I Still don't trust Jack



  • I actually do. Angry Jack scared me a bit, though.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Is there anyone who actually trusts Jack? I mean, I can "trust" Jack but inside I know he's totally gonna screw us over. It would really be

  • I'd kiss the ground he walks on, tbh.

    so you want to be jack's private ass kisser?

  • "where's my pony"

    Jack won't betray me! He's like my bestest friend! Right Jack? ...Right?!

  • He sure was thinking while an upper while being a low level Hyperion programmer. Even Janey was brought back by it.

    "He's got big dreams... and I've got student loans."

    Apparently he was on uppers for 70% of his time on Helios... Maybe 80%... 90% of the time...

  • All while having great hair and a diamond pony.

    TheGeek11 posted: »

    By killing innocents, exploiting his daughter, and misleading vault hunters? That sounds more like harming then saving.

  • well, I kinda am :) Hopefully I won't be the one regretting at 5th episode, there is possiblilty of that too.

    Bombummie posted: »

    God dammit... you made me completely regret rejectic Hyperion... I hope you're happy.

  • I feel as though he'll end up enslaved, like Angel was, and forced to play her role in BL3.

    Yup, I've been gunning for this since day one - not only is it a fitting/totally deserved end, but we have the chance of Dameon Clarke whacking on a HJ mask and doing the live action bits a'la Angel and Lilith!

    J_E_K posted: »

    I feel as though he'll end up enslaved, like Angel was, and forced to play her role in BL3. Or at least.....I'm hoping. It's really the o

  • There is also the fact that Tales from the Borderlands was confirmed to be a bridge to BL 3. So more endings than one isn't really an option.

    It's still a possibility, although maybe an unlikely one. If there's multiple endings, Gearbox can just choose which ever one they want to be considered "canon", and the rest will remain cool "what if" endings for the players. That's kinda what I'm hoping for.

    No, I didn't. I did hear that the ending can be somewhat different, though. Still, it's only one example of a Telltale game with different e

  • edited August 2015

    You know what I find amazing about Jack?

    I was always aware he was manipulating Rhys, but I played my game as a 'Hyperion stooge', and naturally followed all of Jack's orders to a T. And in the end, when I accepted Jack's offer to rule Hyperion together, I felt... accomplished. Damn, I felt like a badass. Rationally, I knew half of what brought Rhys here was coincidence, and the other half was Jack taking control, but it actually felt like I was the mastermind, like my plan to rule the place one day finally came together, all because of the way Jack presented it.

    I felt like a winner. I haven't told Fiona and Sasha and even Vaughn about Jack, so it really felt like I've played everyone. Here they thought I was their friend, and all that time I was working towards my own goals. And finally here I was, where I wanted to be from the beginning. I won. President Rhys. The thing is, it was always Jack's plan. He was letting me have this, for some reason of his own. But he made it feel like Rhys' victory. Wow.

    Oh, and I've also been thinking about the girls, how they must have felt when they heard Jack's transmission. No matter what I did Sasha seemed to like Rhys, and now that they were in trouble they were probably waiting for Rhys to do something to save them, and instead what they heard was this... 'Hey, it's your worst enemy, the guy who brought you all that grief, and guess what, I'm here thanks to the guy you thought was your buddy, actually my man, Hyperion's new President, Rhys! Wow, you were all suckers, eh? Hahahahaha.'.

    Now that I think about it.. that's one hell of a punch.

    And still I gotta say... I do so love playing the villain.

    enter image description here

  • Rhys whole goal was to be the president of Hyperion.

    So I accepted it.

    Not because I love Handsome Jack just as much as Nakayama and Rhys combined.

  • Wow, if I could like this post more than once, I would! I've been having so much damn fun playing Rhys as a villain too.

    enter image description here

    You know what I find amazing about Jack? I was always aware he was manipulating Rhys, but I played my game as a 'Hyperion stooge', and na

  • enter image description here

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Wow, if I could like this post more than once, I would! I've been having so much damn fun playing Rhys as a villain too.

  • I'd love to see the breakdown on going along with Jack for people who've played the other BL games vs people who are just Telltale fans and this game is their introduction to Handsome Jack and this universe.

    (I'm saying "go along with" because I suspect the percentage of people who truly believe Jack has Rhys's best interests at heart is rather small.)

    I think the obvious assumption would be that people new to this game would trust or go along with him more, but I think the opposite might be playing out. I am totally new to BL, and my introduction to Jack was when he appeared at the end of season one. My reaction was basically like "great, I appear to have a cocky psychopath living in my head" and every time he asked me to work with him or trust him in any way, I would think "since the first thing you said to me was 'we're going to use this to find a vault, and then I'm probably going to kill you' I'm gonna go with NO here, buddy." So I haven't worked with him at all.

    What I'm seeing here is a lot of people who have "trusted" him or gone along with him because they know about him from the other games and this clearly seemed like the wiser, safer option. My naive ass just saw him as a lunatic egotistical annoyance, so when I pooh-poohed his offer to rule Hyperion and he took over and jacked himself in and became a scary goddamn SPACE STATION, I very much had a sinking feeling of "...oh. Oh NO. Well I underestimated THAT particular threat, it seems. This is terrible I have made garbage decisions ABORT ABORT"

  • Hmm, as far as I'm concerned, I knew Jack from BL2 and TPS, and that's why I went along with him. I liked what he represented back then, but those games never really gave me a choice to side with him (well, TPS kinda enforced it, but it still wasn't my decision). The moment I met Jack in TFTB, I went 'hell yeah, I wanna join you', and in the end, I do have Jack's best interest at heart...

    cussbunny posted: »

    I'd love to see the breakdown on going along with Jack for people who've played the other BL games vs people who are just Telltale fans and

  • edited August 2015

    I'd love to see the breakdown on going along with Jack for people who've played the other BL games vs people who are just Telltale fans and this game is their introduction to Handsome Jack and this universe.

    I've been super curious about this too! Last I checked the decision to rule or reject Hyperion was nearly 50/50, which really surprised me. I was expecting only about 35% to rule, like with the decision at the end of E2.

    I think it's a combination of two things
    1- new players aren't aware of how awful Jack is and side with him thinking he might actually be somewhat trust worthy.
    2- Old and new players alike who are aware of how awful he is, but don't care because he's just so damn fun to be around.

    I'm siding with him because I think it's just way more fun to play as a villain than a hero.

    cussbunny posted: »

    I'd love to see the breakdown on going along with Jack for people who've played the other BL games vs people who are just Telltale fans and

  • Agreed, I think the percentage is due to non-borderlands people believing they can change Hyperion from the inside...

    Damn, I wish for once the 'evil' playthrough got to be canon...

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I'd love to see the breakdown on going along with Jack for people who've played the other BL games vs people who are just Telltale fans and

  • I actually trust Jack. After that little conversation about angel i new he wont kill Rhys. If you help Jack, he will help you. Ask Wilhelm, nisha or Athena.

  • Honestly if it hadn't been for that one line "...and then I'm probably going to kill you" he would have had a WAY better shot of convincing me to trust him. Every decision I made in regards to him came back to that line for me, since it was how I was introduced to him.

    Without that line, as a noob, I probably would have totally overestimated Jack's trustworthiness. Instead what I did was underestimate his capacity for terrifying ruthlessness.

    Agreed, I think the percentage is due to non-borderlands people believing they can change Hyperion from the inside... Damn, I wish for once the 'evil' playthrough got to be canon...

  • Ask Wilhelm, nisha or Athena.

    Ehhh, on second thought, don't.

    Things... Things didn't work out too great for them - but one out of three actually still being alive is pretty good odds, right?

    Right, guys?

    GSSalvador posted: »

    I actually trust Jack. After that little conversation about angel i new he wont kill Rhys. If you help Jack, he will help you. Ask Wilhelm, nisha or Athena.

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2015

    It's hard for me to look at Jack strictly from Rhys' perspective, since I'm a diehard Borderlands fan and have seen his arc as a character. He became a genocidal monster as a response to betrayal, but even early on in the Pre-Sequel he showed moments of being unpredictable and unhinged. As Rhys, I can see how he could see Jack as this ambitious self-made hero who ignores the haters and carves out his own destiny, but as the player I remember what he did to get there and the people he tossed aside along the way.

    Early on I went along with him due to it feeling like the smartest call for the situation (especially to protect the crew at the Atlas facility) but there wasn't a second I didn't have anxiety about what I felt would be his inevitable turn when Rhys no longer proves useful. ;w;

  • I like your optimism.

    Ask Wilhelm, nisha or Athena. Ehhh, on second thought, don't. Things... Things didn't work out too great for them - but one out of three actually still being alive is pretty good odds, right? Right, guys?

  • edited August 2015

    If you help Jack, he will help you. Ask Wilhelm, nisha or Athena.

    enter image description here

    You can also ask Claptrap while you're at it.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    I actually trust Jack. After that little conversation about angel i new he wont kill Rhys. If you help Jack, he will help you. Ask Wilhelm, nisha or Athena.

  • I haven't been able to trust Jack in any way after knowing his history. The funny thing is that I still love him as a character so much that I couldn't help it but going along with him. Even tho I love Rhys just as much as Jack. I would hate to see Jack doing something bad to Rhys. But at the same time I want to see it.

    This game gives me too many feelings...

    kenjisalk posted: »

    It's hard for me to look at Jack strictly from Rhys' perspective, since I'm a diehard Borderlands fan and have seen his arc as a character.

  • I've played all the games from beginning to this Tales, and I don't say I trust Jack as much as I know he is the guy to get things done. In five years he went from code monkey to owner of Hyperion. Pandora is a bad place full of bad people, and you want one of the biggest baddest of them working with you not against you. Whether you agree to work with Jack or not, you are still going to have to deal with him. Not trusting him isn't going to make you any safer, so might as well get what you can out of the situation. It's just being pragmatic.

    cussbunny posted: »

    I'd love to see the breakdown on going along with Jack for people who've played the other BL games vs people who are just Telltale fans and

  • Half the reason I turned down ruling Hyperion was because I knew that somehow Rhys was gonna end up where he is in the present day (seemingly without Jack). Besides working with a known sociopath, I knew any attempt to "use the power for good" would go nowhere.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    There is also the fact that Tales from the Borderlands was confirmed to be a bridge to BL 3. So more endings than one isn't really an option

  • Whether you trust him or not, he would still be dangerous. I would rather he be dangerous and not have a chip on his shoulder over being rejected.

    kenjisalk posted: »

    It's hard for me to look at Jack strictly from Rhys' perspective, since I'm a diehard Borderlands fan and have seen his arc as a character.

  • Wilhelm was a bad bit of writing that didn't match up with the two stories. First Jack said he poisoned him..how do you poison a robot? Glitch his software, yes. Computer virus, yes. Poison? No. Also, Wilhelm had defeated the vault hunters before, so why wouldn't he keep him around? If he wanted to set us up to get the core, why not just digi-struct a disposable copy? Why not just have him throw the fight, power down after so much damage just to have him power up after you get the core.

    Jack poisoning Wilhelm is either total BS on Jack's part, or poorly constructed writing. As for Nisha, she wanted to be in Lynchwood. She liked the danger and the killing. She says on one of the echo's "Let Jack have his ivory towers, I came to Pandora for action." So the risk of getting killed was the risk she took all on her own. As for Athena, Jack didn't do anything to Athena.

    Ask Wilhelm, nisha or Athena. Ehhh, on second thought, don't. Things... Things didn't work out too great for them - but one out of three actually still being alive is pretty good odds, right? Right, guys?

  • Your wrong but Yeah Jack is an asshole.

    TheGeek11 posted: »

    By killing innocents, exploiting his daughter, and misleading vault hunters? That sounds more like harming then saving.

  • I was impressed with how different episode 4 endings were. Telltale could have easily pulled the "Jack betrays you no matter how much you side with him" rubbish. Not like that would be OOC for Jack to completely screw us over but, I dunno, if you play Rhys as a loyal Hyperion who does everything Jack asks of you, it would be a bit...odd for Jack to betray you (considering how much he hates betrayal).

  • . #NotCreepyAtAll

    Rhys whole goal was to be the president of Hyperion. So I accepted it. Not because I love Handsome Jack just as much as Nakayama and Rhys combined.

  • edited August 2015

    Yeah..........never a good idea where Jack's concerned, kiddo!

    I mean, just ask his former boss: fellow marginalized "John" for years, treated him like crap, never thought for a SECOND he could ever become a real threat............and he ended up strangled to death. Not choked; strangled. It's important to clearly define these two modes of attack.........for...uh....some reason.

    Actually, come to think of it, he really ended up as a preserved goatee in Jack's trophy case, but I digress..........

    cussbunny posted: »

    Honestly if it hadn't been for that one line "...and then I'm probably going to kill you" he would have had a WAY better shot of convincing

  • Especially when the only one who actually survived to present day is the one who hated his guts and probably would have thrown large, heavy (possibly pointed.....or maybe spiked) objects in his general direction on sight, rather than work with him again.

    Ask Wilhelm, nisha or Athena. Ehhh, on second thought, don't. Things... Things didn't work out too great for them - but one out of three actually still being alive is pretty good odds, right? Right, guys?

  • Well, Wilhelm is Not 100% a robot. But Yeah....i think it was Bad writing, though.

    Wilhelm was a bad bit of writing that didn't match up with the two stories. First Jack said he poisoned him..how do you poison a robot? Glit

  • edited August 2015

    That still can happen later in ep5.

    I was impressed with how different episode 4 endings were. Telltale could have easily pulled the "Jack betrays you no matter how much you si

  • edited August 2015

    If there's multiple endings, Gearbox can just choose which ever one they want to be considered "canon", and the rest will remain cool "what if" endings for the players.

    True. Although cases like that mostly end with some fans being angry that their ending wasn't picked to be the "canon" one. I don't think that Gearbox would like to end with this kind of a headache. Don't get me wrong, I would like for Tales to have different endings. It would make the game far more interesting. I just don't see it happening, especially after episode 4 ending where Jack ends up taking over Helios no matter what you did.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    There is also the fact that Tales from the Borderlands was confirmed to be a bridge to BL 3. So more endings than one isn't really an option

  • Yeah it's gonna happen, I doubt Jack would want to share his power for long.

    DeityD posted: »

    That still can happen later in ep5.

  • Jack was originally a good guy. He has just had so many people do him wrong and betray him in the past, so that's what he turned into. A genocidal maniac, and you'd be right not to trust him.

  • Yeah, I kinda feel as if that's part of the reason Fiona isn't romance-able. When Sasha is the only option, there's a clear canon and no possibility of pissing anyone off when BL3 comes along.

    It's kinda a damned if they do, damned if they don't type of thing. Some might complain their ending wasn't canon if there are multiple, some will complain that our choices "don't matter" if there's only one.

    I'm still crossing my fingers for multiple endings, though. I wouldn't even care if mine wasn't canon, haha.

    If there's multiple endings, Gearbox can just choose which ever one they want to be considered "canon", and the rest will remain cool "what

  • edited August 2015

    Nope. Just.....nope.

    Jack was a relatively good guy BY HYPERION STANDARDS. Meaning, he was a manipulative, ruthless asshole (who would enslave his own Siren daughter, to increase his chances of getting ahead in the company), with somewhat good INTENTIONS. The Pre-Sequel was never intended to show how Jack went from zero to hero to monster, it was meant to show how he went from asshole to monster. That's about it.

    But yeah, it's smart not to trust him. However.....it's less smart to confront him, and call him a genocidal maniac.

    MrNoodles posted: »

    Jack was originally a good guy. He has just had so many people do him wrong and betray him in the past, so that's what he turned into. A genocidal maniac, and you'd be right not to trust him.

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