Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • so I was looking for rhyiona comics so I would have a reason to ask people how they like my new avatar without looking like a spammer, but then, this was one of the results:

    enter image description here

    and since most pictures I saw where already posted in this thread, my new question is: what and why? does anybody have an explanation for this?

  • Jesus kid XD You act like i offended your great ancestors for a typo XD not hard to see that you are 13 :P

    enter image description here

    do you see a rhyiona clan there? i don't, so i don't care...

  • enter image description here

    "Yes, I am... Come here, heh... if you catch my drift."

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Well, aren't you bold."

  • She wouldn't say that, she's too tsun.

    "Oh, uhm... huh.... thank you... You're not so bad yourself, heh.... Wanna bang?"



    Toffe posted: »

    Jesus kid XD You act like i offended your great ancestors for a typo XD not hard to see that you are 13 :P


    She wouldn't say that, she's too tsun.

  • enter image description here

    "You're the boss."

    "Yes, I am... Come here, heh... if you catch my drift."

  • Uhhhhh n-no.


    I wonder what that was for. How stupid!

    Dracu98 posted: »

    so I was looking for rhyiona comics so I would have a reason to ask people how they like my new avatar without looking like a spammer, but t

  • I guess everyone is ashamed of what I do, bye.

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "You're the boss."

  • enter image description here

    "Excellent, follow me, babe."

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "You're the boss."

  • whoa whoa whoa...

    where u goin, bruh???

    Eryka posted: »

    I guess everyone is ashamed of what I do, bye.

  • wolfie? are sure that there isn't...anything you want to tell me?...huh? something to get off your chest...?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Uhhhhh n-no. Nope. I wonder what that was for. How stupid!

  • Dayum, Rhys and Fiona xD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "You're the boss."

  • Wait, why??

    Eryka posted: »

    I guess everyone is ashamed of what I do, bye.

  • enter image description here

    "Lead the way."

    "Excellent, follow me, babe."

  • Hi everybody!

    I would like to share my thoughts on Rhys and Fiona with you guys. To tell you a little bit about where I'm coming from - I am by no means shipping anyone, I just work with what TTG is throwing at me. That being said, after watching the "opening" sequence of episode 4 a couple of times because, well, it's awesome, I was wondering if anybody else might have seen some hints at some romantic sub-plot between Rhys and Fiona developing. You might imagine I was baffled when I saw the size of this thread. I've read some of it, but nowhere near all of it because I don't plan to talk about season one when season four is in development. So please excuse me if anything or maybe everything of this has already been mentioned. ;)

    There might be a lot of situations or events that have a romantic touch to them, but to me most of them could mean anything. However, I noticed two occations where Fiona didn't seem to happy about Rhys hanging out or even flirting with Sasha: Once in episode 3, when they walk off together and she looks kinda unhappy, then does some awkward "everything's cool" move when they turn around; the second time in the episode 4 sequence when they smile at each other.

    I asked myself why Fiona would mind the two of them being flirtish with each other. Her being protective towards her sister doesn't make sense to me - if she felt Sasha couldn't handle herself, she would have had an issue with Sasha faking a relationship with August, the hotheaded thuggish guy. Compared to him, Rhys is not exactly the type of guy you need to warn girls about. Most of the time, he's just making a fool of himself and Fiona is well aware of it. So, I figure she's simply jealous.

    The follow-up question would be why Fiona is hardly ever nice towards Rhys. Well, for one, she doesn't seem to feel comfortable dealing with men, considering how Scooter's rather obvious advances make her feel kinda awkward, but she can't bring herself to actually rejecting him. She might also be too proud to admit to herself she has feelings for Rhys, her being the independent tough lady and Rhys being a clumsy loudmouth. His narcissistic remarks give her an opportunity to not let her guard down and treat him like an idiot instead.

    Rhys on the other hand seems to be overconfident at first glance, but the way he tries to flirt with Sasha in episode 3 shows that he is actually pretty insecure in this area. If a woman doesn't straight up admire him, he doesn't seem to be too confident about his chances with her. However, Sasha is giving him something to work with, because she is kinda cute and appears to be more of the flirty type. Fiona mostly treats him like a burden.

    Considering all of this, Fiona and Rhys make a way more interesting match, because they are bound to have some love/hate-relationship including all the awkwardness that a humorous setting like the one at hand can handle. Also, TTG does know their storytelling as far as I am concerned, so I'm expecting them to deliver an answer to why Fiona is pissed about Rhys hitting on Sasha, which is a fact they have already established.

    TL;DR: Telltale are better going to come up with something they have already hinted at, otherwise the hints would just pe pointless and random animations in retrospect.

  • ??? what?

    Eryka posted: »

    I guess everyone is ashamed of what I do, bye.

  • @ABigBadWolf A few hours late with this but here you go!

  • I'm 100% positive! Whoever made that is just ridiculous, that's all.. hahaha.... haha...

    Dracu98 posted: »

    wolfie? are sure that there isn't...anything you want to tell me?...huh? something to get off your chest...?

  • I liked and commented.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    @ABigBadWolf A few hours late with this but here you go!


    rhonu posted: »


  • I love this song.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Going to stupid work soon for 8 hours :P But I woke up early today and got some stuff done, plus I got paid £630 >:D Anyways, all c

  • enter image description here

    "But, before we bang, you gotta answer a really important question."

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Lead the way."

  • wat da fuk???

    Eryka posted: »

    I guess everyone is ashamed of what I do, bye.

  • Lol wut? xD

    Eryka posted: »

    I guess everyone is ashamed of what I do, bye.

  • enter image description here

    "Anything for you bby"

    "But, before we bang, you gotta answer a really important question."



    kristi78968 posted: »

    @ABigBadWolf A few hours late with this but here you go!

  • YES!! lately i'm so pessimistic about rhyiona happening, i forget there's still a chance for us... thank you for this post <3

  • edited August 2015

    I would not want to meet you in a dark alley.

    enter image description here

    kristi78968 posted: »

    @ABigBadWolf A few hours late with this but here you go!

  • You're not really a murderous psychopath... right?

    kristi78968 posted: »

    @ABigBadWolf A few hours late with this but here you go!

  • edited August 2015

    This was a really interesting read, thank you for sharing it with us! There's a few people who analyse this stuff in here -- namely @BigBadPaul and @Brawl. I think they'd have a field day with this one so expect them to reply with something nice to discuss. :)

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here



  • important milestones..

    enter image description here

  • Dayum, Kristi x3

    kristi78968 posted: »

    @ABigBadWolf A few hours late with this but here you go!

  • edited August 2015

    It's not really a game. You just enter your cast and see how it goes. The results are random.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    ...how the heck is that game working? I just clicked "proceed to the alliances" and saw different pictures with text, but...what was going on? am I proving my stupidity here or what?

  • edited August 2015

    What the hell? xD 0_0

    Edit: I thought Fiona was biting Rhys. My bad xD

  • edited August 2015

    Do you have video cameras in their room?

    ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Gotta know what your son is doing, or who.

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