Why Rhys is so much more interesting and fun to play than Fiona?

does anyone else think like i am? fiona was good but they messed her up in ep3



  • Nobody has more going on than Rhys. Conflicting relationships and ideals... including both of those manifested inside his head, in the form of a literal hologram person, Handsome Jack in his mind.. coming complete with the JACK-A-PEDIA, or amazingly written on eye scanning otherwise, if you don't let jack take over...
    He's the more interesting visual character design, a representation of science fiction to look at.
    You're probably more invested in him too, considering he has more screen time and also has had more intros if yo ucount episode one. Though Fiona appeals to those who want to play cool, for sure, the game's in Rhy's head are a bit more intriguing.
    "Did you REALLY think you could follow in my footsteps?" -Handsome Jack, yooooooooooooooooo

  • He's cooler because he is funnier and has Jack plus he is the main main protagonist.

  • ECHO eye, robotic arm, Handsome Jack hologram in his frickin' head. Y'know, the good stuff.

  • edited August 2015

    It's really just personal preference- I like playing as Rhys and Fiona equally, though I do see why others would prefer Rhys (Fiona's plot is lacking some conflict, and of course HoloJack's snark). I also think it boils down to how you play the two.

  • He is just a little bit more complex and layered than Fiona.

  • Well, he's a fish out of water and is still getting used to the hellhole that is Pandora, his ECHO-eye provides no small amount of comedy, especially in comparison to Fiona's money mechanic, and the dude had Handsome goddamn Jack in his head for half the game and had to deal with all of the consequences that entails. Meanwhile, Fiona has a spiffy hat.

    That said I love'em both. I love all the characters, save Vallory. Playing as Rhys or playing as Fiona, either way I'm having a blast.

  • Everytime there is a female character in a game, there is stupids topics like that, "so much more interesting" seriously? personally i prefer playing as Fiona.

  • edited August 2015

    Probably because they're used to play some gruff middle aged male characters,so playing as a young woman or even a tween girl protagonist wouldn't be as appealing for them.

    Citronette posted: »

    Everytime there is a female character in a game, there is stupids topics like that, "so much more interesting" seriously? personally i prefer playing as Fiona.

  • it has nothing to do with Fiona's gender. It's her story, character and game mechanic. On one side, you have this funny and ambitious company man who has to fend in a new, hostile environment, accompanied by an holographic projection of his dangerous and charismatic idol while also being equiped with an ECHO eye and a robotic arm. You also have access to Loaderbot.
    On the other side there is this con artist who has lived her entire life on Pandora. There is a bit of drama regarding her foster father, but that got easily resolved in the first episode by killing him off. To make matters worse, she has to share her spotlight with her sister, who has the same thing going for her like Fiona does, only that she does it better. She is good with guns, hot headed and hates Hyperion which does for a good conflict with Rhys who works for them. Fiona on the other hand doesn't care much about Hyperion, sucks at gunplay and only cares for money in a game in which money is nothing but a trivial mechanic to unlock some useless visuals. The most interesting trait going for her is the fact that she strives to become a vault hunter, but that will only become relevant in Borderlands 3 when new vault hunters will be playable.

    Citronette posted: »

    Everytime there is a female character in a game, there is stupids topics like that, "so much more interesting" seriously? personally i prefer playing as Fiona.

  • Echo-eye (especially if you have Jack-a-pedia), Handsome Jack basically talking to you and making some funny jokes. Also Rhys is pretty clumsy and easily gets scared so it's fun imo.

  • edited August 2015

    I am not going to argue with all the 12 years old handsome jack fanboys or with rhysha's shippers, i know that's why the majority say that kind of shit, and its hard for me to write and to explain clearly what i want to say in english. I don't give a shit if somebody prefer Rhys, it's their choices, what i am saying is it's stupid saying as a fact "why is so much more interesting playing as Rhys than Fiona" because i prefer Fiona and for me she is obviously a much more interesting Character, but it's my opinion. I am not going to make a topic saying why is it so much more interesting playing as Fiona.

    it has nothing to do with Fiona's gender. It's her story, character and game mechanic. On one side, you have this funny and ambitious compan

  • This again? Jesus Christ.

  • talk about a "strawmen" , god.

    Herodriver posted: »

    Probably because they're used to play some gruff middle aged male characters,so playing as a young woman or even a tween girl protagonist wouldn't be as appealing for them.

  • yeah you didn't dispute any of his points though.

    Citronette posted: »

    I am not going to argue with all the 12 years old handsome jack fanboys or with rhysha's shippers, i know that's why the majority say that k

  • this what now? i didnt see a thread like this

    DeityD posted: »

    This again? Jesus Christ.

  • where did i say a thing about her gender?

    Citronette posted: »

    Everytime there is a female character in a game, there is stupids topics like that, "so much more interesting" seriously? personally i prefer playing as Fiona.

  • I assume that's because you're new.

    this what now? i didnt see a thread like this

  • who has the same thing going for her like Fiona does, only that she does it better


    I think Sasha and Fiona are actually equally good in their respective areas. Sasha is more of an action girl and Fiona does the talking. I love that contrast between the two sisters and how Fiona is kind of the rational side and Sasha is the intuitive side. I don't think that means one is "better" than the other.

    it has nothing to do with Fiona's gender. It's her story, character and game mechanic. On one side, you have this funny and ambitious compan

  • Think of this as an improvement. Listing all the specific awesome things we like about playing Rhys rather than only complaining about Fiona invalidates the "whatever, you're just petty sexist haters so no way anything you say has any truth to it" argument-for want of a better word. This is debate on a higher level. Rejoice.


    DeityD posted: »

    This again? Jesus Christ.

  • edited August 2015

    So... you're complaining that some people say they prefer Rhys over Fiona? Nothing to do with their arguments or how many agree with them, what you find offensive in and of itself is that they think Rhys is more fun to play and that they dare say it out loud.

    Citronette posted: »

    I am not going to argue with all the 12 years old handsome jack fanboys or with rhysha's shippers, i know that's why the majority say that k

  • I agree with everything you said, except that Fiona is stated in the second episode to be a better shot than Sasha. I'm not saying that that makes sense, or that it's evident in the actual game, or that it does anything to develop her character whatsoever, or that I didn't facepalm upon hearing the silly out-of-nowhere-player-ego-boosting "you were always a better shot than me" coming out of Sasha's mouth even though she had been wielding a Legendary SMG like a pro up to that point while Fiona played around with her dinky little revolver and had the option to say that she didn't like guns at all in the first episode. I'm just saying.

    it has nothing to do with Fiona's gender. It's her story, character and game mechanic. On one side, you have this funny and ambitious compan

  • Rhys' relationships and subplots build (Jack, Vaughn, Sasha, Vasquez, Yvette, etc.) over time while those unique to Fiona are either quickly pruned (Felix and Athena both exit in the episodes they debut in while Scooter returns in the 4th chapter only to leave soon after) or are shared with Rhys (the Stranger, Gortys, Vallory, etc.)

  • I like playing Rhys mostly because he's consistent and a pretty authentic character, in addition to all the previously stated reasons. He has his particular skills and quirks which are sometimes called for, allowing him to shine a bit, and sometimes fail him spectacularly, and otherwise he just tries to get by. That's awesome.

    I've been warming up to Fiona too a bit, but she just doesn't have that feeling of having her strong and weak sides and never being sure of anything. We're informed that she's good at pretty much everything from acting to fighting, but her behavior and competence in those two fields swing wildly and inconsistently - one moment she's incredibly eloquent and sure of herself, the next she's arrogant and overly cheesy, and then suddenly it seems like she has no social skills whatsoever. And the same goes for fighting, one moment she's relying on her little revolver for self-defense only, the next she's competently kicking ass just like Sasha, then she performs weird-ass lethal acrobatics by... analyzing the situation?.. yeah... and then she goes toe-to-toe with veteran Vault Hunters, and then she goes right back to being practically helpless, standing there dumbfounded in the middle of a raging fight.

    The first things I look for in any game are good storytelling and consistent, interesting, plausible characters, and Rhys' segments satisfy me a lot more than Fiona's on those counts.

  • maybe that's what Telltale was going for with them, but in the end, you also have Rhys for "the talking", who also is a more interesting character overall. Sasha is fulfilling a role, Fiona always has to share hers. No matter if it's only talking or the action bits. Someone does it better. You could argue that Fiona should be better in the act of deceiving others with words, but I can't really notice anything apart from the thing with August in the first scene, and in all honesty, even Rhys who is supposed to be a bit awkward was able to let everyone believe that he was Vasquez in episode 4, so...what exactly is Fiona's role in all of this? Rhys and Vaughn have their connection to Hyperion while Rhys is the hacker/insider and secret "double agend" with Jack (I know double agent isn't the right word, but I will use it due to the lack of a better one) and Vaughn is the dorky guy who doesn't quite fit into Pandora and has to make do somehow, Yvette is the traitorous friend, Sasha is the "warrior", Athena the mentor, August is the one who got betrayed and has to decide if he ventures on the path of villainy or becomes a good guy despite the betrayal, Vasquez was a supporting villain, Vallory is the main villain, Jack the schemer, Loaderbot the loyal companion, Gortys the innocent optimist who lifts the mood of the group...Fiona? I can't really find a role for her. She is one of two witnesses of the story but I keep asking myself if she is really necessary. Sure, there is this "unreliable narrator" thing, but it ain't that interesting to be honest. I can't figure out her role at all.

    rhonu posted: »

    who has the same thing going for her like Fiona does, only that she does it better ?????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • edited August 2015

    Ok so i didn't bother reading the thread, typed up a lovely post and then scanned up and read you wrote exactly what i was going to say... so i'll just plus 1 this!!

    Individually i find them both awesome characters, but Rhys (particularly boosted by this relationship with Handsome Jack) is just so much more involved with everything going on.

    The-Qing posted: »

    Rhys' relationships and subplots build (Jack, Vaughn, Sasha, Vasquez, Yvette, etc.) over time while those unique to Fiona are either quickly

  • This. I really like Fiona's story so far, and I really think she will end up being a really cool vault hunter in the end, just right now Rhys just feels like he has a lot more on his plate.

    Jake360 posted: »

    Ok so i didn't bother reading the thread, typed up a lovely post and then scanned up and read you wrote exactly what i was going to say... s

  • [removed]

    Citronette posted: »

    I am not going to argue with all the 12 years old handsome jack fanboys or with rhysha's shippers, i know that's why the majority say that k

  • Loaderbot the loyal companion? maybe when he just landed in episode 1 he turns into an asshole and treats you like crap in episode 3

    maybe that's what Telltale was going for with them, but in the end, you also have Rhys for "the talking", who also is a more interesting cha

  • I think it has less to do with who they are as characters, and more to do with the mechanics of storytelling. Good storytelling comes from conflict - and I don't mean two characters having a problem with each other (though that counts). Rhys is a total fish out of water, a corporate company man suddenly thrown in among a bunch of bandits and goons in a world totally alien to him. He has a smooth-talking psychopath in his head only he can see and hear, who is his idol, but can take over parts of his body and is always trying to talk him into something. There is the vast gulf between how he likes to see himself (confident, capable), and how he actually is and how things usually go for him (awkwardly, often in need of rescue). He has a giant crush on a character who may or may not be into him but is always pulling his ass out of the fire while all his attempts to be smooth end up with his foot in his mouth (adorably). All these things are conflicts and make for fun storytelling and gameplay on their own, combined it's a blast.

    Fiona has a lot less of that - she's in her native environment, a world she knows how to navigate (at least until episode 4, which not coincidentally I had more fun that usual playing her character, like the VIP tour), she is good at what she does and also good at what she's trying to do (she's an excellent shot already), the one character she had to deal with betraying her was gone two minutes after that betrayal. I loved her total girl crush on Athena in ep 3 (she could not stop playing with her hair every time she looked at her) and thought it was one of her most interesting developments yet, but now Athena has been sidelined, unfortunately.

    It isn't that she's less likable (I mean, she might be for some and not for others, that's subjective), it's just that there are a lot fewer things on the Fiona side of the coin to navigate that make for fun, interesting story development.

    That said, it's not like I'm ever bored when playing this game, even as her. It's always fun, and I like her a lot, I just think a lot of people have more fun playing Rhys because there's a lot more to navigate.

  • Um, do you mean in Old Haven in the beginning when LB is kind of beating up on Rhys? You know that's cause Vasquez is controlling him with a remote, right? That's why he's saying sorry while he's hitting Rhys.

    I can't think of any other time when LB can possibly be construed as an asshole. I dunno what game you're playing if you think he is other than the scene I just mentioned.

    TheMerc posted: »

    Loaderbot the loyal companion? maybe when he just landed in episode 1 he turns into an asshole and treats you like crap in episode 3

  • Ugh! Why must you bring gender into this?

    Citronette posted: »

    Everytime there is a female character in a game, there is stupids topics like that, "so much more interesting" seriously? personally i prefer playing as Fiona.

  • today I learned that female video game characters are exempt from criticism.

    Citronette posted: »

    Everytime there is a female character in a game, there is stupids topics like that, "so much more interesting" seriously? personally i prefer playing as Fiona.

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    (As soon as I saw the title I knew there would be drama.)

    Anyway, this is 100% subjective. I think the writers favoured Rhys in terms of history deep and by giving him the echo-eye (Fiona's money mechanic is just plain boring honestly) but I still find Fiona much more enjoyable and with the potential to have a very adventurous future post-tftbl. Also, I'm tired of Jack, I'd enjoy Rhys a lot more without him.

  • If Rhys blows up Loaderot in episode one, his dialogue is much more bitter, but he's still loyal to Rhys.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Um, do you mean in Old Haven in the beginning when LB is kind of beating up on Rhys? You know that's cause Vasquez is controlling him with a

  • Because it's the sole argument they have.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Ugh! Why must you bring gender into this?

  • Personally I like Rhys more due to him being so expressive, whether that shows in his quirkiness or hilarity. I like Fiona fine, but you don't see her 'zig-zagging' with her arms up in the air and screaming.

  • Rhys is a living god. That's why. :D

  • Yep, Rhys is a gruff middle aged man... no, wait, he's a young, inept bureaucrat.

    Do you not recognize the hypocrisy in claiming gender bias via gender bias?

    Herodriver posted: »

    Probably because they're used to play some gruff middle aged male characters,so playing as a young woman or even a tween girl protagonist wouldn't be as appealing for them.

  • Personally (since this all opinions anyways), I find Fiona more interesting but find Rhys more relatable. Rhys and Fiona are designed to be some what of opposites. Fiona is a cool Pandorian thief while Rhys is a clumsy corporate idiot. I think whether or not you like the two characters probably depends upon who you are.

    There is also another bias with Handsome Jack. People who love that character tend to like Rhys more and people who hate Jack seem to like Fiona more. It's alllllll opinions :P

    enter image description here

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