Ep 5 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3 Oct 20, Xbox One/360 Oct 21, iOS/Amazon App/Android Oct 22



  • So, Gearbox's Pax panel is tonight at 4pm, and Twitch will be streaming!

    I don't think we'll get any Tales news, but they're going to talk more about the Borderlands Movie that was announced today! I'll be watching for that.

  • FNAF Movie, Borderlands Movie...A lot of video games get movies. And I'm so happy about that.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    So, Gearbox's Pax panel is tonight at 4pm, and Twitch will be streaming! I don't think we'll get any Tales news, but they're going to talk more about the Borderlands Movie that was announced today! I'll be watching for that.

  • [Looks at your avatar]

    Thanks for the nightmare fuel, Crips.

    Crips posted: »

    FNAF Movie, Borderlands Movie...A lot of video games get movies. And I'm so happy about that.

  • At your service, sir. When I reinstall my photoshop I'll fill you up with nightmare fuel some more. I have something in mind....

    [Looks at your avatar] Thanks for the nightmare fuel, Crips.

  • You guys think there's any chance that Minecraft: Story Mode will come out before this last episode? I think they're shooting for GOT in September, This in October, and Minecraft: Story Mode to make its debut in November

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited August 2015

    It's possible since MInecraft got its classification a little while ago. I'm thinking it's more likely TWD: Michonne will be out by late November/early December.

    TWAU21 posted: »

    You guys think there's any chance that Minecraft: Story Mode will come out before this last episode? I think they're shooting for GOT in September, This in October, and Minecraft: Story Mode to make its debut in November

  • edited August 2015

    I've been thinking about how the episode could start out two different ways, like episode 3. And it all depends if you rule or reject Hyperion.

    RULE - As the new President, Rhys will now have full control of everything Hyperion. Jack shows him surveillance footage of Gortys, Fiona and Sasha caught by Yvette, and he calls them up to his new office so they can "talk." Leading to arguing with Yvette about selling them out to Vasquez.

    REJECT - Rhys is now being held hostage by his idol and can't do anything to get out. Which means, it's up to Fiona, along with Sasha and Gortys, to free him. Jack even mentioned earlier that he'd make Rhys strangle Fiona. Which could mean that we'd have to fight Rhys being controlled by Handsome Jack.

  • I completely forgot about that miniseries. Good point.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It's possible since MInecraft got its classification a little while ago. I'm thinking it's more likely TWD: Michonne will be out by late November/early December.

  • That Gearbox panel at PAX is being livestreamed currently.

  • edited August 2015

    Wow, looks like they might actually be talking about Tales. They had the logo up for it.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    That Gearbox panel at PAX is being livestreamed currently.

  • Looks like they are, they even invited some telltale people

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Wow, looks like they might actually be talking about Tales. They had the logo up for it.

  • edited August 2015

    Nothing important, but some fun facts. Tales from the Borderlands stuff:

    -Laura (Fiona) was there.

    -She's the one who suggested Ashley for Gortys.

    -"Why hasn't Claptrap appeared yet?" David (Claptrap) comes out on stage with a "I'm the voice of Claptrap" shirt on. No confirmation, but I'm hopeful he'll be in E5.

    -David was actually the one who came up with the name "Tales from the Borderlands"

    -E4 as well as E5 is where stuff really starts to have big effects on the Borderlands universe as a whole.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Looks like they are, they even invited some telltale people

  • Haha, its totally possible I guess. There's nothing in the other games saying it couldn't happen. I'd say its really unlikely and just wouldn't fit into the story anyways, so I really doubt Telltale would do that. There just isn't enough time in the last episode to make it work with everything else they have to wrap up about the plot.

    J-Master posted: »

    I've had this strange theory in my head that Rhys turns out to be Handsome Jack's long lost son that he didn't know about, but that was too stupid since I've never played the other Borderlands games though it's still kind of a cool idea I guess.

  • Wait, there's actually going to be a Borderlands movie, I don't know how I feel about it. I hope it will be good, I really do, but I'm uncertain about it.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    So, Gearbox's Pax panel is tonight at 4pm, and Twitch will be streaming! I don't think we'll get any Tales news, but they're going to talk more about the Borderlands Movie that was announced today! I'll be watching for that.

  • E4 as well as E5 is where stuff really starts to have big effects on the Borderlands universe as a whole.

    enter image description here

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Nothing important, but some fun facts. Tales from the Borderlands stuff: -Laura (Fiona) was there. -She's the one who suggested Ashley

  • So i've been listening to some cut dialogue, and i'm sooo glad that they changed the voice actor for gortys. When they changed the voice actor, they changed her personality too.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Nothing important, but some fun facts. Tales from the Borderlands stuff: -Laura (Fiona) was there. -She's the one who suggested Ashley

  • How was Gorty's first personality?

    Jurchy posted: »

    So i've been listening to some cut dialogue, and i'm sooo glad that they changed the voice actor for gortys. When they changed the voice actor, they changed her personality too.

  • Mean.

    How was Gorty's first personality?

  • Since this is my first TT game (besides Poker Night games), I'd like to ask other players: Is the last episode longer than the others?

  • Season Finales are usually shorter.

    TheTP87 posted: »

    Since this is my first TT game (besides Poker Night games), I'd like to ask other players: Is the last episode longer than the others?

  • For TWD S1 and TWAU, the season finales were shorter. Usual episodes for TWD were about 2 and a half hours and the season finale was an hour and a half, while TWAU usually had hour and a half long episodes and the finale was barely an hour. However, TWD S2's finale was about the same length as other episodes in the season, maybe even a few minutes longer (I think it took me an hour and 45 minutes to play the first time, others were consistently an hour and a half).

    TheTP87 posted: »

    Since this is my first TT game (besides Poker Night games), I'd like to ask other players: Is the last episode longer than the others?

  • enter image description here

    I've been thinking about how the episode could start out two different ways, like episode 3. And it all depends if you rule or reject Hyperi

  • As others have mentioned, usually shorter. I'm hoping Tales will be an exception to the rule, though. There's so much damn stuff they have to answer and wrap up in this final episode, so I'm hoping it'll be as long as the first one was (2 and a half hours).

    TheTP87 posted: »

    Since this is my first TT game (besides Poker Night games), I'd like to ask other players: Is the last episode longer than the others?

  • I told David Eddings I loved his Claptrap shirt over twitter and then he responded with a photo of it. Figured I'd share it here too. :D

    I'm gonna be sad if Claptrap doesn't at least have a cameo in the final episode.

    enter image description here

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Nothing important, but some fun facts. Tales from the Borderlands stuff: -Laura (Fiona) was there. -She's the one who suggested Ashley

  • Will Tales from the Borderlands Episode 4 live crowd play be live-streamed?

  • Don't think so, unfortunately.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Will Tales from the Borderlands Episode 4 live crowd play be live-streamed?

  • Twitch doesn't list it on their Pax page, and Telltale/Gearbox have yet to mention anything about a stream... so, unfortunately, I don't think so.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Will Tales from the Borderlands Episode 4 live crowd play be live-streamed?

  • aw that's too bad ;-; I really want to see it!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Twitch doesn't list it on their Pax page, and Telltale/Gearbox have yet to mention anything about a stream... so, unfortunately, I don't think so.

  • edited August 2015

    Um, I was on the web the other day and it said the live play was happening this Saturday night.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Twitch doesn't list it on their Pax page, and Telltale/Gearbox have yet to mention anything about a stream... so, unfortunately, I don't think so.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    The live play will happen Saturday night but there is nothing about it streaming online on the PAX Twitch schedule, it's possible that they could add it later but a stream is looking unlikely at the moment.

    J-Master posted: »

    Um, I was on the web the other day and it said the live play was happening this Saturday night.

  • is that....a pig Fiona i see...?

    Crips posted: »

    That gif is amazing.

  • Oink oink.

    Crydog posted: »

    is that....a pig Fiona i see...?

  • The problem is that most of the game movies suck.

    Crips posted: »

    FNAF Movie, Borderlands Movie...A lot of video games get movies. And I'm so happy about that.

  • edited August 2015

    I had a feeling they changed her personality. The preview in Gortys in Episode 1, the way it moved, it didn't look as cute as she turned out to be in later on ;.; and she's so adorable.

    Where's the cut dialogue? I wanna hear it.

    Jurchy posted: »

    So i've been listening to some cut dialogue, and i'm sooo glad that they changed the voice actor for gortys. When they changed the voice actor, they changed her personality too.

  • Gosh, I am super glad that they changed her personality then. :)

    Jurchy posted: »


  • I find it interesting how they are both bloody.

    Is it the Stranger's blood?

  • I hope episode 5 will take forever because I don't want the series to be over.


  • You can always go back to the TftB Episode 2 waiting thread and relive those sweet memories in your head. :P


    I hope episode 5 will take forever because I don't want the series to be over. ((((

  • They don't have present clothes, so probably not. But I wouldn't look too much into it.

    I find it interesting how they are both bloody. Is it the Stranger's blood?

  • That sounds so crazy it might just actually work!

    You can always go back to the TftB Episode 2 waiting thread and relive those sweet memories in your head. :P https://www.telltalegames.co

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