Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    "I have to go now.”

    “Don’t bother finding me. I’m not worth it.”

    “I can’t tell you why."

    Rhys lay in his bed with a strained expression. His alarm read 3:30am although he felt like he had been lying there awake for an eternity. The one thing on his mind, the one thing that hadn’t left it at all, was Fiona. She had ran away just a dozen hours before, not even explaining why to Rhys. She managed to drift away in mere minutes, with the last word she spoke to him being, ‘You don’t understand.’

    ’How selfish’ he thought.

    It was no secret to him that he thought the world of Fiona. Rhys undoubtedly, unconditionally loved her, and he would for a long time.

    Which is why he was so stricken when she left him standing alone outside of her own home. Why he longed for her to come and, at the very least, tell him why she ran.

    Rhys had pondered for too long, so he rolled out of his solid mattress and slid on his work shoes, before quickly sliding his asymmetrical shirt on, not bothering to button it. He rushed outside of the musty room and exited the house, and then he ran down the road, only stopping when he was far enough away to track Fiona without interruption. His cybernetic arm lit up and revealed a map, the only light present in this desolate path. It illuminated his face dimly, but enough so that anyone passing by could tell he was human.

    Rhys smirked, for he knew that Fiona had her communicator on her, and that it would prove no difficult task to find her. After searching vigorously for her name in his files, Rhys found her on the map, appearing no further than two miles away from him. With one swift fist-clench and a gleaming smile, he began running to the location of interest, his tousled hair blowing in every which way.

    The Hyperion man managed to find the area Fiona was in, though he looked horrific, if he were to put it nicely. His sleep-deprived face and unkempt look did nothing to reveal his usually pretty look. The only positive thing on him was his relieved face when he checked the map once more to see that Fiona was still in the same place she had been for the last half hour it took for Rhys to find it. He couldn’t see her, though. He looked all around, drifting his eyes to every possible place she could be, but to no avail. It wasn't until he heard a familiar voice ring into his eardrums that he knew there was life here.

    “Get the hell off of me!” The voice yelled, only to be met with grunts and hushed laughs. Rhys panicked with adrenaline coursing through his veins, albeit not in a good way. A sudden static-like noise rung throughout his head and a blue glitch appeared out of the crisp, early air.

    “How’s it hanging, Rhysie? Found your damsel yet?” He jeered, cautiously floating around Rhys, though somehow coming across as careless, “It’s not the time, Jack.” He spoke through gritted teeth, still wandering around the eerie apartment where Fiona was supposedly hanging around.

    “Don’t be such a downer, she’s around here. Though, I gotta tell ya, you might want to freshen up before facing her. You don’t look so good,” The AI Jack stopped hovering and stood right in front of his ally, “And you may not like what’s happening to little Fi-Fi.” This caused Rhys to freeze up in terror, “W-What do you mean?” asked the alive man in this situation. Jack only pointed to the dark alley in which the yell emerged from and disappeared as quickly as he showed up. Without hesitation, Rhys sprinted to the dark area and flickered on his hand, revealing the crumbled and filthy brickwork and the littered floors. He approached another corner, the grunts and cries became more coherent and audible. More panic flushed through Rhys as he ran ever so closer to the distress, before his light shone upon it and he felt his body tense up.

    “Come on, pretty girl. Listen to your teacher.” A hooded figure was clambered on top of a crying Fiona with a menacing grin barely shining through the darkness. The sudden light halted further harassment as both Fiona and the man looked up, one showing utmost fear and the other pure anger. The hooded man stood up and placed himself right in front of Rhys, before pushing his chest away and muttering something under his breath. He could tell he was from Elpis due to his thick accent, but Rhys stayed firmly in his place, not daring to show weakness to this predator.

    Before even speaking to either of the two, Rhys noticed that Jack was floating right behind the man, eagerly but silently asking if he could use Rhys’ arm to hit him. One nod later and Jack was controlling his arm, and he used all of his might to deliver a bellowing punch to the man, knocking him unconscious so very easily. Rhys was, once again, back in control over his right arm, shaking it lightly after that vicious hit.

    A cold wind brewed in the air, and before too long Rhys could feel his exposed chest prickling with goosebumps. He quickly scrambled down beside Fiona before embracing her tightly, no words needing to express how they felt at this moment. Various stutters and sobs escaped Fiona’s lips while Rhys only hushed her and pressed her face to his chest.

    “W-We’re going to go back now, alright? Stay close to me and we can walk back.” Rhys announced, before standing up with Fiona still tight in his grip. She only nodded as the two walked carefully back to her home, where Sasha would probably be residing.

    “Rhys?” Fiona stopped when they were only a street away from her house. The man stopped in unison with her and raised a concerned brow, “What is it?” He asked in a soft tone.

    “The reason I left is because,” She paused, not wanting to continue, but Rhys had a right to know, he basically saved her from trauma, “Shit,” A quick inhale was added, but Fiona knew she couldn't say it now. She inevitably shook her head and continued walking, but this time she didn't huddle into Rhys. She strode ahead with her head low and a frown on her face.

    “Fiona, if it’s because I blamed you for eating the ice cream I bought, I’m sorry. I-It was a stupid little argument but I never knew I actually hurt you.” Rhys admitted, he was oblivious to the real reason and was stupid enough to think that he’d done something wrong. Fiona stifled a chuckle, before walking up to him and wrapping her arms around him. She breathed in his scent, a mix of sweat and clean sheets engulfing her nostrils and making her shiver.

    She did not speak, she did not kiss him. She merely walked ahead with Rhys tumbling behind her, ever so confused and worried. They eventually reached her home, but Fiona managed to peck Rhys on the cheek before she entered, shutting the door quietly only to receive a knock on it once again.

    Rhys appeared behind the door with a questionable look upon his face, before perking up once Fiona opened the door.

    “Urh, what were you going to say earlier?” He asked innocently, still unbeknownst to Fiona’s little fancy. She lowly chuckled, leaning against the side of the door with a smirk on her face.

    “Time will tell, Rhys.

    Time will tell.”

  • I'm really confused but okey dokey...

    Wait, are your saying that people tell you who they wanna be shipped with or is there something I'm not getting?


  • Me and 404 talking about how we've almost reached 850 pages.

    Kawaiii posted: »

    what is happening right now

  • bitch pls, I am already in the plane.

    Some of the waffles can be this big Have I convinced you to go to the Netherlands?

  • wow BECON FROM PİG!!!! you are awsome bruh keep this work

    "I have to go now.” “Don’t bother finding me. I’m not worth it.” “I can’t tell you why." Rhys lay in his bed with a strained expres

  • yep most people sleeping right now

    Kawaiii posted: »

    what is happening right now

  • thats actually very very sad

    More people watch Pewdiepie then there are people in my country.

  • Wow. This presentation, is, is just... beautiful! Why would you have any doubts about this? This just reeks of the huge amount of effort that you have put into it! This is amazing! You have handled this like an expert, and the story... whoa, the story, it's gonna go places. ;)

    Keep up the good work! Never doubt yourself again!

    P.S: I'm glad you took the time to make this even better! It was worth it!

    "I have to go now.” “Don’t bother finding me. I’m not worth it.” “I can’t tell you why." Rhys lay in his bed with a strained expres

  • since some of you don't appreciate the struggle i endure for you, i'll be going

    nighty night, everyone who cares <3

  • Omg so cute <3 Rhys being a badass and saving his lady.

    Also, Rhys, you doofus, you really think she left cause of the ice cream?! I think I know why she left...

    Brilliant work, definitely worth the wait.

    "I have to go now.” “Don’t bother finding me. I’m not worth it.” “I can’t tell you why." Rhys lay in his bed with a strained expres

  • I'm saying John gives me the information :b

    And he told me to ship it even though i was already SHIPPING U TWO FOR A VERY LONG TIME :b

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I'm really confused but okey dokey... Wait, are your saying that people tell you who they wanna be shipped with or is there something I'm not getting?

  • Goodnight! Lewd Rhyiona dreams! :)

    since some of you don't appreciate the struggle i endure for you, i'll be going nighty night, everyone who cares


    which is a pain in the ass for me

  • Alright John, I will just stay here a-and be happy!

    Seriously tho, good night John. Sweet Rhyiona dreams m8. ;)

    since some of you don't appreciate the struggle i endure for you, i'll be going nighty night, everyone who cares

  • lewdi nighty dreams bruh

    since some of you don't appreciate the struggle i endure for you, i'll be going nighty night, everyone who cares

  • I agree, John.

    thats actually very very sad

  • When I'm gone the thread blows up with a shit tone of comments, but when I come back the thread its ded.

    Thank you for your welcoming though <3

    welcome back to ded thred .

  • r rated rhyiona dreams brotha

    since some of you don't appreciate the struggle i endure for you, i'll be going nighty night, everyone who cares

  • Oh O////O

    You might want to edit your comment if you're so worried of him seeing it...

    I'm saying John gives me the information :b And he told me to ship it even though i was already SHIPPING U TWO FOR A VERY LONG TIME :b

  • Thanks Kristi

    Yeah, I go back on the 3rd I think, I still got a lot of stuff to get before I go back to school :S

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey Lotti, welcome back! Ah, same. Starting school in a couple of days. ;~;

  • enter image description here

    Man, I can't thank you enough! I'm seriously blushing right now from this. I really appreciate this feedback! Thank you so much :D

    I'll hopefully deliver more in the next few weeks, I'll keep this in mind whenever I write!

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Wow. This presentation, is, is just... beautiful! Why would you have any doubts about this? This just reeks of the huge amount of effort tha

  • who is online on thred reply check time

  • AWWW... this is so cute and well written :__)

    "I have to go now.” “Don’t bother finding me. I’m not worth it.” “I can’t tell you why." Rhys lay in his bed with a strained expres

  • SO CUTE!!!

    enter image description here

    "I have to go now.” “Don’t bother finding me. I’m not worth it.” “I can’t tell you why." Rhys lay in his bed with a strained expres

  • ay

    who is online on thred reply check time

  • goodnight, friend :)

    i care <3

    since some of you don't appreciate the struggle i endure for you, i'll be going nighty night, everyone who cares

  • yep most people sleeping right now

    lottii-lu posted: »

    When I'm gone the thread blows up with a shit tone of comments, but when I come back the thread its ded. Thank you for your welcoming though

  • Goodnight pal

    since some of you don't appreciate the struggle i endure for you, i'll be going nighty night, everyone who cares

  • Hey, your work is pretty admirable ^-^

    Laku noć <3

    since some of you don't appreciate the struggle i endure for you, i'll be going nighty night, everyone who cares

  • No problem, Gared!

    I'll be looking for more of those over the next few weeks then. Can't wait. ;)

    Man, I can't thank you enough! I'm seriously blushing right now from this. I really appreciate this feedback! Thank you so much I'll hopefully deliver more in the next few weeks, I'll keep this in mind whenever I write!

  • Me but I'm going to bed soon, it's midnight :P

    who is online on thred reply check time

  • Thank you very much, these words are so kind :D

    I think I know why she left...

    Someone else could continue.. ;)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Omg so cute Rhys being a badass and saving his lady. Also, Rhys, you doofus, you really think she left cause of the ice cream?! I think I know why she left... Brilliant work, definitely worth the wait.

  • G'night already than!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Me but I'm going to bed soon, it's midnight :P

  • <3

    Thanks so much, I was writing for ages with this. :)

    rhonu posted: »

    AWWW... this is so cute and well written :__)

  • Good night John, lewd rhyiona dreams :P

    since some of you don't appreciate the struggle i endure for you, i'll be going nighty night, everyone who cares

  • good night lewdi rhyiona dreams bruh

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Me but I'm going to bed soon, it's midnight :P

  • You deserve em and many more :D

    I would love to try this, but I'm going to bed now so maybe another day :)

    Thank you very much, these words are so kind I think I know why she left... Someone else could continue..




    BRO FIST!!!!! <33333333333333

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey everyone Ugh, I had a rough morning. Up at 6am, go into work and got stuff done late (it was so bad that my boss had to come in ON H

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