I am Moderately Satisfied

Since the Forum is filled with several hate and appreciation threads, I think it'll be good for there to be a thread where we can discuss the positives and negatives of the game without leaning too far in either position. Just stating the facts and basing our opinions around those facts, like reasonable rational people. Plus, I want to get into this subforums action.

Personally, I am moderately satisfied with the game. I love the characters and the time each one gets, so far I haven't really hated any of the characters and enjoy the different type of gameplay you get with each. Telltale took a risk with making so many playable characters and personally I think it paid off, helping establish the strong points of having that type of narrative. I do enjoy the story that Telltale has created and I think they did a good job piecing each story with each other, although the writing in some places could be improved (Traitor, Choices, and detrimental character's importance), I still think the writing is very well done in places and make the game fun to play. While personally, I see little to no replay value in the game, others might, and even if it doesn't it's fun to watch others play it as with any other telltale game.

So, based off those points, I think this is a well done Telltale game but not exactly my favorite Telltale game, it is still a good one and not as horrible as some others make it out to be.

I'm curious what others may bring up for facts...Hopefully this thread won't be toxic


  • A thread that isn't extreme to any direction? Nah, not possible here :D

    Joking aside I do agree with most of your points. Only thing I am not so sure about is the statement about the amount of playable characters - that it would've paid off. I personally would have rather had a more dynamic story around two or max. three playable characters. But, I guess they have done relatively well with five (though there never was five playables at the same time).

  • I agree that it could've been better under a smaller number of playable characters, it merely paid off to test the idea of several playable characters. It helped understand which parts of it worked and which parts didn't in order for if they did it again, they could do it better.

    A thread that isn't extreme to any direction? Nah, not possible here Joking aside I do agree with most of your points. Only thing I am n

  • Hopefully the thread won't be toxic

    Hopefully not. Look at these threads in this section, I haven't seen such hate since Jurassic Park. Anyway I can appreciate the thread you made. There are ups and downs of this game but it's not bad

  • There are positives and negatives to everything and I think it's only fair to acknowledge all of it before making extreme claims of it being amazing or it being terrible.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Hopefully the thread won't be toxic Hopefully not. Look at these threads in this section, I haven't seen such hate since Jurassic Park. Anyway I can appreciate the thread you made. There are ups and downs of this game but it's not bad

  • I literally posted saying I should make a I Moderately like GoT thread before you posted this!

    Anyway in order to have some civilised conversation with likewise individuals here are some brief thoughts of mine on the series so far!

    I love the voice acting. The voice directing is always pretty top notch in all TT games and with so many playable characters this hasn't changed.

    I'm interested in the story and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds!

    The traitor was rubbish but this has already been discussed at leeength so no need to say anything more.

    I felt Jon and Deanarys were shoehorned into the plot and were obvious, "we got to tie everyone playable to a show character" role.

    Overall I'm liking the game and looking forward to the next episode, I just feel it could have been done better.

  • The Voice acting, always top notch!

    Jake360 posted: »

    I literally posted saying I should make a I Moderately like GoT thread before you posted this! Anyway in order to have some civilised con

  • Voice acting is realy great.

    There is a lot of intersting and likeable characters.

    Story itself is captivating.

    There were things that could be resolved better such as Mira´s dealing with Tyrion, Beating Gryff and later his apperence or whole traitor situation.

    Overall I think this game was a succes for Telltale, just becuase (when for nothing else) they efficiently handled already esablished universe with so many characters and stories.

  • The Erik situation could've been handled better also. As we can only interact with him if he goes to the Wall. Why cant Rodrik talk to him at Ironrath? (minor thing but woulda made the game that much more involved)

    Voice acting is realy great. There is a lot of intersting and likeable characters. Story itself is captivating. There were things t

  • edited September 2015

    My biggest gripe is that the game built up too much before delivering. Also, some TV characters were simply fan service and didn't add much to the story, like Tyrion and especially Jon. I also feel that Ramsay was overused as well and the option of trying to stab Ramsay or not as a main choice in Episode 5 was just stupid in my opinion. Then there are the blatantly pointless choices like saving Bowen and the plot holes like Tom suddenly being able to overpower a capable Red Cloak.

  • That didnt bother me too much but it is true that it would be cool to show him at least somewhere in backround.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    The Erik situation could've been handled better also. As we can only interact with him if he goes to the Wall. Why cant Rodrik talk to him at Ironrath? (minor thing but woulda made the game that much more involved)

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2015

    I still love the game (coming from someone who only watched very little of the show), but I think that the reason some other people aren't as satisfied is that Game of Thrones pushes more emphasis on the choices that will be presumed to alter the story on a larger scale instead of focusing on inter-personal relationships like in other Telltale titles like Walking Dead. Since Telltale choices are meant more as a way to personalize or tailor your story and contextualize it as opposed to branching the story out, people who come in wanting choices to have a large impact might not be as satisfied as the people who instead focus on the character relationships changing from your choices. Again, I still like the game (even more so than Tales from the Borderlands at times), but since Telltale's Game of Thrones pushes the larger choices more often than in other games (and since they don't branch the story as much as some people want), I can see why some people wouldn't be interested.

    Ultimately, I think a lot of the strength in Telltale's choices come from when they focus on interpersonal relationships as opposed to the choices that presume to alter the story on some scale. If you are willing to look at the choices in Game of Thrones as allowing for some personalization in your tailored version of the story as opposed to expecting different branches, I think that will help people enjoy the game more.

    [Generic disclaimer: I am only a volunteer Moderator - my opinions don't represent Telltale]

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