Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • of course! i like to read when i'm going to sleep, so i'll start with the devil among us tonight. i'll let you know what i think in the reviews! <3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Lol, I do like to write very long and detailed works I guess :P So will you read and review?

  • Well, kinda... but it's mostly my mental state that is shitty right now...

    idk I've been this gloomy for awhile now, and it doesn't seem to get better :/

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I'm with ya. This is awesome ;-; But what's the matter with you? Still got that fever?

  • Well I dunno, it's not like I have any experience with this type of thing!

    Pshh, a random dude comes to a random girl and says we couple k, chance to get denied? 100%. I don't blame you at all, any normal person would have said nah fam.

  • We also had some pitcures of degree. I don't know but people found it fun xD

    but...it's just...coke...? Where is the fun...? xD

  • edited August 2015

    gotcha sucka

    but...it's just...coke...? Where is the fun...? xD

  • Where do you even find these gifs?

    I haven't exactly deserved it.


  • it's not like I have any experience with this type of thing!


    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Well I dunno, it's not like I have any experience with this type of thing!

  • Yeah but people really seem to be misunderstanding.

    I tried to have a talk with Chewbacca -- he wanted to take a break from this thread because he felt he was guilty when he's actually one of the least guilty people in here. And now he's saying he's gonna stop being how he is and that's makes me really sad. I don't want to see people thinking they have to change when that's not the problem here at all.

    Kinda why I felt the need to post that.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Yeah, not only that but it spams this thread and Green's news feed and I think that's part of the reason why the spam attacks should be stopped.

  • You don't need art school to be a great artist! :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Again, I'm so jelly I don't really hate my job but it's not something that I can enjoy 100% either. I only keep working because I believ

  • edited August 2015

    but...it's just...coke...? Where is the fun...? xD

  • Damn :\ I know how that feels, the worst part is you want to be happier but you're just not.

    enter image description here

    Have a hug.

    Quiff posted: »

    Well, kinda... but it's mostly my mental state that is shitty right now... idk I've been this gloomy for awhile now, and it doesn't seem to get better

  • I'll edit it when GK has seen it.


  • Not saying it's funny, I'm just explaining the innuendo.


    Quiff posted: »

    this is not funny

  • I understood none of it :(

    rhonu posted: »

    the real sad thing is that i'm writing rhyiona constantly but it's in spanish and don't know how to translate it and i wish i could share it

  • enter image description here

    don't worry, i have a lot more of them :P

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Where do you even find these gifs?

  • I meant the whole marriage thing? It would be a bit weird for me to know lots about marriage considering my age?

    it's not like I have any experience with this type of thing! lewd

  • srry, jus tryina be lewd :\

    yeah, i understand whatchu mean.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I meant the whole marriage thing? It would be a bit weird for me to know lots about marriage considering my age?

  • Isn't Finnish like, a real bitch to write?

    I recall the members of Nightwish saying they quickly gave up on including Finnish in their early songs cuz they HATED writing it (when they're Finnish themselves :P)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I'm pretty good at writing in Finnish (not amazingly good but I've gotten some good grades from my writings) But my English is still poor s

  • Kiss Fiona!

    Be a fucking man, Rhys! >:)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    [Kiss Fiona] [Kiss Rhys] No timer. The one you don't choose is your PC at the time. What do you do.

  • just hurry the hell up

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'll edit it when GK has seen it.

  • I'd break the keyboard :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Then you get this really intense MASH Q TO DEEPEN KISS QTE :^)

  • I know, right?

    He's such a baby. :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Kiss Fiona! Be a fucking man, Rhys!

  • Mi amore? ;)

    rhonu posted: »

    i'd also love to kiss everyone in this thread

  • That's okay. I just want a ship.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Yeah. I have. I've decided that I want to remain single for the time being. I just don't feel up to the thing the other couples of this t

  • Now I gotta know :P

    don't worry, i have a lot more of them :P


    enter image description here

    just hurry the hell up

  • I've seen it. Now I get it. xD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'll edit it when GK has seen it.

  • You succeeded, I'm just not in the mood right now.

    srry, jus tryina be lewd yeah, i understand whatchu mean.

  • And I'm glad you did.

    Green is like one of the lewdest people here and I doubt he would want people to stop with dirty comments.

    This is a message to the lewd ones on this thread: Please understand it's not you being lewd, it's the constant meme spam.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah but people really seem to be misunderstanding. I tried to have a talk with Chewbacca -- he wanted to take a break from this thread b

  • That's cold dude. Asking everyone one by one definetely isn't gonna work. You have to be emotionally connected to them, it doesn't just happen because you want to. Not just "all the cool kids iz ship so i wantz ship"

    That's okay. I just want a ship.

  • I don't doubt you'll get one.

    That's okay. I just want a ship.

  • enter image description here

    That's cold dude. Asking everyone one by one definetely isn't gonna work. You have to be emotionally connected to them, it doesn't just happen because you want to. Not just "all the cool kids iz ship so i wantz ship"

  • edited August 2015

    Drawing close to the 2 minute mark, so that means I'm close to being halfway down with the motion! According to my calculations, I'm 38.70% with it! Overall progress? LET'S NOT THINK ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW! Instead, have yet another preview image. I linked a similar one earlier, but I decided to add a subtitle.

    Each character will have different colored subtitles, so you know who's talking. I'll tell you all which color belongs to who later on down the line once I finally start on them. :)

    enter image description here

    EDIT: If you want to know what I'm working with, here's the progress so far!

    enter image description here

  • Thank you for posting this, and hopefully whatever bullshit is plaguing you in real life will pass and you can stay a while longer :)

    Green613 posted: »

    Alright, alright. Where do I begin. Not even a month passed and I'm already doing another speech for you guys. This time we ain't celebratin

  • i won't tell :P

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Now I gotta know :P

  • Kristi, you magnificent genius! I am really gonna enjoy watching this show xD

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Drawing close to the 2 minute mark, so that means I'm close to being halfway down with the motion! According to my calculations, I'm 38.70%

  • enter image description here

    I hope Chewbacca and John and everyone else keeps being who they are. It's not fun if they don't

    lottii-lu posted: »

    And I'm glad you did. Green is like one of the lewdest people here and I doubt he would want people to stop with dirty comments. This

  • 8 cuz we need a rebel :P

    My current one: Other options: I already use this one almost everywhere: This one was the first one I used back

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