Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Haha, I'll live... It's fine. ;p

    Actually, I'll probably go to sleep too.

    Until next time. ;)

    Kawaiii posted: »

    Unfortunately yes, I'm sorry Paul Good night! ^-^

  • goood night

    Kawaiii posted: »

    I'm going to sleep too R rated rhyiona dreams ~-^

  • iam here for last 40 minute -,-

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Ugh... it's getting close to morning hours. But screw it. Sleep is for da weak. Me no need sleep. Sleep needs me more than I need it.

  • Fun fact I made dis


  • good night wolfie <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    seriously, though, I'm really not feeling well so I'm probably just gonna go to sleep a little earlier today good night everyone

  • This family tree is so beautiful ;_;

  • thred is ded everyone is sleeping -,-

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    This family tree is so beautiful ;_;

  • why do these people have to sleep? what's wrong with them?

    thred is ded everyone is sleeping -,-

  • becuz they didnt sleep at tonight go up comments

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    why do these people have to sleep? what's wrong with them?

  • Can i be on the tree? :)

    Green613 posted: »

    Updated the tree in the OP with @CreepingCake @PandxranFlxwers @Syberian @Brawl @Firehawkcultist and @ABigRedMonster Still waiting on

  • Yes! ^-^ I just need your country and gender :]

    Suzy222 posted: »

    Can i be on the tree?

  • guys iam goin' sleep so see ya all <3

  • Even you >:( g'night <3

    guys iam goin' sleep so see ya all

  • enter image description here


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "How are you?" "Fine, I guess." "I didn't ask how you looked." "!!!"

  • Don't let the crappy internet bite.

    guys iam goin' sleep so see ya all

  • We can't stop it. The future is not set.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Can we stop with the Rhysha vs Rhyiona already? We aren't in March anymore.

  • edited September 2015

    Ha... They deleted my comment!


    Also, What the hell's going on?!


  • Also, Elliott has 7 words.

    Rhyiona has 7 words, too!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Elliott uses gmod. Gmod has four letters but only one vowel. 4 - 1 = 3 A triangle has three sides...

  • Ayy just here to update you guys with Sandra aka twdgirl43. She's still really upset about the ban but Im still trying to cheer her up. If you guys wanna say something to her I can definateley tell her for you.

  • They need to approve my comment first. Then I edited it. That's how it happened.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Also, how come it says that Elliott edited his post before he posted it?!

  • edited September 2015

    Just like me! First, I got, then Poogs got, and now her.

    Don't let her leave!

    Ayyyy I just spoke with Sandra aka twdgirl43 and she didnt even know she was banned until now since she took a nap and she's hella pissed. Unfortunately she's banned for a month so yeah, this fucking sucks..

  • Asshole! I'm going to kill this piece of shit right now!

    enter image description here

    HellFish posted: »

    Let's appreciate how fucking scary was Handsome Jack in this scene! I have to say it was probably the first time I was legit terrified of him... In BL2, you always had most of the things under control, but now... damn...

  • Canada and Female :)

    Green613 posted: »

    Yes! ^-^ I just need your country and gender :]

  • edited September 2015

    Nice I'll update the OP ASAP, keep an eye out :p

    Suzy222 posted: »

    Canada and Female

  • edited September 2015

    Can I friend her at Steam?

    Ayy just here to update you guys with Sandra aka twdgirl43. She's still really upset about the ban but Im still trying to cheer her up. If you guys wanna say something to her I can definateley tell her for you.

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited September 2015

    I missed page 1000... So... Wanna see some Pokemon? enter image description here Her evolution : enter image description here Monster Fiona evolution : enter image description here @ABigBadWolf must like those new Pokemons

  • Awesome! Thank you :)

    Green613 posted: »

    Nice I'll update the OP ASAP, keep an eye out

  • That's my picture. Thanks, girl.

    Eryka posted: »

    I missed page 1000... So... Wanna see some Pokemon? Her evolution : Monster Fiona evolution : @ABigBadWolf must like those new Pokemons

  • Well today was quite eventful.

  • fuckfuckfuckfuck I slept while we hit the 1000th page! is it too late for "party hard"-gifs?

  • yes. You fucked up.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    fuckfuckfuckfuck I slept while we hit the 1000th page! is it too late for "party hard"-gifs?

  • It's never too late to party matey.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    fuckfuckfuckfuck I slept while we hit the 1000th page! is it too late for "party hard"-gifs?

  • Good morning, guys! <3

    Fuck, I missed the page 1000 celebration.

    Fuck it! Fuck it!

    enter image description here

  • Good morning everyone! I've been awake for a few hours because I have to go food-shopping. ;-;

    Congratulations on 1000 pages, you guys! It's weird to think that I've been here since the 30th of March (even if I wasn't here for like two months ;) ).

    I'll be going in a few minutes or so, but I'm so happy for the thread and everyone here! <3

  • screw that it's never too late to celebrate. 1000 PAGES MADDAFAKKAS!

    enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

    too much? ok, let's slow down a bit

    enter image description here

  • Oh youuu, dear god, thanks for tagging me, you're flattering me. <3

    enter image description here

    HellFish posted: »

    We did it! We actually did it! High fives all around people, each and every one of you is awesome (with @buntingsir being the most awesome o

  • Good morning, everyone!

    Nope, no it isn't, it's raining and I feel dead.

    How are you all? :D

  • ayy I missed the cool 1000 page party too, but guess what imma sing a song, cuz i feel like it

    And if you'd 'a took to me like a gull takes to the wind

    I'd 'a jumped from my trees and I'd dance like the king of the eyesores

    And the rest of our lives would 'a fared well

    enter image description here

    From time to time, a man must go

    But let me tell you friend, it is a long way down

    When is it too soon to walk

    When to run dry of talk from burning just the same

    Was it easier in days gone by, clear skies and storms alike

    And words of ties that bind

    When the wine ain't sweet, but the love's still true

    It's been done before, you can work it through

    sorry i'm a bad singer

    Cheers, I love you all fine people.

    enter image description here

    Now on to 2000 page for the glory of Rhyiona WOOO

  • Do you feel as ded as the thread?

    Good morning! I hope it gets better soon, it's pretty cloudy right now for me.

    I'm just about to go out for food (<3), and when I come back I hope the thread thrives. x)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Good morning, everyone! Nope, no it isn't, it's raining and I feel dead. How are you all?

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