Telltale should have cut the Essos plotline

edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Game of Thrones is grand in scope with loads and loads of characters and many diverse locals. It's obvious that Telltale wanted to imitate this, but there's one problem. They tied to do it with ONE house and five characters.

There's no reason for Asher to be exiled to Essos. Yes, keep Asher being exiled from "Ironrath" in the plot, but there's no reason for him to have to go to Essos. House Forresters story should been contained to Westeros for the first season.

Nothing happens in Essos. Telltale just wanted to have Daeneyrs appear is Season One despite her having no real bearing no the plot.

Essos and Daeneyrs should have been saved for Season Two after she becomes Queen of Merreen.

"But how will we get the sellswords?" There are plenty of sellswords in Westeros. Especially in the Riverlands since the area was so heavily contested, It would have been awesome to have Asher in the Rivelands interacting with House Frey, the Brotherhood Without Banners, the Brave Companions (cut from the show), Gryff at Harrenhal.

Asher is a exile turned sellsword. He can literally kill Gyriff and not have it fall back on his family outside of Ludd wanting revenge. Asher has a freedom that is never utilize. Also, we're missing all of the cool post war stuff happening in the Riverlands

"But if Gyrff is at Harrenhal, who's leading the garrison at Ironrath." There is no garrison at Ironrath. The Forrester army was demolished at the Red Wedding so they can't take on the Whitehill's numbers. Plus is Ryon is being held captive. If I had my way, the ironborn would be raiding the Forrester lands too. No need to add a garrison.

"What about Malcolm?" He would still leave to help Asher in his mission and mentor him just like in the Essos plotline.

Though, if I was writing this, Malcolm would replace Ethan as the fifth playable character. After telling Asher to build a sellsword army, he would leave and act as a spy in the Whitehill/Bolton lands. The Whitehills would have heard of Malcolm, but they don't actually know what he looks like.

"What about Beskha" Season two.


  • No way! I loved the Essos plotline and Asher's relationship with Beskha, plus the plot is perfect the way it way it is.

  • Have some bacon sir.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    No way! I loved the Essos plotline and Asher's relationship with Beskha, plus the plot is perfect the way it way it is.

  • Hate essos but it is part of the universe it would be bad to leave it out. Plus its nice to have some variety in environment

  • I hated the inclusion of Daenerys. She was unnecessarily defensive about her precious babies and is fickle. Much like Margaery, she irrationally gets mad at you no matter what you try to do and ends up not helping you at all. Plus, they are both selfish and self-centered. And then Malcolm desserts the Forresters because at some point down the line she might become the queen of Westeros, which is annoying because we all know that that won't happen for a long while and the Forresters need help NOW, not maybe possibly some time down the road. IF she even becomes the Queen of Westeros.

  • They should have done three characters, three different houses in my opinion. We have too many characters, and because of that we can't get as connected to them, because not enough time is given to them. The game also divides alot of attention to the show characters, which drives attention away from our own protagonists, allowing them to develop and such.

  • edited August 2015

    I agree that the Daenerys arc should have been in the possible 2nd season of the game.
    Looking back from the first to the fifth episode, I'm now starting to feel like they're trying too hard to squeeze in 5 playable characters. You can tell with the slightly unbalanced screen-time/irrelevant plotlines of characters.

  • All for Asher to return with shitty fighters

  • right! Turns out, just because you're good at fighting in a pit doesn't mean you'll be good at fighting as a soldier in a melee type of combat. Why didn't they have more wherewithal to avoid the spears or have some kind of armor? Or use something, anything, to block stuff? You'd think that their peripheral vision would be pretty good and that they would have excellent reflexes...

    Clemenem posted: »

    All for Asher to return with shitty fighters

  • These guys have been brought up on fighting their entire lives and go out like bitches

    ShampaFK posted: »

    right! Turns out, just because you're good at fighting in a pit doesn't mean you'll be good at fighting as a soldier in a melee type of comb

  • Sending him to the Riverlands doesn't really make any sense.

    For one, it's not exile. I doubt the Whitehills would've been willing to let Asher just go south. It would've been far too easy for him to return. It's not like there are border guards checking your papers in Westeros.

    For two, the sellswords in Westeros are likely bought already by the several Kings making war. Asher could not have matched the capital the Lannisters, Tyrell, or even Stannis Baratheon could put up in order to outbid them.

  • Thank you! ^_^

    darko22 posted: »

    Have some bacon sir.

  • No Daenerys DON'T get mad at you no matter what. if you apease her, she gives you gold and advice.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I hated the inclusion of Daenerys. She was unnecessarily defensive about her precious babies and is fickle. Much like Margaery, she irration

  • edited August 2015

    Instead of trying to give five player characters screen time every episode, have three appear per episode.

    I agree that the Daenerys arc should have been in the possible 2nd season of the game. Looking back from the first to the fifth episode, I'

  • They're doing that for the first and last episode at least.

    Kireilt posted: »

    Instead of trying to give five player characters screen time every episode, have three appear per episode.

  • edited August 2015

    Good points, but I have some disagreements.

    Your first point. As much as people hate Ludd, I honestly believe he would let Asher go free and be satisfied with the fact his rival had to disown one of his sons. The worst thing Ludd would do is hire someone to get close to Asher and watch him.

    Your second point. Its hard to believe that every sellsword and sellsword company in Westeros has been bought. On top of this Stannis is dealing with the Ironbank to get his sellsword army. The Lannisters had cut all their sellswords after Tywin brokered a deal with Roose Bolton.

    Sending him to the Riverlands doesn't really make any sense. For one, it's not exile. I doubt the Whitehills would've been willing to let

  • edited August 2015

    I'm not saying cut out Essos from the storyline. I'm saying the plotline should have been in Season 2, where there could have been more impact.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    No way! I loved the Essos plotline and Asher's relationship with Beskha, plus the plot is perfect the way it way it is.

  • What would be the point? It's better this way.

    Kireilt posted: »

    I'm not saying cut out Essos from the storyline. I'm saying the plotline should have been in Season 2, where there could have been more impact.

  • Its hard to believe that every sellsword and sellsword company in Westeros has been bought

    Well, every king had every sellsword they could buy. Even in Essos it was hard to find sellswords with Asher.

    Kireilt posted: »

    Good points, but I have some disagreements. Your first point. As much as people hate Ludd, I honestly believe he would let Asher go free

  • Stannis is dealing with the Iron Bank to get money, not sellswords.

    He is using said money to buy sellswords, and he has to do that in Essos because all the Westerosi swords have been bought.

    Kireilt posted: »

    Good points, but I have some disagreements. Your first point. As much as people hate Ludd, I honestly believe he would let Asher go free

  • "He is using said money to buy sellswords." That's what I meant, sorry if I was unclear.

    Stannis is dealing with the Iron Bank to get money, not sellswords. He is using said money to buy sellswords, and he has to do that in Essos because all the Westerosi swords have been bought.

  • I personally have always felt that all GRRM should cut all Essos plot lines as well (especially where Dany is involved) because all it does is nothing. Ever. It is where plot lines go to die.

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