas on others just to make him look like the good guy.

    DeityD posted: »

    Why so sad? Nothing has really changed, he's the same psycho. If someone wants him to be less crazy (as long as they won't push their agenda) it's all fine. It's just like some sort of a headcanon.

  • edited August 2015

    yeah he obviously wanted to manipulate, I think he wanted an ally on his side rather than being bitch directly, trusting doesnt mean I like his way of thinking though. I just believe this could be a better jack because he does not know stuff like angel's death yet.

    Note that I am not defending him, I am a little optimistic maybe. Problem is identifying his personality. It is very hard because he is kind of anti-hero and anti-villian at the same time -and yeah also mad- at tropes we could call him ''well intentioned extremist''.


    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    It would be a pleasant surprise, but his little speech about the AIs purpose to find a new head of Hyperion just sounded like a bag of fancy lies. Liiieeees, I tell ya.

  • Whether he's going to betray us or not, I am choosing to go by his side.

  • Give me 10 reasons not to trust Jack at this point.

  • Jack has been really helpful so far. Yes, he has done terrible things to the people of Pandora, but I do think that he looks out for those who help him, he seems happy when Rhys agrees to rule Hyperion, Jack proudly announces that they will rule the entire corporation together. I do not say that he will not betray us (he will probably do it in the next episode), but I do think that Jack thinks highly of Rhys,

  • Hard to trust someone who will somewhere down the line stab you in the back.

  • edited August 2015

    I'll give you one. He considers himself the hero of BL2.

    Give me 10 reasons not to trust Jack at this point.

  • I think the treatment of his daughter says otherwise

    Shaboomm posted: »

    Jack has been really helpful so far. Yes, he has done terrible things to the people of Pandora, but I do think that he looks out for those w

  • That's actually in the game (not cut dialogue like the blog says so).

    But, anyway...

    enter image description here

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