Epiisode 4: How to make Gared crawl, in iOS?

edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I am playing the iOS version of GoT, and stuck at the part where Gared just escaped from his cell and is supposed to crawl under a cart.

I know that I am supposed to make Gared crawl fast, and I know that I should press certain keys ("w", and then "d") were I playing a desktop version. But what to do for the iOS version? Should I swipe multiple times, should I tap, or should I keep pressing somewhere? How and where? Which direction?

Thank you!

(correction: Gareth -> Gared. :) )


  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2015

    I haven't played the iOS version, but I think you might swipe upwards and then hold/keep your finger on the screen for the duration that Gared crawls.

  • Who's... Gareth? I know that, to make Gared crawl, you do what Blind Sniper said. You hold and move your finger in the direction that Gared needs to crawl. First I think it's forward, then the way he's crawling?

  • It worked! I think what I did was something like "up-hold" "right-hold" and then "right-hold"again.
    Thank you to both of you!

  • Yeah, I died first on PC because of how you had to change your control mid-crawl. Glad you could work it out!

    nawakiri posted: »

    It worked! I think what I did was something like "up-hold" "right-hold" and then "right-hold"again. Thank you to both of you!

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