Favorite and Least Favorite Characters Besides Rhys, Fiona, Sasha, or Vaughn?
Besides any of the main characters, I would have to say my favorite is Finch. Pretty much because of episode 4. He is just a big goofy guy, and the stupid things he does and says are just funny. Also, who is your least favorite? Mine would probably have to be August, because he is an annoying prick, or Vallory. They're both tied.
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Loader Bot and Gortys. I can't pick between those two!
Oh god so many to choose from, wait do you mean in TFTBL?
If so then:
Least favorites(I didn't see the least favorite option till like an hour later):
My two favorite robots. Loader Bot and Gortys
The Hyperion Captain. His brother is getting married, and he is very happy.
Easily Gortys! I don't know about a least favourite though.
Vasquez simply because of Patrick Warburton's amazing performance. He's a douche (Vasquez, not Patrick Warburton I love that guy) yet funny at the same time.
enter link description here
God I miss that game and all it's DLC. It was so fun back when it first came out. After you beat it 20+ times, unfortunately it wares off though. lol
Kroger and Finch are my favs, and Vallory the one I find most interesting.
Least favourite? Yvette. I never cared for her, but after last episode I really hate her.
I can't believe what that bitch did. Even after I bought her that lunch.
Noy even sure why. I guess I just can't get over how cute this mofo was at the end of ep2 and in ep4.
And also
Not a TFTBL character, stricktly speaking, but.
Zer0 is in TFTBL, so I guess I'll count it.
P.S. August sucks. :P
Oh my god, I forgot about Zed... I'm surprised we didn't see him in TFTBL.
Why only her when Vaughn did the same thing and just got screwed by Vasquez?
Opinions, opinions. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Including all Borderlands games.
Favorite (not in any particular order):
Least favorite (again, not in any order, with the exception of the first)
I really like Finch because.....well...... Dave Fennoy.
Hunter is the best, dude. He drops the Bee. xD
Well I trusted Vaughn when he said he wasn't going to go through with it. But shit, now that you say that I'm a bit skeptical... maybe... maybe Vaughn betrays us in ep. 5...
Vasquez, and Handsome goddamn Jack. Vallory also has an excellent voice actor.
Why do you dislike Lilith? Just curious.
My favorites would probably be AI Jack, Gortys, and Vasquez in that order.
My least favorites would be Yvette, Handsome Jack tour group, and Vallory.
My favorites would be Handsome Jack, the Guard Captain, and the Tour Guard
My least favorites would be Gortys, Gortys, Gortys, August, and Yvette (and that was even before episode four)
This is for only TFTB, right?
Favourite: August and Gortys.
Least Favourite: Assquez, Yvette and Vallory.
Favourite: AI/Holo Jack.
Least: Yvette.
I'm not sure what my take is on August, though. I can't bring myself to like him, but I can't bring myself to hate him either.
While part of the blame also lies with Roland and Moxxi, she is the main reason why Jack became Handsome Jack. Jack's intentions started off good, he truly wanted to help, but Lilith helped drive him to madness when she (and the others) betrayed Jack. Also, she had the chance to kill Jack right at the end of the Pre Sequel, which would have prevented the events of Borderlands 2, including Roland's death, but she settles for simply scarring his face and leaving the job unfinished, and then she says if it wasn't for Athena their friends would still be alive. After playing the Pre Sequel, I put Roland's death solely on Lilith, she had the chance to end things right there, but she failed to do it, and people died as a result. Not to mention she was blatantly told to stay behind at Sanctuary, and yet she shows up anyway during the fight with Angel. Yes she does end up helping, but it only leads to Jack capturing her and, once again, having a Siren to charge the Vault Key. Also, and this is a bit petty, I admit, but the fact that the only thing she does during the final fight with The Warrior is yell out that the lava is rising is just so annoying. I get it, the lava is rising, shut the hell up I'm trying to fight an ancient alien warrior and preventing Jack from taking over the planet, the last thing I need is you yelling out things I already know over and over again.
Favorite : Loader-Bot
Least Favorite : Yvette
Probably in the minority, but I actually quite liked ol' wallethead. A lot of his lines are really funny.
Gortys - That robot seriously is the greatest thing ever it's so adorable. It makes me laugh so much.
Loader Bot - He's my damn robro!
Vasquez - Love me some Patrick Warburton, plus he's a really fun character as Rhys rival.
Handsome Jack's AI - God the scene where he's pretending to be Vaughn's penis was one of the funniest scenes in this whole series.
Scooter - Oh damn his scene's were so great. Plus I think his moment in episode 4 rivals that of Lee and Lee only. Which is weird considering how little Scooter was in the series.
Least Favorites:
Yvette - I didn't care for her from the start, stupid mooch trying to get free lunches. Now? Yeah I want to kill her.
Athena - I don't HATE Athena but I also don't feel any connection with her what so ever. She's just kind of there.
Vallory - I dislike her because I'm not very interested in her as the main villain. Reminds me of Rosanne for some reason.
Favorite: Scooter.
Least Favorite: I thought for a really long time and the only character I could think of that was semi-close to hatred was Shade. I didn't like Felix after he betrayed us, but that was done so well I actually ended up liking him for it.
Ahh I get your point then lol.
I'm pretty sure now that he was going to go through with it. He just never had a chance to finish what he started and was caught.
I'm not sure he planned this whole thing, but I don't think Yvette planned it either. They just saw an opportunity and seized it. And both were sure that's the right thing to do if Rhys won't make it out alive. They just didn't want to go down with him.
Favourite :
Athena - I've just liked her character since I started playing as her in Borderlands The Presequel.
Vasquez - He was pretty funny and I loved playing Rhys as Vasquez.
Least favourite :
Yvette - Eh, pretty boring.
If we're talking characters created by Gearbox/non-TT characters, definitely Jack, he adds such an interesting dynamic to the game in my view.
If we're talking TT characters, then definitely Gortys, probably followed by August, Finch and Kroger (because they're Lee & Andy St-John in spaaaaaace)
Least favourites:
Vasquez : Sleazy, condescending, domineering murderous overcompensating douchebag voiced by Patrick Warburton. I love him.
Least Favorite:
Vallory : Don't find her particularly interesting. She's unique, but not in any way that has a bearing on the story or the other characters. It's like they took the classic "vaguely plot-related crime boss who interferes with the heroes and motivates them to hurry it along" cliché and then went "Okay, how do we make this funky without actually changing anything?"
If we're talking about Telltale characters:
Favourites: August, Loader Bot, Vasquez, Felix
Least favourite: Yvette
Favorites: All the vault hunters (except Aurelia), Tiny Tina, Moxxi, Gortys, Scooter, and Angel.
Least Favorite: Vasquez, Vallory, Jack (Borderlands 2), Aurelia, and Piston.