Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I don't get the relevance of that in this post... unless you're saying you drove away the people?

    ZapThroat posted: »

    You’re welcome XD

  • this would actually work! :D We should try this next time!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    We could make some sort of system for the pages? One person posts and the rest reply. That way everyone gets to be on the page ^-^

  • I think most of the people will log on later today.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Seems like most people are away today, that's sad. But at least we hit all our goals this weekend so that's good.

  • I'm watching videos because the thread is dead

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Seems like most people are away today, that's sad. But at least we hit all our goals this weekend so that's good.

  • yeh, i'm sure that's what he's implying

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I don't get the relevance of that in this post... unless you're saying you drove away the people?

  • Remember Yesterday? gg no h8 m80s XD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Huh? :P

  • ZapThroat posted: »

    You’re welcome XD

  • It would indeed, and it would have debunked the "short important pages" myth.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Oh my god we need to try that! Chain of party gifs would've been glorious.

  • I doubt they left because of you lol

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Remember Yesterday? gg no h8 m80s XD

  • You could have a go at spreading the idea around the people...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    this would actually work! We should try this next time!

  • Just skip the first week, there won't be anything going on anyway. ;)

    i don't think so... we don't do anything special in skool during the first week, so i believe after S14 it's gonna become especially ded

  • HandsomeChef confirmed GLaDOS.

    oh, it's you. enter link description here

  • jaaay more cute fan art from you!!

    I'm actually drawing too but not Rhyiona :P

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I'm here, just making rhyiona fanart

  • I'm just waiting for Gigglebear (the gal who made all that art Elliott posted) to come online so I can try to get her to join us.

  • But surely it's not his fault?

    yeh, i'm sure that's what he's implying

  • No,I meant that you reached page 1000 fairly quickly,it was all part of the plan. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I doubt they left because of you lol

  • enter image description here enter image description here
    My idea : I'm bored and I found a Pokemon Card Maker. Do you think we can play Pokemon with only the cards? If yes, who wants to be a trainer and who wants to be a Pokemon?

  • A waft of smoke grew bigger and bigger until it seeped through the brown wooden door and into Rhys and Fiona’s bedroom, before alerting the alarm of it’s presence and awaking the married couple.

    “Wh-What’s going on?” The tall male asked as he rubbed his eyes, before coughing out the inhaled smoke that swam into his mouth and nostrils.

    “There’s a fire,” Fiona quickly scrambled out of the bed and stuffed on a rather bright pair of Rhys’ socks, while the latter already had a pair of swanky spotted ones on.

    They frantically ran out of the door and exchanged one sentence to each other, “I’ll get Gortys and LB, you go outside!” To which Rhys beckoned Fiona out of the door and rushed to the door concealing their children. He bashed onto it until it finally swung open, before finding a scared robot and a protective one sitting on a bed, huddled close to each other.

    “Come on, let’s get outside!” The Hyperion CEO made sure they were both out of the house before peering back inside to find the cause of the fire. He soon noticed that it was building from the kitchen, and swiftly shut all of their doors upstairs, trying desperately to protect their belongings, but knowing that there was no way they wouldn't burn to a crisp.

    Once he was finished that, Rhys could make out the faintest of calls from Fiona outside, and he knew he should be leaving the house now. His lungs were getting corrupted by the harsh smoke; he coughed every few seconds and gripped his stomach. But before he embarked down the stairs, he had noticed the flames had began to climb them, which lead to him cursing and breathing in even more smoke.

    He had one other option, which could possibly save his life, or kill him quicker than the flames. Rhys walked briskly into his bedroom, now wheezing the disgusting air into his lungs. He could now hear firetrucks zooming down his street and ambulance sirens. One of his arms grabbed the photo of him and his family in front of a geyser, while the other slid the shining window open, then his whole body was out of it, now sitting on the ledge and staring down to the concrete below and the commotion from the street they lived on.

    You need to get a grip, Rhys. Just jump down and try to land on your feet. If you die, so be it.’ He pep talked to himself, before inhaling tightly and squeezing his eyes shut.

    Rhys did not land on his feet, but he did not die from impact, either. He flung himself out of the window in a desperate attempt to save his life, only to collapse onto the ground with twisted bones.

    Of course, Fiona screamed. She ran over to him while sobbing profusely, latching onto his chest and crying into it. She swore she heard her name being called quietly, and then some faint moans. The paramedic rushed over to the scene with his comrades, before scooping Rhys onto the yellow stretcher and carrying him to the ambulance.

    Fiona chased after them, hopping onto the vehicle and grasping her husbands hand, the one he landed on; which was unfortunately the real one. She kept whispering to him as if he was okay, while closing her eyes and pressing her face to his hand. She heard more gargles and coughs, but she didn't dare open her eyes. She couldn't see him like that, it would kill her.

    The trip was only ten minutes, but for the Pandoran resident, it seemed like an eternity had passed when she was outside once more and following the doctors into the A&E ward. She could hear Rhys’ incoherent moans of pain, but she tried to ignore them. Her head hurt and she just wanted to see him okay, again.

    “Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to sit out here while we check on his state, you’ll be permitted entrance afterwards, if he lives and if you’re family.” The somewhat rude nurse droned, standing by the door and blocking the broken Fiona from entering.

    “I’m his wife and don’t you dare say that! He’s fine!” Fiona stammered at her, pointing her index finger right in her face, before walking angrily to the metallic bench and slumping down onto it with her head in her hands.

    “Mommy?” Fiona heard a robotic but adorable voice call out, and she lifted her head to see a distressed looking Vaughn and Sasha in their pyjamas, with her kids beside them. Without words, Fiona instantly began crying into her hands again, and the two other humans present looked at her with pity.

    It was obvious that Vaughn had been crying, due to his bloodshot eyes and tense stance, it was also obvious that Sasha was disturbed by what happened, the way her face showed sorrow had explained this all too well. They both instantly sat beside her and tried their hardest to console her, but to no avail.

    It was about an hour later when the nurse returned with a small smile on her face, “You can come in now, Mrs,” She looked to her clipboard, “Baker.” Fiona was confused. Not 70 minutes ago, this nurse was being rather rude to her, but it seems like she’s changed completely. But the hustler didn't hesitate to burst into the door and be met with a rather bandaged up Rhys. She bolted to the bed and shouted his name, while he smiled at her with obvious happiness that his girl is okay.

    “Hey, Fi,” Rhys hoarsely stated, before he began using his bionic arm to stroke her hand, while keeping his face pointed to her. The doctor began explaining that Rhys would be in a wheelchair for the next few weeks, before being demoted to crutches, then a cane, and then - finally - he’d be free to roam around with no help required from any metal objects.

    “I’m just glad you’re safe.” Rhys smiled, closing his eyes and allowing Fiona to cuddle into him, while inhaling her scent of cherries and fear. He inevitably fell asleep due to the medication given to him not ten minutes ago, but when he did drift off, it was thinking of his family, and how glad he was that they weren't harmed. he essentially risked his life for them, and that would be something that stuck with him until he died.

    Rhys did something amazing that night, he saved his family’s life, and his own. And he was proud of himself, something that he didn't say often. Right before he fell asleep, he muttered something almost inaudible, but it was loud enough for Fiona to hear and smile at.

    “I love you, darling.”

  • Oh, clever. ;)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    No,I meant that you reached page 1000 fairly quickly,it was all part of the plan.

  • nah, it isn't. like i said before, a lotta ppl are preparing for upcoming work/skool stuff

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    But surely it's not his fault?

  • You know,I’m legit scared now (no sarcasm intended).

    oh, it's you. enter link description here

  • Yeah, I'm a potato. So what?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    HandsomeChef confirmed GLaDOS.

  • Shouldn't you be prepping then?

    nah, it isn't. like i said before, a lotta ppl are preparing for upcoming work/skool stuff

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, clever.

  • Thanks so much! <3

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    great job, Cara !

  • Thanks! <3


    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Rhys is a hero

  • for what?

    i have nothing to prepare for... :P

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Shouldn't you be prepping then?


    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I'm here, just making rhyiona fanart

  • a lotta ppl are preparing for upcoming work/skool stuff

    I'm assuming you're already prepared then?

    for what? i have nothing to prepare for... :P

  • yeah, i have my alarm clock ready :P

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    a lotta ppl are preparing for upcoming work/skool stuff I'm assuming you're already prepared then?

  • Nice xD

    yeah, i have my alarm clock ready :P

  • edited September 2015

    I still remember what she told me about Laura Bailey...

    Hmmmm... yeah, she touched my heart yesterday. Even on twitter. I wrote her: "Are you here? Wanna show you something, you need to be here". And she answered "Here :)"... Oh for God`s sake they are worth to draw them! They deserved it! And i am totally in love with Laura. I mean, like a person and artist.


  • I repeat : Who wants to be a Pokemon Trainer and who wants to be a Pokemon?

  • I had no idea what you were talking about the first time you said it :(

    Eryka posted: »

    I repeat : Who wants to be a Pokemon Trainer and who wants to be a Pokemon?

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    Hey there you wonderful people, President Kristi is here! I hope everything has been well. I am aware of a couple things that happened that I can't mention due to forum rules. If you want to fill me in, PM me.

    I'm glad to see we've reached 3 milestones! Woo! :D <3

    In unrelated news: Birthday is in 12 days AND I REFUSE TO BELIEVE I'M GROWING UP. I have known some people on the internet since I was 12 and now I'm turning 17...Jeez, time flies by.

    In related/Rhyiona news: If you guys don't remember, before I went back to school I wrote an fanfic idea about Rhys trying to come up with ideas on how to confess to Fiona. Well, I loved the idea a lot so I decided to write it myself. This is only just a bit of it!

    enter image description here

  • I want to do some Rhyiona-Rhysha Pokemon cards

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I had no idea what you were talking about the first time you said it

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