Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Sad news, the Spanish Soap Opera I was working on has been cancelled. I'm sorry to actually announce that, considering I know how many of you were excited to see it.

    The main reason being I lost motivation to work on it at this point. Plus, I'm starting to get busy with school, my YouTube channel, and other real life ordeals are now becoming factors to this. I won't have the time anymore and I don't want to constantly delay the inevitable and be like "Yeah after all that time, it's not coming out. Sorry." I know what I'm saying sounds like an excuse you hear everyday when something isn't fulfilled and yeah, I'm sorry you're hearing it from me this time.

    Sorry if I disappointed any of you. You have all the right to feel that way or to feel mad at me. If any of you were wondering about who was in it, here's the cast. If you're not in it, sorry.

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  • breaking news: i'm not you honey

    newsflash: your own hand and imaginary boyfriends don't count.

  • idk SirFish

    Cuteii question Why is french so difficult ;';

  • Nothing sorry joey ;-;

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    U wot m8?

  • I think it's completely alright, don't worry about it. <3

    Aura looks the best there tbh

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Sad news, the Spanish Soap Opera I was working on has been cancelled. I'm sorry to actually announce that, considering I know how many of yo

  • The cut audio was him actually being pulled back up from the lake and living.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    What was the cut audio? I really liked Luke, but his death felt underwhelming for me Maybe it's cuz for the entirety of Episode 5 I was

  • More anarchy!


    So. It's been a few days. I finally beat Borderlands 2 for the first time, as Gaige, at level 34. So I might be here more often. Oh, w

  • Thank you for your honest answer.

    Kawaiii posted: »

    idk SirFish

  • Well that was a quick capitulation ^-^

    Nothing sorry joey ;-;

  • Imma sleep boys n girls

    Lol k bye

  • Alright folks, cya all tomorrow.

    Nice Rhyiona dreams)

  • what the hell happened to rhonu

    and don't worry about that crazy things happens and we can't blame you for that.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Sad news, the Spanish Soap Opera I was working on has been cancelled. I'm sorry to actually announce that, considering I know how many of yo

  • R rated Rhyiona dreams SirFish

    Imma sleep boys n girls Lol k bye

  • R Rated Rhyiona dreams

    Hellmen posted: »

    Alright folks, cya all tomorrow. Nice Rhyiona dreams)

  • Goodnight, fellow fish! :)

    Imma sleep boys n girls Lol k bye

  • Goodnight! :)

    Hellmen posted: »

    Alright folks, cya all tomorrow. Nice Rhyiona dreams)

  • edited August 2015

    hey, guys, since i'll b leaving very soon, i decided to write you this crappy 'n cheesy fanfic with them as teens, as a parting gift. again, sorry for the poor quality and grammar mistakes ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    New Style

    Words: 395

    „Huh, weird…“ Rhys muttered to himself. She's already fifteen minutes late., he thought to himself, I'll just try to waste some time with my cybernetic arm. He opened up the EchoNet and started looking for that peculiar video game Vaughn showed him a few days ago. Pong, I think it was called.

    He didn't even notice the time pass, when a familiar voice broke him from his gaming trance. „Hey, sorry I couldn't be here any sooner.“ A voice so fierce, yet so comforting and endearing. He turned his head around and saw her, beautiful like she always was.

    She wore her usual attire, a grey hoodie with some funny logos and black jeans, yet there was something awfully unfamiliar Rhys has never seen. Her hair was gone! Her trademark mane of a haircut was gone and was instead replaced by a pixie cut with a small fiery red lock of her just above her left eye.

    She looks stunning Rhys' jaw almost literally dropped on the floor. He stared at her in pure amazement and shock.

    She glares at him, her expression being a mix of amusement and annoyance. She crossed her arms, while staring at Rhys with her light green eyes.

    „So, Hyperion… You gonna kiss me or what?“ she smirked playfully.

    Rhys thought he went crazy for a second. A girl of his dreams asking him to… kiss her..? It must be some kinda awesome dream, he thought to himself.

    He, completely against his will, started to stutter madly, incoherent blabber rolling off his tongue.

    Fiona, hating to see him embarrass himself like a moron, walked up to him. They were incredibly close to each other, their faces only centimeters away from each other.

    Because there was a big height difference between them, she rose to her tiptoes.

    Their lips barely even touched, and Rhys already felt a surge of electricity run through his body. Some kind of unknown force that made his mind burn, just like her red streak of hair pierced his eyes. He didn't know what to do with his arms, and, in a moment of panic, started flailing his arms madly around, trying desperately do something that resembled a smart action.

    Fiona, fortunately for him, noticed this, and she took hold of his arms, and put them on her waist.

    Their kiss was intense, and passionate, and it didn't take long for them to break apart from each other, gasping for air.

    Rhys managed to utter:“Damn, Fi, that was…“ Fiona interrupted him quickly:“Good? Amazing? Out of this world?“

    He smiled at her:“ Y-yeah, exactly that.“

    Her smirk was teasing, and strangely comforting:“We should do it again sometime, don't ya think?“

  • It's okay Kristi, I understand completely :)

    Also wohoo, I get a whole screenshot for myself!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Sad news, the Spanish Soap Opera I was working on has been cancelled. I'm sorry to actually announce that, considering I know how many of yo

  • Janey/Athena

    River/11th Doctor

    A lot more.

    What is your favorite ship after Rhyiona ofcourse.

  • it's okay, gurl.

    school is always important, and should be your #1 priority :)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Sad news, the Spanish Soap Opera I was working on has been cancelled. I'm sorry to actually announce that, considering I know how many of yo

  • well, I never said I had a girlfriend, though :P

    Kawaiii posted: »

    breaking news: i'm not you honey

  • You go girl!

    Kawaiii posted: »

    breaking news: i'm not you honey




  • that's some nice gift right there

    enter image description here

  • every night in my dreams

    i see you i feeeel yoooou

  • Are you going to sleep? Are you leaving? WHAT DID I MISS???

  • You never said you didn't have an imaginary girlfriend tho. ~-^

    And you have a hand.

    well, I never said I had a girlfriend, though :P

  • hey, man.

    sorry to disappoint u, but i couldn't handle writing a lewd fanfic, if u catch mah drift.

    not lewd enough, man.

  • enter image description here

    HellFish posted: »

    You go girl!

  • Amazing

    Love it


    ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ -

  • that's uh kinda lewd

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    every night in my dreams i see you i feeeel yoooou

  • yah, i have a school trip to attend to. :\

    i'll b gone 'til S5

    and i'll be online for 5 more hours, then i'll have to go.

    Are you going to sleep? Are you leaving? WHAT DID I MISS???

  • Oh God that's so cute <3<3<3 You have got to write more of these when you get back!

    parting gift

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    hey, man. sorry to disappoint u, but i couldn't handle writing a lewd fanfic, if u catch mah drift.

  • I'll miss the 900 party ;(

  • wtf its the titanic song...

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    that's uh kinda lewd

  • same

    I'll miss the 900 party ;(

  • jahn you sure you're the lewd lord?

    soooo cute!

    enter image description here

    Have a nice trip ~-^

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