The problem with this game



  • Holy shit exactly! "They're setting an ambush at this place" "lets go there" "omg an ambush" Like... really?

    that final scene is just so great in every way that it entirely saves the episode. Why was it so great for you? I mean on its own

  • Well, not trusting him is a much more accurate description of how I feel about Tom. Hate is a strong word. He does annoy me a bit though.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    That doesn't make sense to me. He saves your life and you hate him? I understand not trusting him but hate? That's a bit extreme. The fact is that if it wasn't for Tom, Mira would be dead.

  • I think your sarcasm detection system is failing to read

    Thanks, bro.

  • A real portrayal of a medieval situation? With dragons? And ressurections? And undead people?

  • edited August 2015

    seem to just use the character for random violence which doesnt really fit given the scale of the characters...

    Ramsey IS violent... and also randomly violent... and violent af for no reason when he feels like it. And Roose is not 100% in the head, so he doesn't care that his crazy son killed some minor lord who supported his enemy.

    sees logic take a dive, Eleana and her brother (never seen before) show up to assist and then take over the place. They come in and are gone before the next episode as the writing sees fit.

    Arthur is gone the next episode because he dies, there wouldn't be logic if he returned. And what place did they take over? arthur's men were obeying Rodrik's orders. Also, a character never seen before is known as a 'new character'.

    no one there ever seems to try and solve anything and it is frustrating to play at times when you can see whats coming.

    The game doesnt do a very good job as all it really is, is each side gaining a random advantage before losing it just as randomly

    Oh, so you can see "random" stuff coming?

  • Thats pretty much my opinion I dont hate the game, it is actually pretty good, it just needs some more rational build up. I guess that is a major problem with it being episodic, people would just guess everything

    Demarcoa posted: »

    You know I like the game, but you are absolutely, totally right. Even the show has trouble not falling for the trap of pointless deaths or

  • I found mira to be fine, ashers the one I cant really find all that interesting

    kaza125 posted: »

    One thing I didn't like, was that it took at least four episodes for Mira to actually get interesting. I remember seeing the same response

  • The whitehills were done decent enough, hateable but understandable

  • Someone please remove this god damn thread from the forums. It's driving everyone fucking insane.

  • edited August 2015

    This is coming from a Tales from the Borderlands fan ^
    Good job trying to hate on something just to make your own game look better.

    And how the fuck is it an under developed project? that doesn't even make sense. Every episode so far was so amazing up until Episode 5 where everyone started to get this strange hate on the game.

    When IGN rates Tales 6/10 you go fucking insane.
    When IGN rates Thrones 3/10 or 4/10 you cheer.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    The main problem with that game is lazy writting with massive amount of plot holes. It could've been great game with interesting characters and story line but it came out as simply under developed project.

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited August 2015

    I don't need to do anything to make Tales look better because they are, simple as that.
    Tales has better writting, more clever plot, characters that stay true to their character and more feels that Got can muster because Scooter's death was way more intense than Ethan, Asher/Rodrik will ever be.

    And no I don't cheer when IGN give thrones low marks, I'm not happy at all because Got is a wasted opportunity, I don't hate it, I'm disappointed in it that's the difference.
    Again no I pointed all the game's short comings since ep 1 from Ethan's death to figthing that Whilehill guy on wall, getting banished from Watch, throguht unkillable Tom to my personal cheery on Top the Traitor...oh I forgot with the Rodrik not securing perimiter when he knew about the ambush.
    That's the underdeveloped project for me. Full of plot holes and lazy writing with blank characters that I don't really care about. TT could do an epic adventure in such awesome universe but it didn't, or haven't used the potential the series had. I just hope that TT will learn from their mistakes and make S2 much better if thta game gets S2.

    So again you proved that....

    enter image description here

    This is coming from a Tales from the Borderlands fan ^ Good job trying to hate on something just to make your own game look better. And

  • Scooter's death was way more intense than Ethan, Asher/Rodrik will ever be.

    I enjoy Tales (even if I don't care about the franchise and for that reason never take part of the threads about it), and it has been more dynamic with it's storytelling than GoT (which indeed has a fair share of plotholes). But this statement... Scooter's death was more intense than Ethan's? Hell no! Only someone who purposely wants to fanboy TFTBL over GoT would say such a thing. I don't mean that Scooter death scene would have sucked, but it's not even comparable to Ethan's.

    What comes to Rodrik/Asher, there is a lot of love for that scene here. Personally I'm not the biggest fan, but it was okay - would have been better if it had better build up.

  • edited August 2015

    I posted this one thread. I havnt been negative in any other threads on here. The forum isnt an echo room for just being positive and again I've provided reasons for my criticism.

    I dont hate the game and to be honest if the thread bothers you dont visit it

    Someone please remove this god damn thread from the forums. It's driving everyone fucking insane.

  • Like I said GoT is bleak for me Ethan had really no character development, maybe if he lived bit longer but then again the infamous lack of choice in GoT cames to play. No matter what you do he dies, but the difference is that Scooter is a side character while Ethan was playable, yet it doesn't matter. No matter how you play he dies Hell the only character I was sad about was Arthur, he was an example of good writting.

    Scooter's death was way more intense than Ethan, Asher/Rodrik will ever be. I enjoy Tales (even if I don't care about the franchise

  • I guess we have to agree to disagree about what is good writing, Ethan was a character with depth whereas Arthur was just a handsome guy who died pretty much for shock value.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Like I said GoT is bleak for me Ethan had really no character development, maybe if he lived bit longer but then again the infamous lack of

  • Opinions I guess ;)

    I guess we have to agree to disagree about what is good writing, Ethan was a character with depth whereas Arthur was just a handsome guy who died pretty much for shock value.

  • Dude come on! I haven't played Tales EP4 yet! Something always somehow gets fucking spoiled for me, always at least one thing because people just don't care what their spoiling.

  • Deepest apologies

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Dude come on! I haven't played Tales EP4 yet! Something always somehow gets fucking spoiled for me, always at least one thing because people just don't care what their spoiling.

  • Surely it's not that hard to put on a spoiler tag. Sorry but I'm really annoyed now, I've been really good about avoiding spoilers and somehow got spoiled in a GOT thread.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Deepest apologies

  • edited August 2015

    But he's saying THE ENTIRE POINT of the series is to show what would realistically have happened in a medieval era - this is clearly not true, as if it wanted to show what would happen in Europe's medieval era, it would have been set in Europe's medieval era.

  • I wouldnt bother, its the weirdest most random argument that because the universe has some fantasy elements some people think its should have no logic or that it should never strive for logic or handle/show real issues from the time period its set in or based on

  • honestly - even though i dont agree with the hate from the thread in general - i agree with you @firewallcano... my big problem with all the hate in the forums is that its spread everywhere but having a thread designated to those that want to vent is a perfect solution for decreasing the negativity in the forums while giving individuals who want to vent the chance for their opinions to be heard. kudos to you for creating this and hopefully it allows the hate to be relatively contained

    I posted this one thread. I havnt been negative in any other threads on here. The forum isnt an echo room for just being positive and again

  • k

    Clemenem posted: »

    I think your sarcasm detection system is failing to read

  • You’re right with some things there, but people’s high expectations might be the real real problem here. Chances that Telltale would overcome their usual flaws were low, even before the first episode was out, due to the burden of “being canon” and forcing certain characters and locations (KL, Essos, Wall, of course...) into the story to please the GoT fans or at least to get them to pay thirty bucks.

    For me it plays and looks like a typical Telltale game (not counting TWD1) with typical Telltale trademarks like illusion of choice, top voice acting and cliffhanger endings. I don’t understand why there’s so much hate/disappointment about it. ... It is, as you said, “okay” at least.

    Though I will say while ramsey is a sociopathic madman they again seem to just use the character for random violence which doesnt really fit given the scale of the characters. Ethan and Arther are not smallfolk

    Neither are Theon or Sansa. They are as noble as it gets and Ramsay doesn't care. He is a psycho and his father only raises an eyebrow concerning the atrocities his son commits. That's lame, yeah, but Telltale is not to blame for that. They simply used Ramsay in the same way the show does.

    (the rest of my post is off topic complaining about the show)

    Game of thrones is not "The bad guys always win" its not "Good guys always die" its instead a real portrayal of how a medieval situation would go

    Funny, how GoT deludes people into thinking it's a portrayal of our mediaeval times. More like a little boy's perception of it. Yes, women were only bargaining chips and had the choice between being raped or using sex as weapon, unless they are ugly (=tall, muscular and shorthaired). Every feud or argument is settled with war and murder. Nobody has heard of diplomacy, nobody wants peace, every nobleman can read, religious people are evil fanatics, etc... Let's be honest about it. GoT is an entertaining show with boobs, battles and lots of pretty CGI. Nothing wrong with that.

    how it breaks the norm is that the good guys dont get some huge break or advantage and dont win just because they are good.

    And in many cases the show takes it too far, and presents it like Jon Snow is wanted dead by everyone in Castle Black despite having half of the votes behind him earlier. Turning the norms upside down isn't realism. It is done for story telling reasons, to shatter the audience's nerves. But they compensate for it when the little badass girl gets to kill the pedophilic scum. Woohoo! Awesome! Realistic!

  • edited August 2015

    I'm a huge fan of GOT I wanted so badly to love this game the way I did the walking dead loved the show loved the game. but Right now it's ok and just missing the mark for me mainly its the awful traitor writing that hurt me a lot things being done regardless off choices where's Bowen who I saved why did I get a chance to stab Ramsay why did gryff get the magical healing potion Rodriguez couldn't find what about the guy I set free because Ethan was going to be a nice lord but I will decide after the completion on good or bad in my opinion. But right now the only thing that has me sold is HBO the GOT series. The plus is TFTB has me hooked every episode has been amazing and telltale 100% has me Right on board with Rhys and Fiona so that's a positive.

  • I just revealed my secret to Jon Snow about the North Grove, and I think it's the best decision in this game

  • edited August 2015

    Wow this games background plot is just repetitive. If you don't watch the show it feels good but it's really just sad. Margery has to marry Joffrey, Joffrey dies, they blame it on Tyrion, bla bla bla

    And wow, Podrik got the list of witnesses in the show? Step it up telltale

    After watching most of game of thrones, I'd wish that telltale would get original with the surrounding stories also. Even the Mother of Dragons storyline isn't interesting if it isn't for Beskha.

  • When you say they should be original with surrounding stories do you mean they should "break" the canon or that they would focus on something that isn't seen on the show?

    Just curious :D

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Wow this games background plot is just repetitive. If you don't watch the show it feels good but it's really just sad. Margery has to marry

    • the story is just fine, but if only our choices mattered and made a huge impact on the story.... I've tried all four options and it still brings you to the last scene. I mean they should create a gameplay where there are 'right choices that lead you into glory and victory' . Sigh
  • You're kinda wrong about that Jon Snow thing. Yes he did have lots of votes, so why would they kill him? Well, killing Janos, going to save and bring back the Night's Watch enemy just might be the reason why Jon dies.

    rousseau posted: »

    You’re right with some things there, but people’s high expectations might be the real real problem here. Chances that Telltale would overcom

  • Funny, how GoT deludes people into thinking it's a portrayal of our mediaeval times. More like a little boy's perception of it. Yes, women were only bargaining chips and had the choice between being raped or using sex as weapon, unless they are ugly (=tall, muscular and shorthaired).

    Its very low the number of women in the show who are like that. Womens rights (or more all commoners rights) were not very good in the period its based on

    Every feud or argument is settled with war and murder. Nobody has heard of diplomacy, nobody wants peace,

    I think plenty do want peace.

    every nobleman can read, religious people are evil fanatics, etc... Let's be honest about it. GoT is an entertaining show with boobs, battles and lots of pretty CGI. Nothing wrong with that.

    Its not perfect but I think its better than that

    And in many cases the show takes it too far,

    Yes it does. Season 5 was still very good for me though some of the new moments lacked a lot of development and has simaler problems to the game, but at the end of the day it is entertainment. And even then most if not all of season 5 made sense.

    rousseau posted: »

    You’re right with some things there, but people’s high expectations might be the real real problem here. Chances that Telltale would overcom

  • It's just boring to realize that the videogame season 1 cotains situations that if not identical, are similar to the shows season 4. I don't know what I want honestly, I was spoiled by TWD season 1.

    When you say they should be original with surrounding stories do you mean they should "break" the canon or that they would focus on something that isn't seen on the show? Just curious

  • It's GoT though, the one game/story where you decisions barely effect your outcome.

    Cough Ned Stark cough

    Arih125 posted: »

    * the story is just fine, but if only our choices mattered and made a huge impact on the story.... I've tried all four options and it still

  • I watch the shows and read a few of the books... but I would have been happier if the game had far fewer canon characters. I would have liked it better if we didn't have to interact with them so much, and if our story line wasn't affected by the larger GOT show plotline quite so much. I hate Ramsay Snow and especially wish that he wasn't part of the game.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    It's just boring to realize that the videogame season 1 cotains situations that if not identical, are similar to the shows season 4. I don't know what I want honestly, I was spoiled by TWD season 1.

  • I don't see your point. Ned Stark had choice to nr 1)bend the knee to Joffrey and work with LittleFinger, work with Renly Baratheon and become his Hand, be a dumbass and root for Stannis even though that would most likely get him and his family killed (and ironically picked this choice). Picking the first 2 options were obviously the best, yet he still went with the worst possible outcome.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    It's GoT though, the one game/story where you decisions barely effect your outcome. Cough Ned Stark cough

  • edited August 2015

    They most likely could. The issue with Telltale and Got is that they tried to bring the TV Show's ''bad guys win'' instead of focusing on rational decisions. Compared to this, TWAU and Borderlands crush GOT story into the dust

    Wigams posted: »

    I think one of the main problems is the fan base thinking they could write a better story :P

  • Well, he didn't bend the knee to Joffrey because he figured out that Joffrey was not the legitimate heir. Also, there was mutual hate between Ned and LittleFinger. Didn't LF try to marry Catelyn after Ned's death?

    KronusX posted: »

    I don't see your point. Ned Stark had choice to nr 1)bend the knee to Joffrey and work with LittleFinger, work with Renly Baratheon and beco

  • Mutual hate happens between many people but that does not mean they do not work together for a common cause and no, LF would never be able to marry Catelyn since he was not even a lord at that time(or if he was, it was a minor title)

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Well, he didn't bend the knee to Joffrey because he figured out that Joffrey was not the legitimate heir. Also, there was mutual hate between Ned and LittleFinger. Didn't LF try to marry Catelyn after Ned's death?

  • So how'd he marry Lysa Arryn?

    KronusX posted: »

    Mutual hate happens between many people but that does not mean they do not work together for a common cause and no, LF would never be able to marry Catelyn since he was not even a lord at that time(or if he was, it was a minor title)

  • edited August 2015

    He was made lord of Harrenhall in season 3 or 4 then got ordered to negotiate with Lysa by Tywin Lannister.

    edit: Also Lysa was the one that made the decisions in the Vale so she could do anything.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    So how'd he marry Lysa Arryn?

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