Has Mercy ever actually benefitted anyone in GoT the game?

I'm replaying the series. I spared the other whitehill soldier and nothing came of it, asher's dude has said if i kill him the lost legion will never stop hunting asher so i broke his knee but chances are that they wont stop hunting asher anyway. so it makes me wonder why bother with mercy?



  • If you spare Dezor you get gold :D

  • edited August 2015

    Except if you tell Dany that Beskha was Dezhor's slave when you killed him :P

    If you spare Dezor you get gold

  • True but that gold hasn't done anything.

    If you spare Dezor you get gold

  • edited August 2015

    Well but mercy in this case gives you gold regardless ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Except if you tell Dany that Beskha was Dezhor's slave when you killed him :P

  • Hey but he/she asked if it had benefited anyone in GoT universe and gold is always a good thing to have around :) (this will obviusly depend on what TellTale does with the gold in wpisode 6)

    True but that gold hasn't done anything.

  • But not mercy gives you gold too it's just about giving Daenarys a legitimate reason for killing the guy. Again no real benefit.

    just like you can't do a full mute playthrough of Game of Thrones.

    Well but mercy in this case gives you gold regardless ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • I don't disagree at all about it not being useful, I'd kill to have a chest full of gold too lol. Just saying that it actually did nothing to help. I figured it'd either let you immediately get the fighters and/or get you the ship but you get both either way and that chest is just sitting there going, "You could buy another ship or 2, and another army if you use me! No? Okay then... I'll just collect dust over here."

    Hey but he/she asked if it had benefited anyone in GoT universe and gold is always a good thing to have around (this will obviusly depend on what TellTale does with the gold in wpisode 6)

  • Maybe we can melt it down and pour it over ramsay snow then mount him in the Great Hall of ironrath as a coat rack.

    I don't disagree at all about it not being useful, I'd kill to have a chest full of gold too lol. Just saying that it actually did nothing t

  • Nothing came from sparing the Whitehill, really. Nothing physical. I still like it, really, because it shows that my Gared isn't like that. It doesn't change anything game-wise, but it changes his character from the players perspective.

  • But in Ashers case you either break the man's knee or kill him which shows basically the same side of Asher ruthlessness and again has no real physical difference to benefit you.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Nothing came from sparing the Whitehill, really. Nothing physical. I still like it, really, because it shows that my Gared isn't like that. It doesn't change anything game-wise, but it changes his character from the players perspective.

  • I'm surprised it didn't change anything other than dialogue and what Malcolm thinks of you. They showed it on the 'previously on', so I would've thought it would have some consequence.

    CapnJay posted: »

    But in Ashers case you either break the man's knee or kill him which shows basically the same side of Asher ruthlessness and again has no real physical difference to benefit you.

  • I'm doing my second playthrough also, and im realizing that most these decisions don't really effect the story whatsoever... Just minor dialogue options

  • Well you gotta crawl before you can walk with ttg and dontnod paving the way one day we'll have games where choices actually matter.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I'm doing my second playthrough also, and im realizing that most these decisions don't really effect the story whatsoever... Just minor dialogue options

  • Remembers Viserys Ahhh thet would be good :)

    CapnJay posted: »

    Maybe we can melt it down and pour it over ramsay snow then mount him in the Great Hall of ironrath as a coat rack.

  • But not mercy gives you gold too it's just about giving Daenarys a legitimate reason for killing the guy. Again no real benefit.

    Mercy does give you gold and not being mercifull does too (in a more restrict way) and your question was if mercy benefited someone and yes, it does, but that doesn't mean that you can't get that benefit without being mercyfull.

    just like you can't do a full mute playthrough of Game of Thrones.

    Sorry but I don't get what does that has to do with anything...

    CapnJay posted: »

    But not mercy gives you gold too it's just about giving Daenarys a legitimate reason for killing the guy. Again no real benefit. just like you can't do a full mute playthrough of Game of Thrones.

  • You... I like your ideas.

    CapnJay posted: »

    Maybe we can melt it down and pour it over ramsay snow then mount him in the Great Hall of ironrath as a coat rack.

  • ask Ramsay Snow and you have your answer

  • You gain nothing from killing so why kill people? It depends on the kind of person you are and how you like to play.

  • If we got something for being merciful, would it really be mercy? I was so much disappointed that Gared could not spare Britt. TTG could make him slip down by accident, if is necessary for the plot.

  • Well if we had to go in the context of the story, As Gared you can kill all the guys that murdered your father and raped your sister, so I guess for satisfaction? Same thing for Asher, kill the legions for trying to kill you in the first place.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    You gain nothing from killing so why kill people? It depends on the kind of person you are and how you like to play.

  • If you don't beat the shit outta Gryff your death at the end of Episode 5 is marginally less horrific, if memory serves you don't get your eye poked out and Harys doesn't spit on your corpse.

    So there's that.

  • Thank god, I chose to not beat him in my second playthrough, because what's the point?

    Glad it changes the fight at least

    If you don't beat the shit outta Gryff your death at the end of Episode 5 is marginally less horrific, if memory serves you don't get your eye poked out and Harys doesn't spit on your corpse. So there's that.

  • Not for me, I gave Gryff a good couple hits put didn't go so far to jab his eye with the cane but Rodrik still got his eye gouged out and spat on for me.

    If you don't beat the shit outta Gryff your death at the end of Episode 5 is marginally less horrific, if memory serves you don't get your eye poked out and Harys doesn't spit on your corpse. So there's that.

  • I didn't even hit him, and they still spat on Rodrik and destroyed his eye socket

    If you don't beat the shit outta Gryff your death at the end of Episode 5 is marginally less horrific, if memory serves you don't get your eye poked out and Harys doesn't spit on your corpse. So there's that.

  • its not that showing mercy dosent gives you benefits, its dosent matter.

  • Nope. No effect whatsoever. This game does not take our choices into consideration

  • Well it is GoT, the decision to show mercy is never respected in this universe, especially with people like Gryff

    Arih125 posted: »

    Nope. No effect whatsoever. This game does not take our choices into consideration

  • edited September 2015

    Tazal (not azhor ahai lmao) starts to reason why Asher should spare him "u kill me..." *Asher thinks "ok" and breaks his neck

  • edited August 2015

    They raped Gareds sister, are you sure? I didnt kill Tazal, the slave master or the traitor, but I made Britt suffered without mercy and I didnt even knew he raped Gareds sister...

    KronusX posted: »

    Well if we had to go in the context of the story, As Gared you can kill all the guys that murdered your father and raped your sister, so I guess for satisfaction? Same thing for Asher, kill the legions for trying to kill you in the first place.

  • It's never flat out said that they raped her but britt taunts that he made sure gareds father was still alive when he started on her so gared's fathers last things he ever heard was her screaming. Considering the last thing he actually ever heard was gareds voice and the dad mumbled something that could be interpreted as him believing Gared's sister was still alive [or it could be him telling gared shes dead or him telling what they did to her.] And the fact all we see is her lower half an a pitchfork in her back. Who knows.

    N8eule posted: »

    They raped Gareds sister, are you sure? I didnt kill Tazal, the slave master or the traitor, but I made Britt suffered without mercy and I didnt even knew he raped Gareds sister...

  • "The enemy you don't kill today is gonna be the one who'll kill you tomorrow"

    That pretty much explains my point of view.

  • Ok. I played this game 5 times and watched 4 Lets Plays and I never ever thought that they raped her. I mean I was already really shocked about the fact that she was impaled with that fork.

    CapnJay posted: »

    It's never flat out said that they raped her but britt taunts that he made sure gareds father was still alive when he started on her so gare

  • She was an eight year old girl hiding from whitehill soldiers. It's implied they raped her and then impaled her [with a pitchfork]. Ask a Dev if she was raped or not. i mean her dress was awfully neat for being raped unless her dad crawled over to restore her dignity.

    N8eule posted: »

    Ok. I played this game 5 times and watched 4 Lets Plays and I never ever thought that they raped her. I mean I was already really shocked about the fact that she was impaled with that fork.

  • I wouldn't just assume it was rape, though. I always assumed it was because she was, y'know, stabbed in the back. An eight year old stabbed. They wouldn't exactly stay silent.

    CapnJay posted: »

    She was an eight year old girl hiding from whitehill soldiers. It's implied they raped her and then impaled her [with a pitchfork]. Ask a De

  • Are you sure? I didn't go far with Gryff, yet Rodrik still had his eye bashed and was spit on.

    If you don't beat the shit outta Gryff your death at the end of Episode 5 is marginally less horrific, if memory serves you don't get your eye poked out and Harys doesn't spit on your corpse. So there's that.

  • Uh, this is the GoT universe. Mercy doesn't mean shit, really.

    Arih125 posted: »

    Nope. No effect whatsoever. This game does not take our choices into consideration

  • People are raping babies [google ian watkins or dupont heir] in modern times you think in medevil fantasy times soldiers wouldnt take time to get their jollies off before they killed her? Seriously the only way im buying she wasn't raped is if a Dev came in and said so.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I wouldn't just assume it was rape, though. I always assumed it was because she was, y'know, stabbed in the back. An eight year old stabbed. They wouldn't exactly stay silent.

  • I'm fully aware of how... brutal.. history is. I just think Gared would've brought it up. Britt WOULD have used her being raped as a way to anger Gared atop the Wall. I'm sure he'd have told Gared everything, and not make it vague.

    CapnJay posted: »

    People are raping babies [google ian watkins or dupont heir] in modern times you think in medevil fantasy times soldiers wouldnt take time t

  • But keep in mind that TTG had plenty of chances to use the Pedorape card in TWD especially by creating the big villain of 400 days who never showed up again and they never did. It's a topic that you have to tiptoe around in video gaming even in a world like game of thrones.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I'm fully aware of how... brutal.. history is. I just think Gared would've brought it up. Britt WOULD have used her being raped as a way to anger Gared atop the Wall. I'm sure he'd have told Gared everything, and not make it vague.

  • I guess. I remember Ben talked about rape in S1 and that was scrapped.

    CapnJay posted: »

    But keep in mind that TTG had plenty of chances to use the Pedorape card in TWD especially by creating the big villain of 400 days who never

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