Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Oh, no...

    Please no...Kate... :'(

    this is disturbing and sad

  • I know, in episode 1 alone, we have foreshadowing for Jefferson being the antagonist, Kate's suicide and Alt Chloe being disabled. :o I feel like Alyssa quoting that poem by Robert Frost might be foreshadowing a major decision as well.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Yup. This game has some pretty deep stuff and all that foreshadowing, I simply love it.

  • Now I can't wait for episode 5, but it's sad that the season's gonna end, not sure if they're gonna make the second one though.

    Also there were Mr. Jefferson's photos of young women in black and white as well, but the game really made me believe in the ep.4 that it was all Nathan's fault. .-.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I know, in episode 1 alone, we have foreshadowing for Jefferson being the antagonist, Kate's suicide and Alt Chloe being disabled. I feel like Alyssa quoting that poem by Robert Frost might be foreshadowing a major decision as well.

  • Yeah, it's both exciting and sad. They have talked about the possiblity of there being a season 2, but it'd have a new cast, probably due to the multiple endings.

    That too, Jefferson's pictures that were on display were similar to his pictures of Rachel and Kate. Nathan's still a jerk, though he does have a mental illness, and his parents don't seem to give a shit.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Now I can't wait for episode 5, but it's sad that the season's gonna end, not sure if they're gonna make the second one though. Also ther

  • edited August 2015

    I guess he forgot to pay for the potassium warren-ty! HA!

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Well Mad Max did more than just blind Warren with science.

  • I don't know how would rewind powers exactly work with the new character, I mean we already know a lot about it from Max, it won't be as exciting if it just replays.

    Yeah, I kinda do feel sorry about Nathan, but still, he messed up.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah, it's both exciting and sad. They have talked about the possiblity of there being a season 2, but it'd have a new cast, probably due t

  • enter image description here

    pr0dz posted: »

    I guess he forgot to pay for the potassium warren-ty! HA!

  • Yeah, if the next protagonist just has the same power as Max, it'd be boring.

    He still did, definately, but I don't hate him as much as Jefferson. He kinda seems like he's used to murdering people, since he showed 0 emotion when killing Chloe.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I don't know how would rewind powers exactly work with the new character, I mean we already know a lot about it from Max, it won't be as exciting if it just replays. Yeah, I kinda do feel sorry about Nathan, but still, he messed up.

  • That's why I'm not sure how's the season 2 gonna play out, if it happens.

    Yeah, I hate Jefferson more than Nathan, and I really thought he was a cool guy when we got to talk to him in the ep.4 along with Chloe. He seemed pretty nice but I was so shocked when I saw his angry face at the ending. I wonder how's Max even gonna escape, she can't rewind with her hands tied.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah, if the next protagonist just has the same power as Max, it'd be boring. He still did, definately, but I don't hate him as much as Jefferson. He kinda seems like he's used to murdering people, since he showed 0 emotion when killing Chloe.

  • Poor Warren.

    Is his nose bleeding? I guess Chloe was right, he is into girl-on-girl action. :p

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    a pretty big post, made by summerfelldraws

  • Nathan wins in my opinion. Gary is an egomaniacal backstabbing piece of shit but the worst he did was getting Jimmy Hopkins expelled and making Bullworth students turn on each other while Nathan sold drugs, tried to take creepy photos of Chloe while she was nearly unconscious after the drinks Nathan gave her, killed Chloe in an alternate universe, drugged Kate during the "Vortex Club" party, is generally violent with no exceptions for girls evident by the fact that he threathened Chloe with a pistol and he literally grabbed Max by the throat. He also tried to use a gun on Warren (Though it didn't exactly end the way he wanted to :D) and is working with Mark Jefferson. I could go on for hours talking about how much of an asshole Nathan is and that speaks for itself. Gary looks like a little kid compared to Nathan. That guy is a total scumbag.

    Clemenem posted: »

    So who wins Vs.

  • Seems like it is bleeding on one of the pictures.

    Price is always right ;P

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Poor Warren. Is his nose bleeding? I guess Chloe was right, he is into girl-on-girl action.

  • Maybe it could be a new power? I dunno.

    I've been pretty suspicious of him since episode 2, when he took that call before class. Seemed pretty fishy to me. I'm guessing David might rescue Max, since he is keeping his eye on Jefferson. I can't really see anyone other than him rescuing her. Maybe Nathan if Max was as nice as possible towards him?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    That's why I'm not sure how's the season 2 gonna play out, if it happens. Yeah, I hate Jefferson more than Nathan, and I really thought h

  • That could be interesting. Now I wonder whether we'd still stay at Arcadia Bay or be somewhere else..

    Hopefully we can find out who was he actually talking to. Yeah, I think David will be our 'hero', since he was searching all around just like Max and Chloe, and he can see the board with the clues or location on Chloe's laptop. I secretly hope Nathan will do something good, like help or whatever. But Max still has to save Chloe since she's dead..

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Maybe it could be a new power? I dunno. I've been pretty suspicious of him since episode 2, when he took that call before class. Seemed p

  • Yeah, in the one where Max and Chloe are making out.

    Price is always right ;P

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Seems like it is bleeding on one of the pictures. Price is always right ;P

  • Poor Warren. I still don't even know who I ship with Max.

    Eh, my puns still aren't priceless..

    enter image description here

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah, in the one where Max and Chloe are making out. Price is always right ;P

  • Maybe it'd be in a new location? We haven't seen the entirety of Arcadia Bay, but Dontnod might want a new location for the next season.

    Maybe it was Sean Prescott? I'd be surprised if he isn't aware of what's going on in the bunker he paid for. Yeah, he's the only one I can see showing up to save us. He has a gun on him as well, at least if Max sided with Chloe in e3. Since a few of the major decisions in the series affect Nathan, something will probably come out of those choices. Probably. Though, if he does do something godd, it might be "erased" due to Max going back to a point where she can save Chloe.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    That could be interesting. Now I wonder whether we'd still stay at Arcadia Bay or be somewhere else.. Hopefully we can find out who was h

  • Well, yeah, that'd make more sense.

    That's what I thought, who else could it be that we know of? I unfortunately managed to get him kicked out of house, and it seems like every time you side on something with Chloe ends up badly (shooting Frank, not answering Kate's call, siding with Chloe etc.). It's all pretty complicated now, Max will most likely go back in some photo so everything will kinda be 'erased', like you said. Only Max will remember it..

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Maybe it'd be in a new location? We haven't seen the entirety of Arcadia Bay, but Dontnod might want a new location for the next season.

  • For now, I do ship her a lot more with Chloe, probably because there is more ammo to support it. Max just seems to keep friendzoning him and his absence in episode 3 doesn't really help.

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Poor Warren. I still don't even know who I ship with Max. Eh, my puns still aren't priceless..

  • Yeah, I thought he'd be shown in the game much more, but with all the drama going, I'm not blaming Max.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    For now, I do ship her a lot more with Chloe, probably because there is more ammo to support it. Max just seems to keep friendzoning him and his absence in episode 3 doesn't really help.

  • Still, it'll prbably be a few years before we get a season 2.

    Yeah, I can't really see it be anyone other than Mr. Prescott. Siding with Chloe, in episode 3, is the only that really does have a real negative impact, imo. The other two just give more room to mess up in episodes 2 and 4. Yeah, she'll be the only one who'll remember it. At most, she could tell Chloe about it.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Well, yeah, that'd make more sense. That's what I thought, who else could it be that we know of? I unfortunately managed to get him kicke

  • I think the devs said that the player would be able to choose between Chloe and Warren as love interests for Max, but due to wanting to keep up with their original release schedule, some things might have been left in the cutting room floor. As of now, Max x Warren feels pretty one sided, imo.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Yeah, I thought he'd be shown in the game much more, but with all the drama going, I'm not blaming Max.

  • A few years....oh , forgot about that fact ;-;

    I should have sided with David, but I don't wanna replay it because that'd be like cheating although I replayed when Kate died for me because I forgot the Bible verse..

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Still, it'll prbably be a few years before we get a season 2. Yeah, I can't really see it be anyone other than Mr. Prescott. Siding with

  • Yeah, I'll see how it plays out for me since I kissed Chloe AND agreed to Go-Ape with Warren :)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I think the devs said that the player would be able to choose between Chloe and Warren as love interests for Max, but due to wanting to keep

  • edited August 2015

    I kissed Chloe but didn't agree to go ape with him. I felt bad for Brooke and how the conversation can go kinda pissed me off. Seriously, he asked Brooke to go to the drive in with him and then he goes behind her back and asks Max to go with him. If Max accepts, he's more than happy to blow Brooke off, yet if Max declines, he lies and says he'll go by himself? That took away some of the respect I had for him. :|

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Yeah, I'll see how it plays out for me since I kissed Chloe AND agreed to Go-Ape with Warren

  • He really made a mistake, but Brooke is extremely jealous and pissed off in my playthrough. Apparently she can go to some 'date' or something with Daniel if you play your cards right.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I kissed Chloe but didn't agree to go ape with him. I felt bad for Brooke and how the conversation can go kinda pissed me off. Seriously, he

  • Yeah, they'll work on Vampyr after LiS is finished, but season 2 should definately be worth the wait. :)

    I'm going to do one more playthrough of episodes 1-4 before episode 5 comes, and I think I'll side with David instead. I replayed that scene because I just could accept Kate's death.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    A few years....oh , forgot about that fact ;-; I should have sided with David, but I don't wanna replay it because that'd be like cheating although I replayed when Kate died for me because I forgot the Bible verse..

  • I don't know if I'll get Vampyr though, from what I heard it's about vampire and that's all..

    Same, I already have the second save file with all the opposite choices (well, not all but mostly).

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah, they'll work on Vampyr after LiS is finished, but season 2 should definately be worth the wait. I'm going to do one more playthrou

  • Yeah, I've heard that she gets really pissed of if Max goes to the drive in with Warren, which isn't really Max's fault, since Warre is the one who caused this. Max doesn't even seem to think of it as a date. ._. At least she (Brooke) can always go on a date with Daniel.

    One thing I noticed is that Warren sent Max a message saying that he bought an extra ticket in case she changed her mind, but there was an ad at the diner saying it was 1 ticket per car, not per person.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    He really made a mistake, but Brooke is extremely jealous and pissed off in my playthrough. Apparently she can go to some 'date' or something with Daniel if you play your cards right.

  • From what I've read it sounds interesting. It's an open world RPG set in 20th century London, where even the people the player takes jobs from can be our victims.

    One thing I might change is that I'll nicer to Victoria. I feel like Max probably needs more allies than enemies for the finale.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I don't know if I'll get Vampyr though, from what I heard it's about vampire and that's all.. Same, I already have the second save file with all the opposite choices (well, not all but mostly).

  • That's true, she really needs to chill out.

    I also heard that somewhere, don't know what to think ...

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah, I've heard that she gets really pissed of if Max goes to the drive in with Warren, which isn't really Max's fault, since Warre is the

  • She should, and Daniel really does seem like a pretty nice guy too.

    It makes me kinda have some mixed feelings towards him, tbh. When he's just being a good friend he can be pretty cool and nice, but when he tries to get a date with Max, well... he's not above lying to her.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    That's true, she really needs to chill out. I also heard that somewhere, don't know what to think ...

  • It will be funny when ep5 will show another side of Nathan. :D

  • Love your profile pic! "This amuses me sexually," as Psycho Max would say. xD

    CatySky posted: »

    Hey, the artist who makes silly comics about Psycho-Max and Chin-Chloe also makes profile pics, like the one I have right now. I thought it

  • Yeah, I also didn't let him take a sketch of Max and that made him kinda mad. People often overreact.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    She should, and Daniel really does seem like a pretty nice guy too. It makes me kinda have some mixed feelings towards him, tbh. When he'

  • Yeah, some of the characters just overreact to some of the choices.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Yeah, I also didn't let him take a sketch of Max and that made him kinda mad. People often overreact.

  • Yeah, especially Chloe.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah, some of the characters just overreact to some of the choices.

  • I'm gonna miss this story so much after episode 5....

  • Yeah. I'm hoping there's gonna be a sequel or prequel. This game really deserves it.

    I'm gonna miss this story so much after episode 5....

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