Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • We were joking, but then again all jokes get serious at some point. Seems to be better now, hopefully it'll stay that way.

    HellFish posted: »

    Hey guys! I've been gone for half a day, watching my brother play Until Dawn (it's awesome btw) and I see there was some drama and I'd like

  • NO


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    NO fite me already jeez

  • Here is another image

    enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Interesting. You should make more art then.

  • edited August 2015

    Just saying if I had that much songs I'd definetely not have enough time to listen to all of them. I had like 100 and half of them were just forgotten to me, so I deleted them.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    what do you mean I don't listen to them?

  • I think so :)

    HellFish posted: »

    I'd say go for it... I'm not that much of a fan of horror movies/games in general, but I still find this game amazing. That should count for something, right?

  • depends how much of the cola has been spilled. ;)


    enter image description here

    Helpful advice whenever you need it.

  • I still haven't downloaded half of the songs though because I'm too lazy for that.

    Just saying if I had that much songs I'd definetely not have enough time to listen to all of them. I had like 100 and half of them were just forgotten to me, so I deleted them.

  • Aw thank you so much Rabbit :'D

    I don't think I've been able to be on here a lot, that's all. I just wanted to do somthing for this thread. Yet again, thank you for your kind words :)

    Yeah, do it fam! Pish posh, you contribute to this thread by being awesome. Wouldn't be the same without you. I mean do you see me posting anything other than replies? Like once or twice per day at most.

  • I'm starting to be sad that I missed it.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I miss our Spanish...

  • enter image description here

    Helpful advice whenever you need it.

  • Our spanish was so good.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I miss our Spanish...



  • Yeah... don't forget about Pablo either. ;_;

    Kawaiii posted: »

    Our spanish was so good.

  • There's pros for being picky with my music I guess. I don't have to download as much.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I still haven't downloaded half of the songs though because I'm too lazy for that.

  • How the fuck does someone manage to laugh while under blood?

  • Rest in Fajitas Pablo ♥♥♥

    He was a good old man.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Yeah... don't forget about Pablo either. ;_;

  • edited August 2015


    enter image description here

    Reposted because you guys were sleeping.

  • that's a good question

    How the fuck does someone manage to laugh while under blood?

  • edited August 2015

    So much fun at night, I think it's because we're crazy.

    Crazy in Rhyiona


  • He was a... loyal Rhyiona follower. I will never forget that. ;_;

    Kawaiii posted: »

    Rest in Fajitas Pablo ♥♥♥ He was a good old man.

  • enter image description here

    That's okay, I'm not gonna be on here half as often in 2 days either. That makes me sad :\

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Aw thank you so much Rabbit :'D I don't think I've been able to be on here a lot, that's all. I just wanted to do somthing for this thread. Yet again, thank you for your kind words

  • No wolf 0.6/10

    2016 Reposted because you guys were sleeping.

  • Maybe this isn't the best idea he's ever had.

    Fiona is easy to anger and sometimes he takes advantage of that -- but it's when he doesn't mean to that he angers her the most.

    In retrospect, he knows it's his fault.

    He makes a mental note never to tell her they can't keep adopting robots again. He can admit Dumpy is cute but they've already got two to take care of and he frankly wants a human somewhere down the line too.

    It's a talk for another day, he supposes.

    For now, he needs to concentrate on making it up to her.

    So now he's sitting down, pen in his left hand and muttering to himself before scratching line after line of what he's already manage to write.

    "Shit," he runs a hand through his hair dejectedly, "why did I decide on this out of all things?"

    Rhys knows far too well that it isn't chocolates or flowers that's going to mean anything to her and apologies can be faked far too easily.

    But he also doesn't know what possessed him to think she'd enjoy poetry.

    "I suck at this."

    He moans and drops the pen on the desk before lowering his head on his arms.

    A tug at his sleeve catches his attention, however, and Gortys is standing there with a smile on her face that he's glad never changes.


    He pats her on the head in acknowledgement and hopes she gets the memo. She does.

    "Are you trying to make Fiona happy again?"

    He knows he needs to hold his tongue because her rage fit had stemmed from a topic involving her -- it's not that he doesn't love her and Loader Bot, he just thinks enough is enough but he doesn't know if she'd understand that.

    "Well," he risked, "yeah. I just angered her a bit and I want to make it up to her."

    "But you always anger her!"

    Gortys is still smiling as she says this and he knows she means no harm but it's a direct blow to his pride and he almost cries on the spot.

    "Uh, well today I screwed up more than usual so I'm trying to write something pretty for her."

    "Pretty?" She instantly lights up. "I wanna help!"

    Maybe it's stupid but he feels more glad about any kind of help at all than he probably should so he nods at her before he even realises what he's doing.

    He really sucks at this.

    "So?" She waves her little hands excitedly. "What are we writing?"

    "Poetry." He remembers she probably doesn't even know what that means. "It's um... I guess a story that rhymes?"

    "I love rhymes! This is gonna be fun!"

    So they sit and he writes. Or attempts to.

    He has a feeling this is probably not going to go how he wants.

    "What... what rhymes with love?"


    Rhys scrunches his nose.

    "That's probably... that won't make sense in the context --"

    "She'll love it!"

    This is a mess and he knows it but he doesn't have time to fix anything when he hears the front door open and Fiona's angry steps echoing through the house.

    Gortys snatches the pen from him and draws a crude version of herself at the bottom of the paper like a signature before waving at him and leaving him to his destiny -- she's more ruthless than he ever thought.

    "What the hell is this mess?"

    The tone of her voice is already angry from their previous argument and now there's papers all across the living room from his torture session earlier and it only adds to her fury when she stares at him, crossing her arms.

    "...Welcome home."

    "Answer me."

    Without meaning to offend Gortys, he's genuinely itching to throw that paper away too but he's holding it and she's clearly watching him so he knows he's got no way out of this. Slowly, getting up, he hands the paper to her feeling more embarrassed than he'd ever been in ages.

    She stares at it before breaking into laughter.

    "What... what the hell is..." she has to wipe a tear away from her eye, "I can't breathe..."

    He can feel his face burning.

    "I was just trying to... uh..."

    "Yeah, I get it," she snorts, " but seriously? Have you actually listened to this out loud? 'I've never been so in love, you make my heart soar high like a dove'?"

    "It's not that bad, you have to admit it's origin--"

    "'When I'm with you, my heart beats fast, so let's forget all that happened in the past''... I don't even know what to tell you here."

    "Okay, maybe it could use some work, but --"

    "Do you really want me to go on?"


    "What's with the Gortys drawing anyway?"

    He winces knowing she's going to feel guilty if she hears so to spare her the trouble, he thinks a little white lie can't hurt.

    "I... was using her as my inspiration."


    With that, she crumbles the paper and throws it with all the others before gesturing at him with her head in a way that tells him he's still cleaning all that up.

    "By the way," she winks at him as she's turning to leave, "I can't stay mad at you after that. It was still cute in your own weird way."

    At least he got something out of this.

    Later, when he's already sleeping, she plants a kiss on his temple, shaking her head and deciding tomorrow Gortys deserves something for her efforts too.

    He never was a good liar.

    i finally stopped being a little shit and not writing anything

    This is for @Janek95

    raise your hand if you'd forgive Gortys for her poor skills

  • best things happen at night I guess

    Kawaiii posted: »

    So much fun at night, I think it's because we're crazy. Crazy in Rhyiona ehehehe..

  • edited August 2015

    Just gotta wait for another 8 hours! Or so...

    Kawaiii posted: »

    So much fun at night, I think it's because we're crazy. Crazy in Rhyiona ehehehe..



  • I can't choose the same characters all the time.

    No wolf 0.6/10

  • enter image description here

    Kawaiii posted: »

    ma house is dancing with me

  • Its 5:30 pm here lol.

    Kawaiii posted: »

    So much fun at night, I think it's because we're crazy. Crazy in Rhyiona ehehehe..

  • True.

    I can't choose the same characters all the time.

  • At first I was like "Is that dickbutt?" but then I realized it was a thumbs up.

    Here is another image

  • so cute and beautiful<3

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Maybe this isn't the best idea he's ever had. Fiona is easy to anger and sometimes he takes advantage of that -- but it's when he doesn't

  • 9 pages in new fanfic has been erased after viewing art with Jack and Skipper. This happens every time with every story.


    enter image description here

  • Do not underestimate my paint skills King.

    At first I was like "Is that dickbutt?" but then I realized it was a thumbs up.

  • 2016

    lol nah

    enter image description here

    2016 Reposted because you guys were sleeping.

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