Faith in Rhys' ability to escape or respect for.....

"How do you keep following us we've escaped you like a Gajillion times"

Press A for "Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Rhys Only a Fool thinks he's escaped his shadow in the darkness"

Press B for "Yvette tracked you, yeah i know shocking huh, a good friend of yours stabbing you in the back.. Good thing you won't live long enough to be angry about it."

Comments to fuel either argument.

"Guess we're settling for the shallow variety of grave. i'll shoot you and load his body in the trunk apparently theres something valuable swimming around in his head"
[classic villain monologuing]
"I know we had a deal"
[willing to reveal to rhys about his deal with vaughn unless he was talking to rhys]
"Oh that girl you keep talking to you think nobody knows about?"
[if you assume Yvette sent him]


  • Vasquez could have gave up Yvette when he thought he was going to win which would have been a bigger punch in the gut then his punch to Rhys' gut but he never did. is it because he thought Rhys would escape again or because he respected Yvette enough not to reveal her part.


  • nope points simple vasquez is more then willing to reveal evil plans and gloat and even mention about why rhys's body is needed but never sells out yvette whatsupwiththat

  • Gentlemen, allow me to translate.

    CapnJay is pointing out that Vasquez is kind of a classic smug villain and that, as such, he's willing to reveal all of his plans and schemes to Rhys and Vaughn when they're - according to him - at his mercy... But never, EVER tell them that Yvette backstabbed them. CapnJay goes as far as pointing out that a more valid answer to "how do you keep following us", a question Rhys asked Vasquez when Vasquez caught up to them in the desert (the scene with his car, a shotgun and a shovel), would have been "Yvette tracked you, yeah i know shocking huh, a good friend of yours stabbing you in the back.. Good thing you won't live long enough to be angry about it."

    CapnJay is also asking why, according to you, Vasquez chose to cover for Yvette 'till the day he died.

  • Exactly

    Darklim posted: »

    Gentlemen, allow me to translate. CapnJay is pointing out that Vasquez is kind of a classic smug villain and that, as such, he's willing

  • Well it would've been kinda stupid revealing in one episode that both of your friends have betrayed you. People would be like "what is this, GOT?!" So it's not Vasquez. It's the devs.

  • Yeah but considering Vasquez has revealed Vaughn/Rhys Deal and has revealed that he knows what's in Rhys head. He's not above revealing Yvette's betrayal. So barring the excuse of the devs didn't want to reveal that. Which is equivalent to "our market research shows adding a Tiny Tina Cameo to a Telltale game wouldn't be well recieved so she wont be in any of the episodes" Which is a lie an utter lie everyone loves Tina ..... sorry lost focus for a moment. Anyhoo yeah using the devs as an excuse is a no no. Also you can actually drop Yvette's name during the "Scratch my nuts" and he pretends he doesn't even know who she is other then Rhys contact.

    DeityD posted: »

    Well it would've been kinda stupid revealing in one episode that both of your friends have betrayed you. People would be like "what is this, GOT?!" So it's not Vasquez. It's the devs.

  • So barring the excuse of the devs didn't want to reveal that.

    That's not what I said. I said it was too much for one episode. Both friends have betrayed you and were ready to let you die in one day - that's just too dark.

    CapnJay posted: »

    Yeah but considering Vasquez has revealed Vaughn/Rhys Deal and has revealed that he knows what's in Rhys head. He's not above revealing Yvet

  • Ohhhhh so Vasquez realized he was in a narrative and intended to reveal the information in episode 3 but was unaware his contract was up so he was killed in the beginning?

    DeityD posted: »

    So barring the excuse of the devs didn't want to reveal that. That's not what I said. I said it was too much for one episode. Both friends have betrayed you and were ready to let you die in one day - that's just too dark.

  • enter image description here

    So funny I forgot to laugh.

    CapnJay posted: »

    Ohhhhh so Vasquez realized he was in a narrative and intended to reveal the information in episode 3 but was unaware his contract was up so he was killed in the beginning?

  • Just because it would have worked and been in character if he had said something, doesn't make it out of character for him NOT to mention her.

    When he reveals Vaughn's betrayal it's because he is talking TO Vaughn when he says "I know we had a deal." The line about shadows in darkness is also a totally Vasquez douchey thing to say. Maybe he didn't realize how close Yvette was to Rhys and the emotional punch it would have. Maybe he didn't care or think it was that important. In any case, he never acted out of character. Again, just because it would have been fitting for a character to do something doesn't mean it doesn't work if they do something else instead.

    And I know you don't want to consider the devs, but that's actually the reason. This isn't a documentary, this is a story about fictional characters, and plot twists are neither shocking nor much of a twist if you find out about them right off the bat. It doesn't mean the story doesn't work. You can believe whatever in game reason you want to.

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