Who is the real antagonist, Vallory or Jack?



  • Well, I guess it'd have to be Vallory as there is options to be good friends with Jack and no choices like that for Vallory whatsoever. But at the end of the day there really are no villains or heroes for that matter on Pandora. Only crazy people, crazier people and even more crazier people.

  • Eh. No. She engages in crime but isn't any worse than most on Pandora. She may be really asshole-ish at times but her little acts like helping Fiona up, being gentle with Gortys, or not harming Sasha/Vaughn if you cooperate show she isn't just some evil villain intent on being bad for the sake of being bad.

    Bad =/= Evil

    JackMarco posted: »

    Yes she is...

  • I don't feel the story really has an antagonist. I mean, if I had to label something as an antagonist I'd just say Pandora.

    Handsome Jack is the hero of the story.

  • No, he is Handsome GODDAMNED Jack

    I don't feel the story really has an antagonist. I mean, if I had to label something as an antagonist I'd just say Pandora. Handsome Jack is the hero of the story.

  • edited August 2015

    little acts like helping Fiona up

    yeah, right before she shoots her in the fucking face for no reason other than her not being needed anymore....how totally not evil....

    being gentle with Gortys

    out of necessity to find the vault...

    not harming Sasha/Vaughn if you cooperate

    yes, sticking to a leverage agreement while still needing them. Totally redeeming quality.... Vallory would have killed them all if she hadn´t needed them, even though none of them is actually a threat to her. She could have just taken Gortys in the beginning and leave but she chose not to. Instead she tried to kill them all. Not only that, she smiles while doing it. Just like she taunts and laughs at Fionas frustration about Athena being gone. This is not like a typical Crime lord who just does things because the "world" they live in demands it. Vallory doesn´t just do unnecessary things she has also shown enjoyment while doing them. That´s not just bad. That is pretty evil in my book.

    Eh. No. She engages in crime but isn't any worse than most on Pandora. She may be really asshole-ish at times but her little acts like helpi

  • edited August 2015

    I noticed that too! It's the ultimate "i am an annoying dick couture."

    Also they both have one of their eyes damaged. It seems that this is quite the constant feat almost in every game of this franchise. Here let me point:

    • Borderlands: Helena Pierce (had half of her face eaten by skags and her left eye was white).

    • Borderlands 2: Jack (without the mask he has the vault symbol covering one of his eyes and is also white).

    • The Presequel: Jack again and Willhelm (not sure if his robo eye counts though).

    • Tales From the Borderlands: Vallory (has that scar that looks like a Rakk tried to freakin tear her face(i dont blame it though) and she has her eye white too) and maybe Felix? (Same thing with Willhem)

    It's weird how Vallory and Jack both have a scar on their face and a streak of different colour in their hair. Is it the villain fashion or something?

  • It isn't brainwashing by any means. Stop being a prick. There's no need for it. She isn't any worse than the rest of Pandora. She didn't need to be gentle with Gorty, violence would have worked just as easy, and she could have killed Fiona while she was on the ground, or simply not helped her up. Killing all of them there made sense, by stealing from them she made them enemies. Killing your enemies isn't evil, no matter what state they're in. She's absolutely bad, but "evil" isn't applicable. You're wrong, go away in your wrongness and be wrong.

    JackMarco posted: »

    little acts like helping Fiona up yeah, right before she shoots her in the fucking face for no reason other than her not being neede

  • "Pretty evil in my book"

    Well, your book is wrong. The world Vallory lives in is famous for being a violent hell-hole. All of them were a threat to her, Fiona and Sasha are smart (and she is aware of this) whereas Vaughn and Rhys are Hyperion. Taunting someone isn't evil, it's somewhat shitty, but she just enjoys victory. She herself refuses to harm people that are cooperating, that's a pretty notable detail no matter what (false) way you try to spin it.

    She isn't good by any means. She is bad, but not evil. Killing people isn't particularly evil, especially by Pandora's standards.

    JackMarco posted: »

    little acts like helping Fiona up yeah, right before she shoots her in the fucking face for no reason other than her not being neede

  • This^

    A bad person isn't an evil person. She lives on an infamously violent planet, she's bound to encounter violence especially in her line of work and it isn't any surprise she's learned to just go with it. Fiona and Sasha are known criminals, they weren't worth the risk. Rhys and Vaughn while being defenseless were Hyperion (she didn't know they were blacklisted) and presented their own threat. Vasquez failed her, shooting him was expected.

    It isn't brainwashing by any means. Stop being a prick. There's no need for it. She isn't any worse than the rest of Pandora. She didn't nee

  • For me, villain is someone who constantly opposes the group, cares nothing for them, and often causes them harm,. whereas an antagonist may occassionally help the group and may care about some members.

    Basically, for me an antagonist 'antagonises' (provokes, opposes) the protagonist, but does not consistently work against them in the same way a villain does.

    For example, I'd say Carver is a villain where Kenny is an antagonist.

    Could you explain the difference? I might just be thick but those seem to be synonyms.

  • edited August 2015

    Damn that made me laugh.. Looks so dramatic

    Deltino posted: »

    dat lip animations though "But... yacht."

  • Classic anti-villain? Although I really like frenemy. He's a good ally when you need him, but lord help us all if someone gives him anymore nukes.

    ...if the game would let me have my way. Well, villain protagonist (and deuteragonist), anyway.

  • Yeah, that's Jack for you. But I kinda feel there's a lot of potential in Rhys (that will probably end up unused because of the 'lead-to-BL3' ending issue) to make him a true villain protagonist, arguably worse (though not more destructive) than Jack - I mean, Jack had a vision, but on many occasions you can easily choose dialog options for Rhys that indicate deep down he's just selfish and power-hungry (all those 'not we, just me' lines with Vaughn in ep.1 come to mind). I really wish the game would let us follow up on those options, if we chose them. I just think it would be fun. I guess I'm a dick... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Classic anti-villain? Although I really like frenemy. He's a good ally when you need him, but lord help us all if someone gives him anymore nukes.

  • I think Vallory would be a great all out villain, controlled evil is so much scarier than random. Rhys has too many goofball moments to seem like a real threat...although if he was faking it...frickin' brilliant! Usual Suspects twist. And naw, you're not a dick. You know that there is no story without a bad guy. The story of Eden is a gardening manual without the serpent.

    Yeah, that's Jack for you. But I kinda feel there's a lot of potential in Rhys (that will probably end up unused because of the 'lead-to-BL3

  • Me too, almost spilled coffee on my laptop.

    Bombummie posted: »

    Damn that made me laugh.. Looks so dramatic

  • edited August 2015

    He looks like a pirate saying "yarrrrrr!"

    Also, I had to go back and check the video to make sure the gif was right because it so obviously does not sync up - turns out it is, but it's sped up a lot more in the trailer so it doesn't look quite as ridiculous.

    dat lip animations though

  • That mainly comes down to the fact that the lead character designer for Borderlands has a thing for asymmetry (which has become something of a signature look for the franchise). The vast majority of characters feature some sort of significant asymmetry in their designs - and Tales did a really nice job of replicating that tradition, particularly in Rhys and Fiona's designs.

    I noticed that too! It's the ultimate "i am an annoying dick couture." Also they both have one of their eyes damaged. It seems that this

  • i actually remember noticing that in 2012 when i watched the trailer for the first time. your gif brought me old memories lol

    He looks like a pirate saying "yarrrrrr!" Also, I had to go back and check the video to make sure the gif was right because it so obvious

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