Why cant we talk to Tommen or Tywin?

1.He is unexperienced.
2.He is easily manipulated.
3.He likes peace and doesnt like violence
He is just perfect for us.Maybe we can use Mira to put on a sad face and he will tell the Boltons to leave us alone.All we have to do is ask to speak with the King.
Altough maybe when Tywin is dead because Tywin would be pissed at us.
Hell it would even be nice to talk to Tywin at least he is reasonable.Say what you will about him but when he was hand to the Mad King the realm prospered.If we convince him we are better then the Whitehills he would give us the Ironwood and tell the Boltons and Whitehills to leave us the f**k alone already.
What do u guys think?


  • Can't get every show character.

  • edited August 2015

    Tommen has no say of his own as he is underage and at this point of story his mother is the regent. Talking to him would yield no result since he'll have to appeal to his mother about it and she'll quickly realize what is going on and refuse to give any aid to Mira.

    Talking to Tywin will likely yield no result, but not because he's powerless, but because, storywise, he's going to die rather soon. Even if there was a situation where we can successfully convince him, it's most likely that he'll die before decreeing anything.

  • We never even saw Joffrey.. Why would they show us Tommen later..

    I'd hope for Tywin, but I'd have rather seen Jaime by now. At least talk to him once or twice

  • Actually if we did saw Joffrey, it would end up with Mira getting beaten up by Ser Meryn the child-beater if not something worse (assuming that happen before he died)

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    We never even saw Joffrey.. Why would they show us Tommen later.. I'd hope for Tywin, but I'd have rather seen Jaime by now. At least talk to him once or twice

  • Because Tommen's irrelevant and Charles Dance is doing Witcher 3

  • tywin might help us if he will see that will benefit the crown, though he has much more importent things to take care of then a small powerless house in the north. so he would die before he gets to help us. still would like to see him though.

  • Who did he voice for in The Witcher 3?

    Clemenem posted: »

    Because Tommen's irrelevant and Charles Dance is doing Witcher 3

  • edited August 2015

    I think we have enough characters from the show that are in the game.

  • Emphyr

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Who did he voice for in The Witcher 3?

  • They can't have everyone. It costs money to get the actors from the show, you know. More than it costs to have original characters. You're coming at this from a purely narrative standpoint, not from a game-writing and logistics standpoint.

  • That would cost way too much money, the fact that they got Peter Dinklage amazes me. After Charles' performance in the TV show, he'd be way too expensive to get.

  • Agreed. They shouldnt be there just for the sake of being there

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I think we have enough characters from the show that are in the game.

  • Tommen isn't powerful enough to do anything (he's entirely powerless) whereas we aren't important enough to meet Tywin. We only see Cersei because she's petty and Tyrion because of Cersei.

  • Aren't the Lannisters in debt anyway ? How are they gonna pay for the Ironwood ? I think Mira should escape King's Landing as soon as possible because House Lainnster is falling slowly

  • (he's entirely powerless)

    Not only that but he's a spineless little jellyfish with no balls. Say what you will about Joffrey or Tywin but they would not be pushed around by deluded religious bums

    Tommen isn't powerful enough to do anything (he's entirely powerless) whereas we aren't important enough to meet Tywin. We only see Cersei because she's petty and Tyrion because of Cersei.

  • Right? I can't believe it but I actually kind of miss Joffrey. He was an asshole (that's an understatement) but I'll take a sociopathic asshole that can be controlled over a group of sociopathic religous nuts controlled by another religious nut any day. Joffrey would have never stood for that.

    Clemenem posted: »

    (he's entirely powerless) Not only that but he's a spineless little jellyfish with no balls. Say what you will about Joffrey or Tywin but they would not be pushed around by deluded religious bums

  • Emhyr var Emreis, Deithwen Addan yn Carn aep Morvudd.

    Or in the Common Tongue, The White Flame Dancing on the Barrows of his Enemies.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Who did he voice for in The Witcher 3?

  • Agreed. The fact that season 5 didn't end in a killing rampage of the sparrows shows what kind of king Tommen is.

    Right? I can't believe it but I actually kind of miss Joffrey. He was an asshole (that's an understatement) but I'll take a sociopathic assh

  • edited September 2015

    Because budget.

    It's really simple.

    They probably need to ask the tv series producers permission to use the characters, and also pay for the popular actors, which would be more expensive.

    Because to be honest, Tyrion wasn't that much of a help in the series. They mostly added him because he's popular. Tywin would be the first man I'd go to and ask an army. He'd be much more useful.

  • edited September 2015

    I feel like they could've chose different characters who could've ended up being equally/more important and paying either less or equal too the same amount as the likes of Tyrions character or Cerseis. I wanted to see Littlefinger, or Varys, characters who could've been more effective for Mira.

    Sandflow posted: »

    Because budget. It's really simple. They probably need to ask the tv series producers permission to use the characters, and also pay f

  • Well yeah true I mean it really seems like they've added most of the popular cast. Not like I don't like Tyrion but he's awfully pointless in the series. Cersei is fine, you can talk to her and get an army or shit but Tyrion not really, considering that after Joffrey's death he won't be useful at all.

    Maybe Jaime will tell you to help Tyrion escape and then talk to his dad to lend him an army, but I don't think he will appear..

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I feel like they could've chose different characters who could've ended up being equally/more important and paying either less or equal too

  • Even putting aside the logistics of introducing more show characters, just looking from a gameplay perspective

    Talking to Tommen would be useless. Worse then useless actually. He'd never go against his mother, and then Cersei would know we're going behind her back to her precious boy. And it would piss Margaery off too that we're again meddling in her business, remember she's engaged to Tommen now.

    Talking to Tywin wouldn't be much more productive either. Tywin is reasonable, to be sure. But he's far too reasonable to bother with us, a minor Northern House that up until recently was fighting under the Direwolf banner, and there's no way he's going to undermine the authority of the Boltons who he just installed as Wardens of the North.

    No Mira's best option here is dealing with Cersei and Margaery, it's dangerous, to be sure, but both are atleast willing to play the game with us. Tywin and Tommen won't even bother.

  • I don't think the issue of Tywin would care the fact Forrester fought under the Stark's banner, but rather the more political/economical issues. The issues happen in the North between 2 small houses that quarrel over wood. Tywin Lannister is known for keeping his word, and if he sends a message and asks Whitehills to stop the fight and they disobey, he has to send a small contingency of men to deal with the issue (since not keeping your word nullifies your threats). On the other hand, House Lannister is already in debt, the crown is in debt, the relationships between House Lannister and the rest of the houses are not that great. In other words, the issues of a tiny house super far away are the least of his problems.

    Even putting aside the logistics of introducing more show characters, just looking from a gameplay perspective Talking to Tommen would be

  • You're right, it's not so much that the Forresters fought under the Starks. But it makes it less likely for him to intervene. If they had been loyal to the crown he might be more willing to step in and help, because that would set a precedent for other houses and hopefully foster loyalty in others. It would show other Houses that loyal people get taken care of.

    The bigger issue is about undermining your lieutenant.

    The Boltons gave the Ironwood to the Whitehills, if Tywin turns around and undoes that decision it gives free reign to anyone else who disagrees with their immediate superior to turn around and complain to the crown. They really don't have time to be dealing with all that crap in wartime. They need their lieutenants to be obeyed immediately and without intervention from them so when they give an order that must be followed they don't have to worry about their underlings making waves.

    KronusX posted: »

    I don't think the issue of Tywin would care the fact Forrester fought under the Stark's banner, but rather the more political/economical iss

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