Scenes we probably won't see in the final episode.



  • Haha where's Stannis when you need him

    CapnJay posted: »

    It's interesting how protective his armor is. i imagine if it was set aflame it would be discomforting to wear.

  • edited September 2015

    What the hell she was 13 when Drogo did his thing to her? Dammn

    Even in the show, Sansa is 14 or so when she gets raped by Ramsay Bolton. The age of consent is a blurred line in GoT

    P.S: I had to watch GoT to understand your username.. And it's the best name ever lol

    No, Daenerys was 17 in the Show. In the books however she was 13. And guess where Telltale's version takes place in? that's right, the Show. But, alright. I understand what this thread is about, my brain just started fucking about when I saw that.

  • Fun fact: If you are silent when Jon Snow talks to you about your motivations it will say "Jon Snow Knows Nothing"

    Additional Fun Fact: You can learn some fun facts surfing the tv tropes for different games

    Additional notso Fun Fact; TV tropes is highly addictive and can ruin your life if you multitab remember if you visit Tv tropes only use one Tab it's for everyones safety.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    What the hell she was 13 when Drogo did his thing to her? Dammn Even in the show, Sansa is 14 or so when she gets raped by Ramsay Bolton.

  • edited September 2015

    Silvy is 13, according to the TTGOT wiki

    But Sylvie is like 10 or 9. Gared is like 19 or 20.. The hell's wrong with you? And actually, no. Daenarys was 17 in the show. Currently

  • Thanks.

    enter image description here

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    What the hell she was 13 when Drogo did his thing to her? Dammn Even in the show, Sansa is 14 or so when she gets raped by Ramsay Bolton.

  • wht?

    RAFAELAM96 posted: »

    Silvy is 13, according to the TTGOT wiki

  • Damn... Is there video?

    I'd replay an episode to see that happen lmao

    CapnJay posted: »

    Fun fact: If you are silent when Jon Snow talks to you about your motivations it will say "Jon Snow Knows Nothing" Additional Fun Fact: Y

  • edited September 2015

    JonKnowsNothing said Silvy was 10 or 9, I saw that she was 13


  • In the books Sansa was eleven, if I remember correctly. And Tommen was eight :)

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    What the hell she was 13 when Drogo did his thing to her? Dammn Even in the show, Sansa is 14 or so when she gets raped by Ramsay Bolton.

  • Sylvi looks like 14-15 to me. I never percepted her as a child.

    RAFAELAM96 posted: »

    JonKnowsNothing said Silvy was 10 or 9, I saw that she was 13

  • To be a bit fair, the Drogo/Daenerys scene was a lot more consensual in the books.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    What the hell she was 13 when Drogo did his thing to her? Dammn Even in the show, Sansa is 14 or so when she gets raped by Ramsay Bolton.

  • How? I can only ever save Asher. I mean i know physically the controls to save rodrik just like i know "how" to harvest little sisters in Bioshock I just cant do it though.

    lilithnight posted: »

    I'd reaaaaaally like to see Asher kill Gwyn but I highly doubt it will happen too. Not because I don't like Gwyn, quite the opposite, and I

  • edited September 2015

    Even in my own mind I'm sure if this was the show or if it was the two of them deciding, Rodrik would stay since I can so see him not allowing anyone from his house to die if he could help it, just like Gregor. But as it is, it was left up to me, and I got Rodrik out of there without a second thought.

    He survived the Red Wedding. He spent months in physical/PTSD agony and dealt with pissypants Gryff and his dad. The house and Talia need him. He finally got it on with his childhood sweetheart Elaena and possibly (hopefully) got her pregnant and now he's to go off and die in an ambush they should have seen coming, and in his first battle once he's gotten back on his feet? And there's no way I was going to let Gryff and his circlejerk have the satisfaction of offing Rodders.

    Asher doesn't know what's been going on vs. the Whitehills all this time whereas Rodrik knows everything. Asher never wanted to be lord, and that doesn't mean he should die and it's so unfair, but Rodrik was literally born and raised to do this. Mind you I have a save file where Asher survives but Rodrik deserves so much better than to die there, they both do, but Rodrik is the first Telltale character on whose behalf I have been so excruciatingly angry. I hurt for him and what he's been through and is about to face. I need to see him get his vengeance, and in my mind this is absolutely his fight, it belongs to him. And I want him and Elaena to have a happy life after everything they've both been through already. I just relate to him more and I feel like he has so much more to come back to. And I miss Asher and I'm so sorry his story ended for me like that. But I need Rodrik to live, for as short a time as it may be...

    CapnJay posted: »

    How? I can only ever save Asher. I mean i know physically the controls to save rodrik just like i know "how" to harvest little sisters in Bioshock I just cant do it though.

  • Don't get me wrong Asher is Johnny Depp from Pirates of the Carribean. Rodrik is i dunno... Tony Stark from The Avengers both equally awesome in their ways. And when you TTG you usually choose both options for diffrent saves. But no matter what I can't bring myself to save Rodrik over Asher. Rodrik has tightend his relationship with tallia, has gotten elena into bed despite getting her brother killed, has been a wounded hero who deserves to be the protagonist. From corpse cart to crown [in theory]. Asher's solely here to bring an army. And HBO/TTG has made sure to hammer it home that there is no Asher Beshka Ship by having her call him little brother every other line. {although in GoT brother sister ships aren't off the table Rimshot] He's comic relief as much as any character can be. Yet for some reason I am unable to let him die. Rodrik could rally the pitdogs and it's possible even Beshka might stand at Rodrik's side given the right dialogue choices. And yet for me it only feels right to have Rodrik being the one to stay behind.

    lilithnight posted: »

    Even in my own mind I'm sure if this was the show or if it was the two of them deciding, Rodrik would stay since I can so see him not allowi

  • edited September 2015

    I dont know if OP is trolling or serious. BTW Forresters are house from the book 5 Dance with the Dragons and Whitehills are house from the table game.

  • i believe from the wiki they are a house mentioned in passing and none of the game characters are there.

    I dont know if OP is trolling or serious. BTW Forresters are house from the book 5 Dance with the Dragons and Whitehills are house from the table game.

  • What? I dont understant what you are saying.

    CapnJay posted: »

    i believe from the wiki they are a house mentioned in passing and none of the game characters are there.

  • There is an unused quote where Rodrik asks Gryff "how is the eye".

  • No family members were mentioned .

    What? I dont understant what you are saying.

  • Well of course, genius. That makes sense when book came out long before the game.

    darko22 posted: »

    No family members were mentioned .

  • Mind your manners.

    Well of course, genius. That makes sense when book came out long before the game.

  • You've got a point and none of the canon characters have showed up in our game after all. Seriously?

    Well of course, genius. That makes sense when book came out long before the game.

  • ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Damn... Is there video? I'd replay an episode to see that happen lmao

  • Thank you!

    enter link description here lol

  • I know, I wish we could use it

    darko22 posted: »

    There is an unused quote where Rodrik asks Gryff "how is the eye".

  • On my new profile [due to technical problems stupid dying xbox not connecting to stupid internet and causing me to delete my profile] And killed tazal ,said i love dirty whores, and said i killed tazal because i felt like it. I still really like Asher but Malcolm's response "You've grown older but you haven't grown up" makes it feel easier to let Asher die at the ambush. Like his "Let me finally do something right" redemption.

    lilithnight posted: »

    Even in my own mind I'm sure if this was the show or if it was the two of them deciding, Rodrik would stay since I can so see him not allowi

  • edited September 2015

    Ahhhhh my Malcolm and Asher feels... ;_; I feel so sad he was exiled and was alone in a strange place for years and just as he's about to be reunited and reconciled with his family he dies... I think it was Telltale's intent to hurt us as much as humanly possible with this choice. Both of them deserved better and I would have loved to see them see this through together. Hopefully Gwyn will help us if Asher is left behind, but mostly I'm worried about Elissa. Her reaction can't be good...

    CapnJay posted: »

    On my new profile [due to technical problems stupid dying xbox not connecting to stupid internet and causing me to delete my profile] And ki

  • She's 13, according to unused audio.

    Mawula posted: »

    Sylvi looks like 14-15 to me. I never percepted her as a child.

  • different style deaths for Ludd and Gryff.

    Save Asher it boils down to smartass and violent or hulk smash.

    Save Rodrik you get Tranquil Fury.

  • Ramsay or Roose decides to give a new sadistic choice but TTG spins this in a new sadistic way.

    Bolton: House Forrester has lost a father and son. However we can't let you destroy House Whitehill completely so who will die. Gryff or Ludd? We still need a whitehill lord after all..

  • Yeah well Jon would.. Plus he rode with the white walkers already. Hell he already broke his vows by sleeping with a women. At this point the only way for Gared to live until season 2 is by Jon snow saving his ass

    CapnJay posted: »

    "We're the nights watch" I'm not sure frostfinger would call a brother killer [in his eyes], a wildling in disguise, and a wildling's sister "Night's Watch"

  • There is a whitehil serving the boltons if I'm not mistaken, one that is Ludds son. Gryff will die episode 6, it's already planned out.

    But Ludd will survive, and he will bring forth his other sons.

    CapnJay posted: »

    Ramsay or Roose decides to give a new sadistic choice but TTG spins this in a new sadistic way. Bolton: House Forrester has lost a father

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