Anthony Burchs bad writing



  • If you take that one part yes but when you get to know Burch it really feels like he has to shove his views in there.

    rhonu posted: »

    Yeah, I agree with social justice but not with the Tumblr interpretation of it. Their message is good sometimes but their way of saying it i

  • I just do not understand how him apologising to a group affects a person outside that group in any way, shape or form.

    Just because other people enjoyed it doesn't mean that it couldn't be offensive to some, and that's precisely why he apologises to those people. I personally see it as a considerate gesture, it's got nothing to do with being a wuss...

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    That it's for things he shouldn't apologise for and other people even enjoyed. As soon as some sjw complained he was sorry, what a freaking wuss.

  • edited August 2015

    This is really bizarre. Above you talk about how he shouldn't not do things because some people don't like it, but you're saying he shouldn't be allowed to write for the game because he mentioned a word/concept that you don't like being referenced.

    Hypocrisy x10,000.

  • Do you think women's rights should never ever be discussed, nor even referenced, in any art medium?

    it's not like the game talks about it all the time. It's one line in, what, 8 hours of playtime? Making a fuss is just silly.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Well, it's more of people not liking how he inserts the issues of LGBT and women's rights into his scripts. Some feel that he pushes it a bi

  • edited August 2015

    This thread is starting to get a bit too political. (In a bad way)

    Maybe you should get a mod to lock it?

  • edited August 2015

    I mean the word change wasn't something I got really worked up about, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

    Edit: Don't feel like debating

    Midget is more offensive than Dwarf, though (and at least it had context in TTAODK). I really don't understand why changes like that are

  • People can be annoyed with the smallest things sometimes. I think it was quite hilarious that the guards didn't take shit from Rhysquez and made him look like the douche he is. It reminds me of Grim Fandango a little, where you tried to talk shit about Domino but he turned out to be quite... eloquent I guess. You called us ladies? We'll make a joke about misogyny. You insulted my mom? I'll tell you she's dead. That's only fair. Because why the hell not.

    On the side note,two jokes about misogyny/sexism in two games and you're calling for his head? Wow.

    enter image description here

  • I can't stop anyone in the end, you know. Doesn't stop me from saying how I feel about it tho. I can rant, can't I?

    Flog61 posted: »

    This is really bizarre. Above you talk about how he shouldn't not do things because some people don't like it, but you're saying he shouldn'

  • (also, if video games are a form of art, then you can't say it's never allowed to mention real world issues. You don't decide what art is and isn't allowed to do. No idea why it's fine to portray murder, ripping people's faces off, intense drug addiction, but not acknowledge even the potential existence of misogyny, either.).

  • I hope it doesn't escalate, I'll watch my words now I guess.

    This thread is starting to get a bit too political. (In a bad way) Maybe you should get a mod to lock it?

  • I wasn't gonna respond to this but when you said Grim Fandango...

    Man I love that game.

    DeityD posted: »

    People can be annoyed with the smallest things sometimes. I think it was quite hilarious that the guards didn't take shit from Rhysquez and

  • edited August 2015

    But you mock the people who do the exact same thing as you, just with the opposite viewpoints. Clearly what you have a problem with is not Anthony Burch trying to stop his work being disliked by people, it's the fact that he acknowledged misogyny, the existence of which I'm guessing you are rather skeptical of.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I can't stop anyone in the end, you know. Doesn't stop me from saying how I feel about it tho. I can rant, can't I?

  • A thread which says a writer is bad because they reference sexism's existence is already political by nature.

    This thread is starting to get a bit too political. (In a bad way) Maybe you should get a mod to lock it?

  • The point is if you change or alter the game for this group, and then that group, and then another group, you might as well give up writing the game entirely. Anything and everything can be 'potentially offensive or upsetting' to any number of groups of people. Once you make one concession you are only encouraging more concessions until you have game design by comity, and committees make crap out of gold.

    Keep in mind we live in a world where drag performances during a gay rights festival was banned in Scotland because trans people might find it offensive. So trans people, who present other than their natural sex are offended by people dressing as a different sex....and people agree to ban a hundreds of year old tradition because of it. Can't you see where trying to make everyone un-offended leads ?

    Midget is more offensive than Dwarf, though (and at least it had context in TTAODK). I really don't understand why changes like that are

  • Well, that's just my opinion. There's a thing with something I can see being offensive to a group (the midget thing) and something like apologising to Feminist Frequenzy because she took some issue with Angel like...bleh

    I just do not understand how him apologising to a group affects a person outside that group in any way, shape or form. Just because other

  • edited August 2015

    Jack makes a comment about Fiona in episode 2 or 3, that she's 'talented, for a woman' (vel sim.) - and no-one made a big fuss about it. Yet in episode 4 there's one single 5 second discussion of sexism's existence and that's awful and means he shouldn't be allowed to write?

  • Whilst yes, it is political, it can still be handled in a calm way.

    When I say TOO political, I mean that people are going to start fighting. Hopefully they don't.

    Flog61 posted: »

    A thread which says a writer is bad because they reference sexism's existence is already political by nature.

  • Use the edit buttonnnnnnnnnnnnn

    Flog61 posted: »

    Jack makes a comment about Fiona in episode 2 or 3, that she's 'talented, for a woman' (vel sim.) - and no-one made a big fuss about it. Yet

  • Not replying to your opinion to fight, but you can edit your comments and add things into them. You don't need to keep posting new comments.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Jack makes a comment about Fiona in episode 2 or 3, that she's 'talented, for a woman' (vel sim.) - and no-one made a big fuss about it. Yet

  • I think I fell in love with it in the exact moment (I mean Manny and Domino mocking each other). I havent' seen anything like this in my entire life (I discovered the game only recently because it was remastered). I just can't stop thinking about that scene when I see the guards and Rhysquez, I always remember that game. I guess that's why (at least partly) it doesn't bother me.

    I wasn't gonna respond to this but when you said Grim Fandango... Man I love that game.

  • OK, so joking about Rhys being a idiot all the time is funny and just a joke, but him using Vasquez' regular vernacular needs to be commented on. Vasquez always used the term ladies when referring to lower level men. Rhys was playing the part properly and only responding the way Vasquez spoke, but hey lets point out that Rhys is an idiot by making mention of the misogyny..Yeah that isn't forced at all.

    rhonu posted: »

    Yeah, I agree with social justice but not with the Tumblr interpretation of it. Their message is good sometimes but their way of saying it i

  • Actually I've seen people talk about mysgony for Jack saying that about Fiona so ye.

    It's the way it's delivered I take issue with. Like let's say the talk about friend zone with torgue in TPS was really awkward and not well delivered, but he has the line in BL2 "NOTHINGS MORE BADASS THAN TREATING A WOMAN WITH RESPECT!" that has become one of the most well known ones. It's all about the delivery.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Jack makes a comment about Fiona in episode 2 or 3, that she's 'talented, for a woman' (vel sim.) - and no-one made a big fuss about it. Yet

  • Same, that's how I discovered it!

    I can't believe I never saw how closely they resembled each other, like you say.

    With your explanation it does give a bit less bother to me, for now I sort of get the conversation.

    DeityD posted: »

    I think I fell in love with it in the exact moment (I mean Manny and Domino mocking each other). I havent' seen anything like this in my ent

  • I think people need to stop apologizing of other people taking offense, especially where offense wasn't meant. Offense is taken on given, if someone is offended that's on them and you shouldn't apologize for their feelings. Now if he was planning on offending a group, then he should apologize for his actions, but not the group's offence.

    I just do not understand how him apologising to a group affects a person outside that group in any way, shape or form. Just because other

  • Why do people get so upset about words?

    You have literally started an entire thread becuase you are upset about the words used in a game.

    If you don't like it, don't play it.

    Maybe follow your own advice? Afterall, There's a billion games out there that have offensive things instead.

    Hell I don't even see how someone can get this upset about a game.

    Once again, entire thread.

    Just try any online game with a huge community and no censorship and every insultIng term will sound like a silent fart to you.

    Maybe if writers like Anthony get their way and progressive/diverse games become more common you'll become just as desensitised to forward-thinking terms as you clearly expect minorities to be towards insults...

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I mean the word change wasn't something I got really worked up about, but I thought it was worth mentioning. Edit: Don't feel like debating

  • Aw, come on.

    I liked Hey ash Watcha Playin'.

  • On the side note,two jokes about misogyny/sexism in two games and you're calling for his head? Wow.

    Eh, it's so much more than that I can't even be arsed to list all the things that I dislike about him. But he seemed like such a good guy when I watched an interview from a while back. :(

    DeityD posted: »

    People can be annoyed with the smallest things sometimes. I think it was quite hilarious that the guards didn't take shit from Rhysquez and

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2015

    I think they are referring to the context of the joke and how it was inserted in this case and not what the joke was about. I'm hardly seeing any complaints from people about not wanting equality represented in gaming or anything petty like that in this thread.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Do you think women's rights should never ever be discussed, nor even referenced, in any art medium? it's not like the game talks about it all the time. It's one line in, what, 8 hours of playtime? Making a fuss is just silly.

  • But how does their apology affect you in any way?

    Especially in comparison to the apology potentially meaning a great deal to the group that person offended.

    It's just being a decent person. If I hurt somebody (physically or emotionally), it doesn't matter if it was a complete accident and/or without malicious intent, I'm still going to apologise to that person - it's the right thing to do. This is exactly the same. Acknowledging that your actions hurt somebody, even if that wasn't your intention, can mean a lot to a person (and shouldn't affect anyone other than the apologiser and person(s) they are apologising to).

    I think people need to stop apologizing of other people taking offense, especially where offense wasn't meant. Offense is taken on given, if

  • Maybe people are taking this thread too seriously. I never said burn burch or something, I just said I disliked some parts he wrote. That's my opinion and people either agree or disagree.

    Also, I don't look for offensive things. I play games because of their story or game mechanics, I don't give a fuck if something's offensive in it or not, and in most well done games the offensive things are there for a good reason (ie racism in Bioshock Infinite's Columbia isn't there because the dev are racist).

    Why do people get so upset about words? You have literally started an entire thread becuase you are upset about the words used in a

  • But you're acting like this is something that has happened regularly in Borderlands, when it's not - it also fails to take into account just how offensive the term midget is (it's on par with a group of enemies being named the N word).

    There was a lot of controversy surrounding Tiny Tina when she was first introduced (people said it was cultural appropriation to have a young white girl talk like she's black), but she's still in the game (in fact she went on to have an increased presence after said controversy and was not diluted in any way). And there have been many other things that people have complained about but haven't been changed. The Lil' Psycho change was a necessity, the others were not.

    The point is if you change or alter the game for this group, and then that group, and then another group, you might as well give up writing

  • edited August 2015

    You know, I'd probably be fighting you over this a few months ago. But since then I delved deeper into SJW land and encountered tidbits like this:

    enter image description here

    No acknowledgement from the op, but followed by more 'HJ is a poc' posts...

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    (This person apparently identifies as a system...)

    So, hateful hypocrisy? (I think? Wth did I just read?) Anywho, yeah, sorry people, it's the right thing to do to try and be respectful towards different ways of living, but reality does force some limits on us, you know... just gotta accept it.

    And honestly, I play games to unwind, enjoy myself, and sure, there are games with content which is in-your-face offensive to me, so I don't play them, but at the same time there's context - I enjoyed Mafia II despite it's raging misogyny because it was realistic for the times it was set in. I felt immersed.

    Now, I don't mind the progressive bits in BL at all, since the setting seems to welcome it... but that does make it a bit weird when the characters go out of their way to mention issues that apparently no longer exist. They do sound somewhat awkward. Still, it's in no way an immersion-ruining experience for me. Could be more subtle, but come on, in TFTB it's literally one dialog choice that brings up two 'progressive' lines of dialog... Let it slide?

    I think people need to stop apologizing of other people taking offense, especially where offense wasn't meant. Offense is taken on given, if

  • Yeah, that exactly what I mean.

    I think they are referring to the context of the joke and how it was inserted in this case and not what the joke was about. I'm hardly seein

  • Dude. I take more issue with the way they delivered it, it seemed awkward and out of place. Stop reading more into it, also for the love of god edit your post instead of spamming, thank you.

    Flog61 posted: »

    But you mock the people who do the exact same thing as you, just with the opposite viewpoints. Clearly what you have a problem with is not A

  • edited August 2015

    I couldn't as I was on my phone and the button wasn't working at the time, started working immeidately after writing it but by that point editing was pointless :P

    Use the edit buttonnnnnnnnnnnnn

  • The title of this thread is: Don't let Anthony Burch write scenes again dear god

    You're essentially calling for him to be fired. That is far more than just stating an opinion (might I suggest changing the title to "I don't like Anthony Burch's Progressive Writing"?)

    As for you not caring if something is offensive or not, good for you - fortunately you are in a position where you can just play a game and enjoy it without worrying that there's something in it that's going to make you feel bad about yourself - not everyone has that luxury.

    But do you understand that it's kind of hypocritical for you to chastise others for finding something offensive when you, yourself, seem to find progressive writing 'offensive' enough to call for a writer to be taken off the team?

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Maybe people are taking this thread too seriously. I never said burn burch or something, I just said I disliked some parts he wrote. That's

  • I was offended by it as much as when it happens it's a roll your eyes moment, and a reason why the writer of those moments leaving doesn't make me misty eyed. Video games is no place for any sort of social justice of any kind. It's suppose to be a fun game to relax and enjoy, so these eye roll moments interrupt that the game is suppose to be about. It roughly snaps you out of the fantasy world and plunks modern problems right in your lap when you want it the least. The same would go for my own political views, games are made to play and enjoy, not debate and enlighten.

    And Jack is a POC or white?..Are we even sure he is human? He was born on Pandora, so human races really don't count if they aren't from earth.

    You know, I'd probably be fighting you over this a few months ago. But since then I delved deeper into SJW land and encountered tidbits like

  • Well, I'd debate the 'vg are no place for social justice' issue, since I have no desire for the industry to go back to making solely games with male protagonists rescuing princesses. But what I am for, is games depicting all sorts of universes, including ones that don't adhere to our social norms, and letting the players decide how they want to play them. That's what fantasy is supposed to be for, right?

    Also, I had a good laugh after ep.4 at people who claimed suspecting Yvette of treachery was due to misogyny and racism.. ;)

    I was offended by it as much as when it happens it's a roll your eyes moment, and a reason why the writer of those moments leaving doesn't m

  • edited August 2015

    Let me clarify everything I said:

    This title isn't like super serious, it's like "gee that guys done some shit" but not really like "fire this terrible human being"

    Second thing: some things I can understand being offensive for others, like the midget thing, yes. But apologizing for minor things feminist frequency claims are bad? That is just sad.

    Edit: Also I edited the thing I said out of the post above because I worded it absolutely awfully, my english is quite good but sometimes I just suck when trying to get my point across, sorry about that. And to add to that, there is games with generally shitty content but I decide to not play those. If a game makes me uncomfortable for whatever reason I just don't play it, it's as easy as that. Besides that I'm hardly offended by any apparently offensive word anyway unless someone uses it in a really bad context. I can see the midget thing being offensive, but some other things especially pointed out by "feminists" were just grasping at straws, if you've seen those.

    The title of this thread is: Don't let Anthony Burch write scenes again dear god You're essentially calling for him to be fired. That is

  • it is just a joke that subverts your expectations, there are plenty of times nowadays where feminism is shoved in somewhere that is totally out of place, but that was the joke this time

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Rhys: "Sup Ladies? What you been doing? Talking about boys?" Guard: "Nope. Just talking about casual Misogyny and how it manifests in cor

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