The problem with this game



  • So when he finally submitted and called Joffrey the true king, what happened?

    Whether he decided to bend the knee to the king, or continuously commit treason, he got beheaded either way. Because Joffrey wanted to. That's all it takes in GoT

    KronusX posted: »

    I don't see your point. Ned Stark had choice to nr 1)bend the knee to Joffrey and work with LittleFinger, work with Renly Baratheon and beco

  • edited August 2015

    Well tbh I doubt Joffrey would have beheaded Ned if he had never denied his claim to the throne. Now Joff had the chance to do it because Ned was generally considered as traitor - even if he finally called him the king - so beheading him was acceptable.

    And with supporting Renly Ned could have been able to overthrow Joffrey, but of course he didn't do that since Renly wasn't the rightful heir either.

    So you can see that there would have been many ways for Ned to survive, but he just made the wrong choices. You are right though that if the king would have been someone else he would have probably survived even with these choices - he would have just been sent to the Wall.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    So when he finally submitted and called Joffrey the true king, what happened? Whether he decided to bend the knee to the king, or continuously commit treason, he got beheaded either way. Because Joffrey wanted to. That's all it takes in GoT

  • also lysa was always obsessed with baelish and was jealous that he always liked cat more than her so when the opportunity came to marry him she jumped right on that haha

    KronusX posted: »

    He was made lord of Harrenhall in season 3 or 4 then got ordered to negotiate with Lysa by Tywin Lannister. edit: Also Lysa was the one that made the decisions in the Vale so she could do anything.

  • i personally enjoy watching ramsay on the show because his character is so intense and iwan rheon does a great job of presenting him as an amazing villain and i think that his appearance in episode 1 made sense and got the story plotline going by killing ethan but i do agree with you his later appearances did not make much sense other than to continue the notion that ramsay is bat shit crazy and will do anything to anyone (especially since at this point in the game / show timeline ramsay should really have been either in winterfell or moat cailin *depending where in season 4 ttg episode 5 is at)

    the only ways him showing up even would make sense in my mind are: 1) ramsay correcting ludd for going back on his order to split the ironwood forest with the forresters (because that was ludd blatantly disrespecting what he said to do) or 2) if rodrik maimed gryff for ramsay to punish him for that in some sort of way (because the whitehill garrison was ordered to be in charge of ironrath) but him showing up just to flay arthur for shock value (regardless if you took him to highpoint) was - i feel - a waste of a potentially impactful visit from a great character

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I watch the shows and read a few of the books... but I would have been happier if the game had far fewer canon characters. I would have like

  • Well I couldn't come up with an original idea... but I think I could I'd do a good job at vetoing horrible ideas! I mean I can't believe one guy didn't bring up what a pile of poo the traiter was.

    Wigams posted: »

    I think one of the main problems is the fan base thinking they could write a better story :P

  • This. Joffrey would not have beheaded Ned Stark if he bent the knee in the first place. Even as the king of the Iron Throne, you cannot just behead big family lords randomly for fun and he had no reason to do so in the first place. Does that mean Ned Stark would have been safe? Maybe, maybe not, most likely not due to the fact he was too keen on doing the ''honorable way'' just about everything and unlike with Robert, Joffrey would not be so easily convinced to forgive him. On the other hand, if he supported Renly, that could have worked (Renly respected him) while with Littlefinger he could have easily make the other kingdoms revolt after exposing Joffrey's secret. Some might say Stannis tried that method and it did nothing, but Ned Stark was quite respected in the realm and with LittleFinger's help (or rather with LittleFinger manipulating him) the Stark family would have been in power for a long time.

    Well tbh I doubt Joffrey would have beheaded Ned if he had never denied his claim to the throne. Now Joff had the chance to do it because Ne

  • I think that people take this franchise way too seriously.

    The tv series also has characters that have plot armor and everything pretty much depends on what the author will write. If he will want to write asspulls then he will. Like how he did at the end of season 2 and not fuck up the Lannisters entirely.

    Too bad he's busy writing fanservice and keeping one-dimensional people alive. Like the dragon queen teenager.

  • Ramsay has plot armor wherever he goes. He almost beat the greyjoys (who had full armor on) while he was shirtless.

    Sandflow posted: »

    I think that people take this franchise way too seriously. The tv series also has characters that have plot armor and everything pretty m

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