Anthony Burchs bad writing



  • No, no, you're right, Rhys was actually trying to be Vasquez. Sorry, it seems I like being mean to him :P

    OK, so joking about Rhys being a idiot all the time is funny and just a joke, but him using Vasquez' regular vernacular needs to be commente

  • Except the only good thing about hey ash whatchya playing was Ashley Burch.... oh and their dad

    Aw, come on. I liked Hey ash Watcha Playin'.

  • Well I know nothing about him beside the fact he was a lead writer. I guess knowledge brings misery.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    On the side note,two jokes about misogyny/sexism in two games and you're calling for his head? Wow. Eh, it's so much more than that

  • enter image description here

    Same, that's how I discovered it! I can't believe I never saw how closely they resembled each other, like you say. With your explanation it does give a bit less bother to me, for now I sort of get the conversation.

  • I think it's no one's fault it was delivered like that. You must know that the devs make voice actors do the same line several times, over and over and then pick one version they like the most. It's just... sometimes it's hard to tell the difference and decide if that's the one you need. I've heard a couple of August's lines and I honestly don't know how they can pick just the right one, especially if va is talanted and they're all good. Anyway, my point is, sometimes they make mistakes. It happens.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Actually I've seen people talk about mysgony for Jack saying that about Fiona so ye. It's the way it's delivered I take issue with. Like

  • edited August 2015

    At this point in time, I feel like it's just the popular thing to hate Anthony Burch.

    I will never understand why so many people have a problem with his writing. The option regarding the misogyny discussion was hilarious in my opinion. It was the fact that we just assumed that the guards were unable to have an intellectual conversation simply because they're "meat-head" guards in a Borderlands themed game. So when they tell Rhys about what they were discussing, it throws both him and the player off slightly. The sentence that followed about the captain's brother marrying his boyfriend also adds to that unexpectedness, and we get a good chuckle out of it. Well, I did anyway.

    Just cut the guy some slack.

  • Just stop. It was a couple of lines. Did you really need to make an entire thread on a few lines that offended you? If this was an entire scene in the game, sure I can see people getting upset over it, but an optional line? Seriously?

  • Exactly! I don't wanna play a game in this universe, and I really don't want to play political correctness 3D. There is a wide and ever growing market out there and we should be free as consumers to chose what we want to play..

    And seriously about Yvette? That's just...well funny! They understand that she is a top employee at Hyperion right? She is a player in what they would call a misogynistic system and kicking the men's butts at it. Jack would so like her style.

    Well, I'd debate the 'vg are no place for social justice' issue, since I have no desire for the industry to go back to making solely games w

  • OK, so calk it up to misunderstanding :-) Brofist?

    rhonu posted: »

    No, no, you're right, Rhys was actually trying to be Vasquez. Sorry, it seems I like being mean to him :P

  • He's a decent writer when not trying to put SJW stuff in the game. Thankfully its not that often

  • "Never meet your heroes."

    DeityD posted: »

    Well I know nothing about him beside the fact he was a lead writer. I guess knowledge brings misery.

  • Yeah, don't go any further |D

    DeityD posted: »

    Well I know nothing about him beside the fact he was a lead writer. I guess knowledge brings misery.

  • As I said, it's not the only thing but quite a bunch of stuff.

    Just stop. It was a couple of lines. Did you really need to make an entire thread on a few lines that offended you? If this was an entire scene in the game, sure I can see people getting upset over it, but an optional line? Seriously?

  • Ironic-she's trying to advocate for strong females, amd yet...

    I'm a female gamer too, and just really resent her 'speaking' for me and trying to make it out that I am some how a victim. I am not a victim and these women don't speak for me. I can speak for myself.

  • Exactly. Congratulations, you just gave her more ammo, idiots! Now we're gonna all have to listen to more of her shit!

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I haven't really been following that, I just hold the opinion but I think sending death threats is ridiculous. Especially since she now can complain about the death threats x(

  • edited August 2015

    You're right that it felt out of place, but I think that was part of the joke. It's such a bizarre fucking thing to say, given the circumstances, and I thought that made it really funny.

    I kinda forgot about Anthony Burch while I played the episode, too. He hasn't put much of his social beliefs in these episodes at all, so I wouldn't worry.

  • I thought the joke in question really worked because it wasn't the response I was expecting - and then was double-subverted because the guards were indeed talking about boys. I had a good laugh, at any rate.

    I'll miss ol' Burch on Borderlands, it was nice to see him come back to do Tales from the Borderlands for a bit of swansong. Athena being horrified about Fiona's Pollux eyeball is still my favourite of all his scenes.

  • lmao it's cool.

    DeityD posted: »

    I think I ran out of gifs.

  • That scene was so funny haha her reaction kills me every time :D

  • And here I am... still loving that joke :< I actually thought it was hilarious.

  • Wait, wait wait....Where was this scene of guards talking about boys? I MUST SEE IT! :D
    These kinds of out-of-nowhere flashes of awareness in the middle of the insanity of the setting are a great tradition of Borderlands :)

  • It's when Rhys-quez arrives on Helios, and has to get past the guards. If I remember correctly, one of the dialogue options has 'ladies' in it. Rhys can ask, 'Hey ladies, what's up? Talking about boys?' What follows is an hilarious smack down from one of the guards. I won't spoil the rest!

    Wait, wait wait....Where was this scene of guards talking about boys? I MUST SEE IT! These kinds of out-of-nowhere flashes of awareness in the middle of the insanity of the setting are a great tradition of Borderlands

  • The scene about mysgony in EP4 had Anthony Burch written all over it

    I don't see anything wrong with that.

  • Not to mention that it wasn't a huge character that someone voiced. They most likely got a low level VA or someone that isn't even a voice actor to voice the guard. Like how the tourists on the Handsome Jack tour sounded incredibly unfitting.

    DeityD posted: »

    I think it's no one's fault it was delivered like that. You must know that the devs make voice actors do the same line several times, over a

  • Tumblr please leave.

  • I'm not seeing the problem.

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