What borderlands character(s) annoys you that most?

so now that the first poll is over and done with time for a second :D Following the theme of characters, this weeks poll is about the most annoying characters in the borderlands universe.
this is a hard one. mine is Felx, just still butt hurt from what he done...
whats yours?



  • I will get hate for it, but Tiny Tina.

  • Pickle fo sure

  • Not tina lol ;(

    I will get hate for it, but Tiny Tina.

  • i cant stick him, i dont know why though...

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Pickle fo sure

  • maybe it's the accent? I can't really stand it...

    i cant stick him, i dont know why though...

  • that might be it, or the fact that he keeps yapping every 5 freaking minutes.

    maybe it's the accent? I can't really stand it...

  • Yeah,who says "bruv"?

    maybe it's the accent? I can't really stand it...

  • enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Pickle fo sure

  • I have a love hate relationship with claptrap. In borderlands 1 and some parts in 2 I thought he was fucking hilarious but for the most part in BL2 I personally thought he was very annoying.

  • I think Ellie definitely annoys me the most. She's NOT a good example of "body positive", she's obnoxious and idiotic, and she's horrible to look at due to her insanely morbid obesity. Like she disagrees with Moxxie (her own mother!) because Moxxie is understandably concerned for her health but she refers to it as nagging. Ellie should be dead within a year if she doesn't get to losing some weight. Wish SHE died instead of Scooter. Ugh...

  • People who get airlocked.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Yeah,who says "bruv"?

  • and rightfully so.

    People who get airlocked.

  • edited August 2015

    Jack because murderous psychopathic control freaky misogynistic liars aren't my best pals

  • edited August 2015

    EDIT: Double

  • edited August 2015

    She's NOT a good example of "body positive", she's obnoxious and idiotic, and she's horrible to look at due to her insanely morbid obesity.

    You don't sound particularly well placed to make judgements on what is and isn't good body positivity going by the bolded ahaha

    she disagrees with Moxxie (her own mother!)


    Seriously tho are you telling me you've literally never ever disagreed with your mum? Because everyone has.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I think Ellie definitely annoys me the most. She's NOT a good example of "body positive", she's obnoxious and idiotic, and she's horrible to

  • Pickle definitely Pickle

  • I was dangerously close to being that morbidly obese about 3 years ago. I've worked hard to lose weight because obese bodies are NOT pleasant to look at. They're just not. They're not healthy, they're not good-looking, and they should not be encouraged. I'm sorry you don't want to hear this, but that is how I feel about this issue of obesity. Ellie is a horrible example, they almost try to make her a role model or at least someone to admire because she doesn't want to lose weight, but she's a freakin' idiot to not want to make her body healthier, and anybody who followers her example in real life is just as dumb.

    I shouldn't word it in such a harsh way, but it's better to be blunt. Obesity is NOT glorious or sexy.

    And as for your second point, It's not the disagreeing in general, it's that Ellie disagrees with Moxxie's concerns about her health and weight. I get disagreements with my mom, yes, but if she has concerns about my health I'd listen due to being an adult and having a sense of maturity. Ellie has no such maturity, she's selfish, willfully ignorant, oblivious to her own faults, and all of that makers her annoying.

    Flog61 posted: »

    She's NOT a good example of "body positive", she's obnoxious and idiotic, and she's horrible to look at due to her insanely morbid obesity.

  • The most annoying would have to be Piston imo.

  • edited August 2015

    So what is your definition of body positivity, if it's not about not judging someone for a body they might not have control over (as many obese people are obese due to medical conditions)?

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I was dangerously close to being that morbidly obese about 3 years ago. I've worked hard to lose weight because obese bodies are NOT pleasan

  • Not a specific character, but those fucking suicide bombers piss me off to no end.

  • I second this. It took 3 episodes for her to be nice to Rhys, and then when she finally is, it leads into weird, uncomfortable, and forced jungle romance. I should have never picked up that damn flower...

    Green613 posted: »


  • Ellie and Claptrap tick me off.

  • edited August 2015

    Pickle would have to be my pick for most annoying character, but he's still not my most hated character, that spot belongs to Lilith. Also, honorable mention goes to Nurse Nina.

  • While health is a valid concern, what is and isn't pleasant to look at and what is attractive is entirely subjective, and the societal norm varies throughout history and cultures. There have been times where more fat on a person was seen as desirable because it conferred that the person was stable and wealthy enough to remain well fed during times of hardship and starvation and would make a better match. The word 'Rubenesque' comes from a period in history when curvy, soft bodies on women were the most desirable. And even though today the 'ideal' is to be lean and toned, there are plenty of people attracted to bigger men and women, even those we term obese.

    Sorry buddy. You don't get to be arbiter of what is and isn't objectively pleasing to look at. You only get to speak for yourself.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I was dangerously close to being that morbidly obese about 3 years ago. I've worked hard to lose weight because obese bodies are NOT pleasan

  • Claptrap pisses me off.

  • Did you hate Lilith before playing The Pre Sequel or did you also hate her in BL2? I ask this because she was one of my favorite characters in 2 but I didn't like her at all in TPS.

    Pickle would have to be my pick for most annoying character, but he's still not my most hated character, that spot belongs to Lilith. Also, honorable mention goes to Nurse Nina.

  • like em all

  • I wouldn't say I hated her in Borderlands 2, I can't say I particularly liked her, but I didn't hate her, she was just kind of, meh, I guess. She always came off as sort of bitchy, but she was still cool at times, but compared to the others (especially Brick) she just didn't seem that interesting or likable. Then I played the Pre Sequel, that is when I truly did start to hate her. As I said in the Borderlands confession thread, I mainly blame her for the events of BL2 and the deaths of numerous people that Jack killed as a result (including you know who). Don't get me wrong, I lost a lot of respect for both Roland and Moxxi too and hold them accountable as well, but the majority of it is still Lilith's fault, and yet she blames people like Athena when she should be pointing the finger at herself.

    tumnus555 posted: »

    Did you hate Lilith before playing The Pre Sequel or did you also hate her in BL2? I ask this because she was one of my favorite characters in 2 but I didn't like her at all in TPS.

  • I didn't like her in Borderlands two, starting with the cult members mission and my dislike kept growing. By the time TPS rolled around I really hated her.

    tumnus555 posted: »

    Did you hate Lilith before playing The Pre Sequel or did you also hate her in BL2? I ask this because she was one of my favorite characters in 2 but I didn't like her at all in TPS.

  • Tassiter, by the time Jack strangled him I was ready to help him.

  • Mysgonistic? I thought he strangles everyone equally

    Flog61 posted: »

    Jack because murderous psychopathic control freaky misogynistic liars aren't my best pals

  • I think he's the only character who annoyed me so far.

    Tassiter, by the time Jack strangled him I was ready to help him.

  • Didn't Jack find it weird how Earth didn't have more females in higher positions in companies?

    Flog61 posted: »

    Jack because murderous psychopathic control freaky misogynistic liars aren't my best pals

  • So, I'm pretty much the only one who likes Tassiter. Yup.

    Tassiter, by the time Jack strangled him I was ready to help him.

  • Pickle is a cutie and he doesn't deserve the hate he gets ;_;

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Pickle fo sure

  • Lilith. I cannot stand her personality through all 3 games.

  • Claptrap.

    while funny in bl1, they deliberately made him an annoying asshole in bl2 ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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