Come on Telltale, square up fam!

The traitor, my traitor was Royland, confessed to Rodrik that the whitehills were going to ambush them at the trade and that he was saving the Forresters. So he decided to set Gryff free?! :/ why would that help them, he's giving up the only bargaining chip the Forresters have that put the future war at a stalemate.
Look I like GOT a lot, this is my first TT game, and I've enjoyed how they progressed the story over the course of the season so far, however episode 5 was the weakest without a doubt, the traitor thing is like what Dorne was in seasons 5 it created more questions than answers, and everyone agrees it was the worst, like;

  • why does the bracer even matter? It's like class president (it's pointless besides the symbolism)
  • Did the guards not even notice the traitor leading him out like " oh hi der non sentinel y u hav gryff n his entire garrison free to go? Should we ask Rodders or de sentinel fwurst?" No dey fwee to go, "oh ok bye gryff n co"
  • why didn't the traitor just tell rodrik that they were going to be ambushed at the trade in the first place?
  • how did gryff n co not just takeover ironwrath the second they were free, Ramsay did say that the forresters had a " a pathetic excuse of an army"?
  • why weren't gryffs men not slaughtered? we just needed gryff as leverage not harys n the other bums.
  • Why couldn't TT just set one of the two as a traitor not because of a shiny bracelet but because of core decisions that would affect actual situations, even though nothing was changed except minor dialogue.

    I believe that there's more to the traitor thing that meets the eye, I'm waiting for a more in depth reason like he was covering for someone, bc it cant just be lazy writing but idk, like maybe Talia wanted a war because she was traumatized by her twins death n the traitor was covering for her or something.

    When it came down to either killin traitor or let him live, I thought the information he provided would be useful or he could have redemption arc. I chose to save Rodders because he already died at the twins n he's been on a rollercoaster ride with the whitehills, n he's a lord, he nor Asher deserved to be left for dead for the whitehills to cut down. All in all I look forward to The north grove but I thought killin Finn off was just a cheap way to get rid of a determinant character, like we knew the guy since like the beginning of the season n him, cotter n gared were like the three musketeers on an adventure but now it's cotter, gared n Sylvi ;_;. Mira's story I like but I hope she can get out of there alive with Tom, even tho Tom is not workin for Mira... What are y'all thoughts on the whole episode n what could have n should have gone down with the whitehills n I can't wait to in episode 6, murder all the whithills n BURN HIGHPOINT TO THE FOOKING GROUND!


  • i agree that the traitor scene was poorly handled - i personally was hoping the entire time that it was elissa forrester as a ploy for her to win some favor with the whitehills to get ryon back as well as some other flaws & that episode 5 was probably the weakest of the series but there were some scenes that i thoroughly enjoyed as well (i.e. everything with asher, interacting with tyrion, and even ramsay's stuff *other than him flaying arthur and the fact that technically he shouldn't be near ironrath at this point)

    i agree that i can't wait til episode 6 and this episode + the long wait of no update news is making me so hyped that the season finale is going to be amazing

    *ps: nice screen name op, you'll always be a fooking legend haha

  • "Did the guards not even notice the traitor leading him out ": If he freed them , it was probably during the night , there was probably just one guard guarding , and he was probably sleeping or something . + The traitor whoever it was, was considered to be a "loyal" man so he maybe just told the guard to get some sleep that we would watch them for the night .

    "why didn't the traitor just tell rodrik that they were going to be ambushed at the trade in the first place ": that's the point , he was a traitor ,if rodrick didn't found that about him , he wouldn't have told anything since the traitor's life wasn't in danger .

    "how did gryff n co not just takeover ironwrath the second they were free," They probably had no weapons on them. And The forresters have probably more than twenty men in their holdfast ,

    "why weren't gryffs men not slaughtered?" : because they weren't completly at war just yet, they were going to trade Gryff And Ryon, AnD the whitehills didn't kill anyone at ironrath , and prisoners are useful in time of war

    "Why couldn't TT just set one of the two as a traitor not because of a shiny bracelet but because of core decisions that would affect actual situations, " :Actually i would've liked that , that even if you choose the warrior as sentinel and yet make cunning appraochs , you could still have the warrior as traitor , would have made more sense.

    "I thought killin Finn off was just a cheap way to get rid of a determinant character" : it's game of thrones everyone die Valaar morghulis , Khal Drogo died of a wound that festered , Tywin Lannister died in the privy . There's only one Plot armor In Westeros and it's in the possession of Ramsay Snow .

  • edited August 2015

    Loved the last sentence " There's only one Plot armor In Westeros and it's in the possession of Ramsay Snow ." Good one ^^

    Dydix958 posted: »

    "Did the guards not even notice the traitor leading him out ": If he freed them , it was probably during the night , there was probably jus

  • I agree with everything on this list practically everything about the traitor screamed moronically bad writing. I noticed your name btw lol,

    R.I.P Karl Tanner, Legend of Gin Alley

    enter image description here

  • Thanks lol, that would be funny if Gared met up with him at Crasters n shared a cup of wine or something. The Legend of Gin Alley

    sbk12345 posted: »

    i agree that the traitor scene was poorly handled - i personally was hoping the entire time that it was elissa forrester as a ploy for her t

  • And making Lady Forrester the traitor would not only make sense but would also connect to the Starks once again

    sbk12345 posted: »

    i agree that the traitor scene was poorly handled - i personally was hoping the entire time that it was elissa forrester as a ploy for her t

  • yea I can see some of the things you are saying but it makes no sense giving up the only leverage they have, royland was crying out to Rodrik that he was saving this family n Royland stated that" they were going to ambush them at the trade, there was no trade it was all bs so royland can free gryff n screw them over and leave them without leverage and go at them without a second thought. Plus the garrison if slaughtered would impact their numbers, it would also show strength, and they wouldnt attack ironwrath because the soldiers don't matter to ludd its gryff they want not ser 20 wannabe men. It's TT n their treatment of determints that irritated me when Finn died, it wasn't their reason that Finn died was bc it's GOT, it's bc he's determinant= bye bye u ded, u think blood song or the other steward in episode 1 matter no same will happen to them, I guarantee it. So yea... Valar doharis

    Dydix958 posted: »

    "Did the guards not even notice the traitor leading him out ": If he freed them , it was probably during the night , there was probably jus

  • Yeah let's just finish the game and be done with Telltale.. Am I right?

    Wrong, we're all pissin ourselves waiting for episode 6, episode 5 of TftB, the Michonne DLC. No matter what, telltale has us in the palm of their hands. They don't even have to make a better game.. And they probably won't. We'll be here, complaining about the last episode. We'll be here to complain about TWD season 3.

    And nothing will change.

  • We'll be here, complaining about the last episode. We'll be here to complain about TWD season 3.

    pls no

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Yeah let's just finish the game and be done with Telltale.. Am I right? Wrong, we're all pissin ourselves waiting for episode 6, episode

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