Queen Cersei's finest wine really is a tongue loosener

I've been thinkin about Sera "Stealing" the wine in episode 2 and now i'm thinking what if Cersei gave it to her as a ploy to get Sera closer to Mira considering it's almost guaranteed Sera is a spy. [though hats off if TTG uses Coalboy as the spy even if you're on good terms with him he did say he has friends who could help mira and though she'd never be "friends" with a coal boy cersei certainly COULD help mira though she isn't one to help anyone but herself.]


  • Sera or Tom better not betray Mira, it'll make me so sad. ,_, Very interesting theory though, haven't thought about it before.

  • And considering Tyrion's decent nature him pointing out that it's his sister's favorite and very expensive and he's curious how they got it. Could be his way of saying "Mira wake the fuck up Cersei is using Sera to get to you" since he's very subtle [with the exception of the one time he told joffrey basically he knew joffrey sent an assassin after... sansa? but he did panic internally that he tipped his hand on that one]

    SerMarve posted: »

    Sera or Tom better not betray Mira, it'll make me so sad. ,_, Very interesting theory though, haven't thought about it before.

  • Hmmmmmm this is a great point!

    Thank god I never trusted her

  • I was actually thinking of that too, it is a bit weird how Sera somehow just got Cersei's favorite wine from the cellar. I doubt people were just allowed to leave and enter the cellar at will, considering how easy it would be to poison it.

  • She could be drinking for courage to admit shes a bastard or because Cersei already knew sera was a bastard and was blackmailing sera against her own friend. Top contenders are Sera and Tom though for backstabbing.Mira. But then again i thought the maester was the traitor so grain of salt.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Hmmmmmm this is a great point! Thank god I never trusted her

  • edited August 2015

    Also Seras fiancé, Lord Tarwick is the first one you see speaking with Lord Morgyn when ur with Sera. I defintely don't trust Sera and I'm glad I didnt

    I'm wary of Tom, but not as much as a bastard like Sera who will do anything to marry a king and have power. I think Tom could be workin for Tyrion if anything

  • What clues does the game give that point to Tom possibly working for Tyrion?

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Also Seras fiancé, Lord Tarwick is the first one you see speaking with Lord Morgyn when ur with Sera. I defintely don't trust Sera and I'm g

  • Well Tom and Tyrion both try to help mira. But no clues officially other then tom has friends who can help mira.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    What clues does the game give that point to Tom possibly working for Tyrion?

  • It was Bran, that Joffrey sent the assassin after, but other than that, good point.

    CapnJay posted: »

    And considering Tyrion's decent nature him pointing out that it's his sister's favorite and very expensive and he's curious how they got it.

  • I'm just assuming. And it would make sense, at least when it comes to Tyrion vs Cersei

    ShampaFK posted: »

    What clues does the game give that point to Tom possibly working for Tyrion?

  • yeah i remember when looking up about joffreys killer

    “You and Lady Sansa owe me a batter present, Uncle Imp. This one is all chopped to pieces.”

    Tyrion was staring at his nephew with his mismatched eyes. “Perhaps a knife, sire. To match your sword. A dagger of the same fine Valyrian steel...with a dragonbone hilt, say?”

    Joff gave him a sharp look...

    He squirmed uncomfortably. He ought to have held his tongue at breakfast. "The boy knows now. My big mouth will be the death of me, I swear it."

    Jpork18 posted: »

    It was Bran, that Joffrey sent the assassin after, but other than that, good point.

  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited August 2015

    Can we get some fanart of Tom and Sera wrestling, with Tyrion and Cersei placing bets and Mira is the prize?

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I'm just assuming. And it would make sense, at least when it comes to Tyrion vs Cersei

  • I don't really think of Cersei being her enemy. I mean, I suppose she could be getting at Mira because she wants to weaken Margaery by getting rid of people Margaery trusts at Kings Landing. We know Cersei causes problems for Loras later in the show because she wants to weaken her, but to think that Cersei might have some agenda against Mira seems like a stretch. Plus, the first time Mira meets Cersei was right before Mira gets that note. I don't think Damian would have the time to go search her room and leave that note.
    No. Mira is no threat to Cersei, which is why I don't think Cersei would have it out for Mira. The only people at Kings Landing who might are Andros and Morgryn (though I don't like to think of Morgryn wanting to harm Mira) because her actions directly affect their livelihoods. And I could see Ludd wanting her killed and using either of those two men to try to do so. But Cersei?
    I just don't think Tyrion is the friend who's trying to protect. I think it's even less likely to be Varys, which is another idea I've seen floated around.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I'm just assuming. And it would make sense, at least when it comes to Tyrion vs Cersei

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