Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • there's not even my country on the list ...

    +17.00 euros for bringing it to me. Yay for living in the Netherlands ;-;

  • wow, this is gonna b cluttered af

    Green613 posted: »

    update 3 lets go hype keep replying fam im on a nonstop train here

  • Hey everyone :)

    Ugh, I had a rough morning. Up at 6am, go into work and got stuff done late (it was so bad that my boss had to come in ON HER DAY OFF for like, 20 minutes, to help us get up to speed properly) Anyways, now I have read all 1,532 new comments, I am going to do my own thing for the next few hours cuz I deserve some fucking me time!! >:)

    As always, I will be back later on...


    You know... I actually hate that I miss all of these comments and this fun you guys have. I know my job is important cuz it gives me money to spend and stuff, but I really do miss you guys!!

    I have like no time to write now, which makes me sad cuz I love writing, and other people love my writing.

    I suppose some of you do miss me on here, I can name the ones that definitely miss me! :P But yeah, my life is really cramped up atm.

  • I'll always be there to support ya.

    dassit, ur banished from my court

  • i failed as a parent

    You are You can't control him, he's a young adult. His life is in his hands now. Even if he lives in your basement.

  • bruh

    dassit, ur banished from my court

  • yeah he told me to put that lmao

    kristi78968 posted: »

    PAULIE OH MY GOD, THAT IS SO CUTE. Did Paul pick that name out himself?

  • Wow that sucks....

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    there's not even my country on the list ...

  • he's not here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    what's wrong this time

  • I appreciate this. ;)

    Green613 posted: »

    update 3 lets go hype keep replying fam im on a nonstop train here

  • that's what they all say before you find them stalking u

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    It's probably for the family tree thingy.

  • Hi. Sorry for not being active lately. I've been busy drawing and chatting with my friend (she drew my avatar and that nice Fiona picture I posted earlier today)

    Also, she wanted to thank you for all the nice comments :3

    enter image description here

    (you can probably see why we are good friends ;D I've been trying to get her to join us but she's still hesitating... )

  • thanks!!!! ~-^

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    10/10 lana would be proud

  • No you didn't! You're the best parent anyone could ask for.

    rhonu posted: »

    i failed as a parent

  • edited August 2015

    "This ain't the right time for you to fall in love with me

    Baby, I'm just being honest

    And I know my lies could not make you believe

    We're running in circles, that's why."


  • Thank you! ^-^

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    WHOA!!! This is good

  • I'm shipped with @xfuriouss dude :D

    Green613 posted: »

    update 3 lets go hype keep replying fam im on a nonstop train here

  • do you really think he can just abandon his people like that?

    this is a tough time in his life rhonu pls understand

    rhonu posted: »

    he's not here

  • lookin amazing

    Green613 posted: »

    update 3 lets go hype keep replying fam im on a nonstop train here

  • cya l8r fam

    also i put up on the tree, just making sure but you ARE from the UK right? LMAO

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey everyone Ugh, I had a rough morning. Up at 6am, go into work and got stuff done late (it was so bad that my boss had to come in ON H

  • edited August 2015

    U'd bang urself? Allllriiighty...


  • edited August 2015

    You know you will get every like!


  • i miss you so much :(( i hope you can find time to relax

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey everyone Ugh, I had a rough morning. Up at 6am, go into work and got stuff done late (it was so bad that my boss had to come in ON H

  • it's alright, brother, you gotta take time for yourself. sucks that when you come the thread is kinda dead but at least it's fun to read through the stuff we did, right? :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey everyone Ugh, I had a rough morning. Up at 6am, go into work and got stuff done late (it was so bad that my boss had to come in ON H

  • of course, bruh.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    U'd bang urself? Allllriiighty...

  • So guys, right now I'm doing some "improvements" to Rhys and Fiona. Yeah, just like my previous creations.

    It may take me some time, since the good pictures I found are too big ;_;

  • u get used to it when u live in a shit

    Wow that sucks....

  • enter image description here

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hi. Sorry for not being active lately. I've been busy drawing and chatting with my friend (she drew my avatar and that nice Fiona picture I


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hi. Sorry for not being active lately. I've been busy drawing and chatting with my friend (she drew my avatar and that nice Fiona picture I

  • It's called masturbating man.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    U'd bang urself? Allllriiighty...

  • enter image description here

    It's called masturbating man.

  • Tell her that we are ''Nice people''

    enter image description here

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hi. Sorry for not being active lately. I've been busy drawing and chatting with my friend (she drew my avatar and that nice Fiona picture I

  • what song is that

    "This ain't the right time for you to fall in love with me Baby, I'm just being honest And I know my lies could not make you believe We're running in circles, that's why."

  • I'm gonna miss a lot of fun too, starting work soon >.<

    Have fun! ~-^

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey everyone Ugh, I had a rough morning. Up at 6am, go into work and got stuff done late (it was so bad that my boss had to come in ON H

  • i miss my son

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    do you really think he can just abandon his people like that? this is a tough time in his life rhonu pls understand

  • Well, ya know, Paul can be short for Paulie, so might as well make it formal. ;)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    PAULIE OH MY GOD, THAT IS SO CUTE. Did Paul pick that name out himself?

  • Oh aight I'll make that happen


    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm shipped with @xfuriouss dude

  • im sorry

    he will be back to you

    .............. i hope

    rhonu posted: »

    i miss my son

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