Could the Forresters win against the Whitehills in battle?

CapnJayCapnJay Banned
edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Gared took out [possibly[ 2 white hill soldiers on his own and would have taken out britt which he does anyway. 3 whitehill men taken out by a pig farmer. now each pit fighter is at least 3 gareds combined with the glennmores who might say "fuck ramsay" for killing arthur. Combine with the forresters own obviously superior trained men and possibly even giving their lumberjacks axes to fight with could the Forresters raze highpoint to the ground?


  • Well, I mean, they will win or people would complain about the whole season being pointless.

  • True because noone ever complains about anything else in game of thrones.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well, I mean, they will win or people would complain about the whole season being pointless.

  • ..what?

    CapnJay posted: »

    True because noone ever complains about anything else in game of thrones.

  • Yeah, if they can be beat by a fookin' pig farmer, I think they have a low chance against fully trained soldiers.

  • Nah they have at least twice as much men. The pitt fighters would all die in half a second by slipping on a banana peel or some shit while the rest would get singled out and picked off

  • The Forresters will probably win through superior tactics. The right plan can make stronger numbers a liability rather than an asset.

  • The Forresters have

    • Small folk soldiers
    • Pitt Fighters
    • Glenmore Army

    While the whithills don't have any backing from House Bolton nor the backing of the crown since Mira foiled Andros' plan. This leaves the Whitehills without an strategic advantage besides Ryon but I bet Gwyn will free Ryon after learning that Rodrik/Asher is dead leaving the whitehills no extra advantages and it would be harder for them to win unless House Glenmore don't provide the troops to honor the betrothal and the number of pit fighters aren't satisfactory unless there were more offscreen but I think the foresters will win or there will be no victor and both sides will suffer the consequences of war.

  • Give this man some bacon.

    richforce posted: »

    The Forresters will probably win through superior tactics. The right plan can make stronger numbers a liability rather than an asset.

  • The whole reason why the Whitehills ambushed Asher and Rodrik in the first place. It is because that Mira destroyed their mercenary army and lost the backing of House Bolton.

    They are getting desperate.

  • you mean like sun tzu destroy any hope of deserting or escape without victory an army who is fighting for their life is more dangerous then the one who is fighting for politics.

    richforce posted: »

    The Forresters will probably win through superior tactics. The right plan can make stronger numbers a liability rather than an asset.

  • My personal thoughts? No, they just don't have the numbers.

    What I actually reckon we'll end up doing is sneaking in to Highpoint to attack the Whitehills in their sleep - it's the only way I think we'd have a chance tbh...

  • yeah, if gared, a pig farmer killed 3 whitehills... Beskha will kill 30, and Asher/Rodrik will kill at least nine thousaaaaaaand

  • I think they will, if Mira gets the coin we need

  • We need The Stannis Inquisition.

    enter image description here

  • superior tactics.

    just like they did so far every single time

    richforce posted: »

    The Forresters will probably win through superior tactics. The right plan can make stronger numbers a liability rather than an asset.

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