What the hell is this?

edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

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I just..my mind..




  • Seems legit. Ser Pounce was conspicuously absent during the Purple Wedding...

  • edited August 2015

    He seems serious but I'm pretty sure this is a joke. He kind of debunks the theory towards the end of the video.

  • edited August 2015

    WHAT? wouldn't you love to see Ser Pounce riding a horse to battle against the others?? with his little sword and small armor lol

  • Ser pounce is one of the things the fandom obsess about, a bit like hodor

  • Hodor???

    Ser pounce is one of the things the fandom obsess about, a bit like hodor

  • Bruh.... It's confirmed :O

  • Did you guys even watch the video?
    He says that this "theory" is bullshit. The point of the video is that in a world that has so many possibilities, with the right sentences you can make even the most random thing happen

  • But everyone knows that already...

  • Considering all the crazy theories out there, clearly not everyone knows that.

    Clemenem posted: »

    But everyone knows that already...

  • Ugh. But everyone on this thread does

    Considering all the crazy theories out there, clearly not everyone knows that.

  • Yeah, well now that you said it I have no idea why he said "did you guys even watch the video?" since there indeed is no one in this thread (except for the op?) who has taken the video seriously/not understood the point of it.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Ugh. But everyone on this thread does

  • Hodor!

    Clemenem posted: »


  • edited August 2015

    hahaha i was going to post this in the memes and funny things thread... this was hilarious (im not the biggest cat fan, im a much bigger fan of dogs, but im totally down for ser pounce being azor ahai jk lol)

    and to answer the op, in their patreon video they said that one of the donation levels was to allow the donor to suggest theories no matter how ridiculous - it even makes reference to this theory - and im guessing that someone actually made the suggestion

  • this is a joke theory lol - they have a patreon account and one of the donor levels allows rhe donor to make suggestions for random theories no matter how random so someone probably suggested this

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    He seems serious but I'm pretty sure this is a joke. He kind of debunks the theory towards the end of the video.

  • That was my reaction when I first saw the video, but as I watched it, I realized it was just a joke. I think it's suppose to tell us that when we get too much into theory mode, we can come to all sort of crazy conclusions which may make sense but are not necessarily true.

  • edited August 2015

    yes ser pounce obvi cant be azor ahai because it is definitely hodor :)

    Clemenem posted: »


  • edited August 2015

    It's the guy having fun making a very good video, with a lot of 'evidence' to back up one of the many silly theroies people come up with for laughs.

    His theory videos are excellent and I found it very amusing that he'd apply the same effort and quality to a silly theory.

  • Ser Pounce is the only rightful heir to the Iron Throne and the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros! ALL HAIL SER POUNCE!

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