Ep 5 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3 Oct 20, Xbox One/360 Oct 21, iOS/Amazon App/Android Oct 22



  • They DID change the episode 4 slide... Eh?

    Pipas posted: »

    They don't have present clothes, so probably not. But I wouldn't look too much into it.

  • Exactly. And they slightly changed Ep 3 slide as well.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    They DID change the episode 4 slide... Eh?

  • edited August 2015

    You know, when this is over, I'm getting the Borderlands Handsome Collection. And if Gearbox does end up making a Borderlands 3, they better include Rhys and Fiona in it somehow.

  • They ARE doing BL3. It's Confirmed.

    You know, when this is over, I'm getting the Borderlands Handsome Collection. And if Gearbox does end up making a Borderlands 3, they better include Rhys and Fiona in it somehow.

  • [removed]

    I've been thinking about how the episode could start out two different ways, like episode 3. And it all depends if you rule or reject Hyperi

  • I'd put lots of money on Fiona being one of the Vault Hunters.

    You know, when this is over, I'm getting the Borderlands Handsome Collection. And if Gearbox does end up making a Borderlands 3, they better include Rhys and Fiona in it somehow.

  • Just that one guy shooting himself. lmao

    OzzyUK posted: »

    @puzzlebox tweeted a picture of the Telltale finger gun tradition :P https://twitter.com/lauraperusco/status/634435916057169920

  • I'd really like to see that happen since Athena trained her to be one. I wonder if Fiona's "action skill" would involve the Roshambo pistol she keeps under her sleeve and temporarily slow down time and see how she can out-think her enemies. (Like how she did with that man-eating plant and Mordecai in Ep. 3)

    Flog61 posted: »

    I'd put lots of money on Fiona being one of the Vault Hunters.

  • Claptrap gets annoying, but David's love of his own character makes him infectious like Jack. Both are men who seem to really love what they do and I can't help but love em' for it.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I told David Eddings I loved his Claptrap shirt over twitter and then he responded with a photo of it. Figured I'd share it here too. I'm gonna be sad if Claptrap doesn't at least have a cameo in the final episode.

  • It also depends on how good it was. Episode 4 was over before I knew it. Like that bag of potato chips or M&Ms.

    TheTP87 posted: »

    Since this is my first TT game (besides Poker Night games), I'd like to ask other players: Is the last episode longer than the others?

  • So she's essentially Nisha from pre sequel. Honestly that sounds cool cause Nisha was op as hell. Also I think if Rhys was in BL3, his action skill would involve his stun baton somehow

    I'd really like to see that happen since Athena trained her to be one. I wonder if Fiona's "action skill" would involve the Roshambo pistol

  • That, or scanning enemies with the EchoEye to reveal their weakness (like Zer0's b0re) or dealing a super powerful punch with his robo-arm

    So she's essentially Nisha from pre sequel. Honestly that sounds cool cause Nisha was op as hell. Also I think if Rhys was in BL3, his action skill would involve his stun baton somehow

  • You forgot The Last Of Us movie

    Crips posted: »

    FNAF Movie, Borderlands Movie...A lot of video games get movies. And I'm so happy about that.

  • I think a better action skill would be to ise his eye to see all enemies, like through walls and crap. Kinda like wall haxx.

    TheTP87 posted: »

    That, or scanning enemies with the EchoEye to reveal their weakness (like Zer0's b0re) or dealing a super powerful punch with his robo-arm

  • Borderlands 3 is likely to have a huge time skip so I highly doubt that anyone will come back for borderlands 3 . A new start i would like to call it


  • edited August 2015

    I'm wondering why no character ever made a Rhys pun. Like Rhyspect, Rhysky, Rhysults, Rhyspawn etc... XD

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited September 2015

    Actually Rhys-quez can make a determinant pun. "Rhys' pieces".

    enter image description here

    TheTP87 posted: »

    I'm wondering why no character ever made a Rhys pun. Like Rhyspect, Rhysky, Rhysults, Rhyspawn etc... XD



  • I had the idea that his Action Skill could be the following:

    Rhys' can Overload any nearby electronical devices in sequence, causing massive AoE damage to nearby enemies for 20 seconds
    If no electronical devices are around Rhys can instead overload enemy guns, causing them to explode, overheat disarming the enemy or Jame (also temporarily disabling any robotic enemies)
    If no enemy with guns are around, Rhys will use his robotic arm to release an electric pulse around him, stunning biological targets.

    TheTP87 posted: »

    That, or scanning enemies with the EchoEye to reveal their weakness (like Zer0's b0re) or dealing a super powerful punch with his robo-arm

  • Respawning isn't actually canon so no-one would ever mention it... or be sad a character's dead

    TheTP87 posted: »

    I'm wondering why no character ever made a Rhys pun. Like Rhyspect, Rhysky, Rhysults, Rhyspawn etc... XD

  • It isn't? I thought it was canon but was some kind of expensive service given only to people who could afford it (meaning Vault Hunters), since they went out of the way to incorporate the respawn stations into the game's story and jokes.

    Respawning isn't actually canon so no-one would ever mention it... or be sad a character's dead

  • I have returned from the horrible place that is No Internet
    Comcast broke something and I didn't have Internet for 3 days shudder

  • Cool. You missed Minecraft: Story Mode news but that's about it.

    I have returned from the horrible place that is No Internet Comcast broke something and I didn't have Internet for 3 days shudder

  • Why would Handsome Jack try to kill the vault hunters, then have his machines respawn them hundreds of times when they die?

    It isn't? I thought it was canon but was some kind of expensive service given only to people who could afford it (meaning Vault Hunters), since they went out of the way to incorporate the respawn stations into the game's story and jokes.

  • why would anyone care about a kids game enter image description here

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Cool. You missed Minecraft: Story Mode news but that's about it.

  • So he could have the pleasure of killing them again and again.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Why would Handsome Jack try to kill the vault hunters, then have his machines respawn them hundreds of times when they die?

  • Nah, it's been confirmed for a while now that they're not cannon. Besides, if they were cannon, Jack sure as hell wouldn't be dead. :P

    Despite in-game references and explanations of New-U stations, Borderlands 2 head writer Anthony Burch has confirmed that New-U stations are not canon, and do not exist as far as the plot of any Borderlands game is concerned. source

    It isn't? I thought it was canon but was some kind of expensive service given only to people who could afford it (meaning Vault Hunters), since they went out of the way to incorporate the respawn stations into the game's story and jokes.

  • better question would be, why would he let the vault hunters respawn, but not respawn himself, hence not canon.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Why would Handsome Jack try to kill the vault hunters, then have his machines respawn them hundreds of times when they die?

  • That's funny, I was round my dads for the past 3 days and he has no internet either so I had to spend like 3 hours finding out what I missed over the weekend.

    I missed a few episodes of the Anime I watch (I was most upset about missing Shokugeki No Soma, the episode was AWESOME)

    I have returned from the horrible place that is No Internet Comcast broke something and I didn't have Internet for 3 days shudder

  • Ah, yeah it was Comcast screwing something up. I have lots of youtube to catch up to.

    That's funny, I was round my dads for the past 3 days and he has no internet either so I had to spend like 3 hours finding out what I missed

  • edited August 2015

    Well, I'm bac- WHA?! "No news yet..."

    Uhh... These past 2 weeks are so slow, how will I survive this wait... I need more Telltale!

  • When I'm not playing a Telltale Game, I'm playing the waiting game. And it sucks.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited August 2015

    If anyone wants to be entertained for 50 seconds Job posted two short clips from the PAX crowd-play in twitter

    Will they take it to [Step Three] ?

    Small intro clip

    Edit: Two more clips uploaded


    Standing Ovation

  • no, the reason for my dads internet being off is that he's switching broadband providers

    Ah, yeah it was Comcast screwing something up. I have lots of youtube to catch up to.

  • If by 'argue with Yvette' you mean pushing her out of the airlock or strangling her with the helpful guidance of Jack, then i agree :p

    I've been thinking about how the episode could start out two different ways, like episode 3. And it all depends if you rule or reject Hyperi

  • Fiona's skill could be something like pulling out Roshambo and all exploding/generally hazardous-if-shot items in the enviroment being highlighted along with crit-spots in all enemies. Maybe throw in some Fiona-only elemental critspots in there and explosion-radius of the barrels'n'stuff being visible and you'd get that 'see the outcome of your actions' things going pretty well.

    I'd really like to see that happen since Athena trained her to be one. I wonder if Fiona's "action skill" would involve the Roshambo pistol

  • edited August 2015

    Well from what I can remember the time between Borderlands and Borderlands 2 was 5 years. In the Pre-Sequel Roland and Lilith didn't change their looks yet. So it was probably 2-3 years from Borderlands to Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel(Mostly Likely 2 years). Now for the start of TFTBL it was probably a couple of months after the events of Borderlands 2 as you can see Sanctuary is in a different area in the opening scene of the Pre-Sequel but before that Sanctuary was last time near the "highlands"(Or it was probably very close on my screen)

    Greenzoid2 posted: »

    The start of TPS was a flash forward in time, while the events contained within TPS happened before BL2, which happened before TFTB. We don'

  • I'm only writing this comment so I can set it to "Follow this discussion", but then I thought "hey, post a picture and this comment is not THAT useless"

    enter image description here

    I seriously have no idea how episode 5 ends. I mean, they have to get from helios to the stranger somehow, and we still need to know what this guy is up to. AND rhys get's a new hairstyle, new clothes and a new arm. how? the suspense is killing me...

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