Gared +Talia

Ok before people start judging this ship please consider these facts:

  1. We dont know how old Talia and Gared are i assume Talia is 13-15 and Gared 16-19.I doubt hes out of his teens.
  2. This age difference in GOT is actually not bad at all considering as soon as girls first bleed they are usually married off and often to old guys (Im looking at u Walder Frey).
  3. Yes shes highborn and hes not but his uncle is castellan and hes a war veteran and and ex ranger of the Watch.These are good accomplishments.
  4. They are both really nice and obviously care for each other.Theres no better match for Talia or Gared.


  • Well, I don't care what people say!

    I ship it!! ^-^

  • Ex Ranger isn't an accomplishment. It is the equivalant of treason and if Gared were to come face to face with the law, he would be beheaded for leaving the Watch.

  • edited September 2015

    Theres no better match for Talia or Gared.


  • enter image description here

    Theres no better match for Talia or Gared. GarJon.

  • Yes ^^^

    Theres no better match for Talia or Gared. GarJon.

  • U do forget that a battle is about to happen on the wall in which half the Nights watch will die,possibly Frostfinger and Jon would not execute Gared if he trusts he is innocent which in my playtrough he dies

    Bounden posted: »

    Ex Ranger isn't an accomplishment. It is the equivalant of treason and if Gared were to come face to face with the law, he would be beheaded for leaving the Watch.

  • I wont say anything I just leave this picture here:

    enter image description here

  • I think Frostfinger would execute Gared before he could even get to the other side and Jon as well because now he is the Lord Commander and he needs authority.

    greensenpai posted: »

    U do forget that a battle is about to happen on the wall in which half the Nights watch will die,possibly Frostfinger and Jon would not execute Gared if he trusts he is innocent which in my playtrough he dies

  • enter image description here

    I can already see the Cancer spreading everywhere.

  • edited September 2015

    Mods please take this Thread down jesus fucking christ

  • But it doesn't make sense, the two have only shared one quick moment together. Do you really want to ship a couple characters who've had the barest of all interaction?

  • And the ship is never gonna fucking happen, Gared has abandoned the Watch and if he ever returns back to Ironrath (Maybe he returns when House Forrester is gone) he will get executed by Asher or Rodrik depending on who you chose.

    Also, in the land of Westeros there are no 10 year olds or 13 year olds getting married to fucking 20 year olds,. Talia hasn't even bled yet.

  • edited September 2015

    Not seeing why Asher or Rodrik would execute him. I doubt they would. Not after everything.

    I hope this doesn't sound like I ship Gared/Talia. I don't.

    And the ship is never gonna fucking happen, Gared has abandoned the Watch and if he ever returns back to Ironrath (Maybe he returns when Hou

  • enter image description here

    Please, stop. You're killing me!


  • Also, there's not a chance in hell that Gared is only 16. And, I'd say 19 is around right, but the minimum for how old he'd be.

  • I'd be alright with it. I agree with you. I think the two of them are closer in age than they look.

  • If Jon were to kill me, I'd go out yelling about how he'd broken his vows, worse than me, too.

    I think Frostfinger would execute Gared before he could even get to the other side and Jon as well because now he is the Lord Commander and he needs authority.

  • Ok but why would we want this to happen?

    Here's a better ship... Ryon and Sylvi. Though it makes no sense how, what or why they would end up together, it would be way less disturbing and way cooler for the story.

    Do I think this will happen? Hell no! But rather this than Galia or Tared (it even sounds horrible).

  • edited September 2015

    They may have been sweet on each other, or perhaps Talia had a crush on Gared, there was definitely a little vibe during the farewell scene. Age is not that big of an issue there have been marriages in GoT that have been way more May-December. Social standing isn't really an issue either, He's going to be a knight or warrior and she is the youngest born daughter of a minor house. Daughters of the Arryn's have married landed knights and hedge knights for goodness sake.

    What is an issue is that he took his Night's Watch vows. Night's Watch deserters are sentenced to death. Even if Asher or Rodrik wanted to pardon Gared there is no way he'd be allowed to. He is the lord and he is charged with protecting the King's Peace and enforcing the King's Laws. The Lord could maybe give Gared some food or supplies and send him on his way and claim never to have seen him, but he couldn't marry him to his sister. His overlords the Glovers and Boltons would never allow that.

  • edited September 2015

    Well they are charged to.

    As a Lord they need to keep the King's Peace and enforce the King's Laws, that's why they are given the land they live and rule on. Violating that charge is asking for an accusation of rebellion, and not only can the Forresters not afford to offend the Iron Throne, Mira is still in the capital.

    Northerners are also shown to take Night's Watch vows more seriously then Southrons. But even the Southrons would probably want Gared's death, he is charged with murder after all.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Not seeing why Asher or Rodrik would execute him. I doubt they would. Not after everything. I hope this doesn't sound like I ship Gared/Talia. I don't.

  • My god this is disgusting. People who support this, defend it with 'Oh, but it happened back then'. Yeah against the girls will normally. In no way should you be supporting this nounce of a thread, jeez, I've got no idea how this hasn't been taken down.

  • I know, but I'd still see it as a major asshole move from them. I don't know, maybe I'm biased since I like his character so much, but it's not something I'd like to see. Besides, it's not likely he'll even see Rodrik/Asher again, so I guess we may never have to see that anyway.

    Well they are charged to. As a Lord they need to keep the King's Peace and enforce the King's Laws, that's why they are given the land th

  • I don't understand why it's so important to push modern standards onto historical fiction. Why is it so bad to expect something from a work of historical fiction that would fit into the frame of the historical basis of the work? If you don't like the things that happened "back then" then why would you spend your time reading something based on "back then?"

    And since I already know you'll try to pull this over on me, I'll leave you with this as well. No, I do not support 13 year old girls being forced into marriages by their parents in real life. In terms of the series I do, because it adds to the authenticity of the world. Not everything that happened "back then" was politically correct by 21st century standards, and as soon as the series strives to make itself so, it will no longer hold a semblance of credibility. I'll also say that I don't support this ship either, I just think a lot of you are being really dramatic.

    kaza125 posted: »

    My god this is disgusting. People who support this, defend it with 'Oh, but it happened back then'. Yeah against the girls will normally. In

  • Yes I would do probably the same thing but who would Night´s Watch believe more him or us.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    If Jon were to kill me, I'd go out yelling about how he'd broken his vows, worse than me, too.

  • Okay, so here's the thing. Talia more likely than not has feelings for Gared. Remember when the three of them were talking about Gared? Talia mentions trying to find out what Gared might have done to deserve being sent to the wall? She was showing concern for him. It may have been the concern one shows for a friend. But then she gave him her necklace for her to remember her by. So in your scenario a thirteen-year-old is married to a much older man against her will. In this, if it happened, she would be marrying someone she cares about. And age difference clearly does not matter much. How much older than Sansa was Tyrion? Sansa was maybe 16 or 17 and they married her off to Tyrion - a man in his mid-thirties. Oh, and I kind of do ship these two.

  • Yeah.... executed.... right....

    So, he risks his life, he endures hell (in the North- ironic I know), he freezes his balls off, he does it for them- he is one of the most loyal men of the Forresters... and they'd execute him?

    Excuse me, but the Forresters aren't dumb enough to execute their most loyal man!

    And if the law says they have to? Well fuck the law, no one cares.

    And the ship is never gonna fucking happen, Gared has abandoned the Watch and if he ever returns back to Ironrath (Maybe he returns when Hou

  • edited September 2015

    Gared is in his early 20's, Talia is probably 14/15, so please...

  • Yes :) But only when Talia is a few years older

  • Also, in the land of Westeros there are no 10 year olds or 13 year olds getting married to fucking 20 year olds,. Talia hasn't even bled yet.

    There are tons of girls on their early teens marrying guys on their early twenties on Westeros. Not too many before their first blood, that much is true. It happens, but then the bedding shouldn't happen until they bleed. It is considered vile to bed a girl before she bleeds.

    And Talia is on her early teens. On the off chance that she didn't bleed yet, she should bleed anytime now. Sansa was 13 when she bled for the first time, during the Battle of the Blackwater.

    Age is definitely not a problem with this ship, the problem is actually social position. Gared is a pig farmer, and Talia is a girl of noble birth.

    So it can happen, but it wouldn't be wise for the Forresters to "waste" Talia's marriage on a low born like Gared. Marriages are tools to build alliances, and the Forresters need alliances right now.

    And the ship is never gonna fucking happen, Gared has abandoned the Watch and if he ever returns back to Ironrath (Maybe he returns when Hou

  • enter image description here

    All im gonna say is Game of thrones is a show about Incest,child murder,rape betrayals,brutal murder and torture and you guys complain about age difference.In the first episode of the show a guy in his mid thirties (Drogo)raped a teen (Dany) and u kept watching.Why not have consensual love between 2 characters who grew up together.All u guys think about is the sex and it disgusts you.Im pretty sure Gared would wait until Talia is a woman before sex.Their age difference isnt bad at all especially in the world of Game of thrones.

  • edited September 2015

    Social standing isn't really that big of a problem.

    Gared's the son of a pig farmer, sure, but he's been Lord Gregor squire and now he'll be a knight/warrior in service to the house. And if he were to wed Talia could be granted a keep and lands to watch for the Forresters. Daughters of much more prestigious houses have been wed to landed knights.

    The Forresters themselves are a very minor House who can't really offer anything to anybody, and probably aren't a desirable ally. Look how hard Rodrik had to work to marry Elaena, and she wanted to marry him, and he was the lord. Marriages are used to build alliances because two powerful houses see a mutual benefit in being linked. No one wants to be linked to the Forresters, so Talia has little to no worth as a marriage candidate, unless there's a heirless Lord who just wants a young bride to get pregnant. But if he's a heirless Lord his house probably isn't that strong and wouldn't be of much help to the Forresters.

    Abeille posted: »

    Also, in the land of Westeros there are no 10 year olds or 13 year olds getting married to fucking 20 year olds,. Talia hasn't even bled yet

  • A heirless Lord that is not such a strong ally should still have lands or at least a few soldiers. All Gared has is a target on his head for defecting the Night's Watch.

    After the Red Wedding, a lot of small houses were left on a poor state. The Forresters are not the only ones that need any ally they can get. Hell, anyone with a bit of gold or an okay reputation, like a landed knight, would be a better candidate than a low born that defected the Night's Watch.

    Social standing isn't really that big of a problem. Gared's the son of a pig farmer, sure, but he's been Lord Gregor squire and now he'll

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