I've Made My Decision

edited September 2015 in Game Of Thrones

So, some of my friends and others on here have been wondering who I picked to stay behind and after 47 days.. I can finally say that I chose ASHER to stay behind.

It was just such a heartbreaking moment, seeing Whitehills approaching the two brothers.

Reasons why I picked the younger to stay was because it was set for his character.. having been exiled and overcoming The Lost Legion, Drogon, Meereen and Bloodsong it was a fantastic way for him to go out, getting at least some swords for the fight against the Whitehills was good too. I know he was the heir but Rodrik was just too important to me.

Yeah, the story would have been placed together for Rodrik to go out on but I just couldn't let that happen.. the ending of EP5 was set for Asher to go out on, and what a way to go out like that killing quite a few soldiers!

I have spent 47 days looking over the possibilities of why I saved Rodrik:

  • Elaena, she's already lost a brother, can she really afford losing the love of her life as well? She could also be pregnant. What's a baby without it's father?
  • House Glenmore (I think anyway..).
  • When Rodrik was presumed dead, the Maester said that he was House Forrester's best.
  • He's too young (yes, I know Asher is younger than him..).
  • I couldn't let Gryff stare down smirking at his corpse, thinking he's won.
  • He just got better and can now swing a sword once more.
  • He's fair, wise and cunning.
  • He knows how to be in a war.
  • He's unbreakable.
  • He is a true lord.

Asher had many possibilities too:

  • The respect of the pit fighters.
  • Beskha, his best friend and "sister".
  • The heir to House Forrester.
  • The hunger to fight.
  • Gwyn?
  • A true lord.

I know Asher isn't considered a Lord but it makes sense.

Rodrik is the one who I will play as in the final episode, Asher will be in my alternate playthrough.

I am sorry for any Asher fans out there, believe me I was shattered when those words "One of us has to stay." were spoken.

Iron From Ice.


  • It took you 47 days to realize this? I realized this immediately.

  • edited September 2015

    First I want to say, I didn't want ANY of the brothers to die in the ambush. I want Asher to return home to Ironrath and reunite with his mother and little sister. I want him to join Rodrik in saving their little brother.

    But in the end I will stick to Asher staying behind and in my head canon, Rodrik will always be the one to survive.

    I simply can't bring myself to let Rodrik die like that. I haven't even watched a Youtube video where Rodrik is getting killed. Out of all of the five protagonist, I feel most attached to Rodrik with Ethan being a close second. Just simply watching Rodrik die, it is like having a part of me getting destroyed forever.

  • edited September 2015

    He's too young (yes, I know Asher is younger than him..).

    whats the point in saying that if you know the alternative will get someone younger killed?

  • edited September 2015

    How did you play your Rodrik? Because the way I played my rodrick, he was very submissive and non-confrontational (due to Ethan's death), and in a sense I just kept him as a placeholder for the Forresters so that things wouldn't get to crazy with Gryff and Ludd, and so that we could buy time for Gared, and Asher (at this point, I thought that Mira would die in episode 4 or 5, so she was less of a concern for me. Boy was I wrong).

    But in my second playthrough, I made Asher into the compassionate, Beskha-over-anything, peaceful one. He told the truth to Daeneyrs, he got the pit fighters, but didn't kill Bloodsong or Tazal. In this playthrough I felt more inclined to leave him behind, due to my Rodrik being a badass in this playthrough.

    It all matters how you play them. But you probably know that.

  • It broke my damn heart because I love both brothers but I just couldn't leave Rodrik either. I did it for my alternate playthrough but it hurt like a mothertrucker. Not that I enjoy leaving Asher there and I'm excited to see how his lordship goes, but I agree, I couldn't let that happen to Rodrik after everything he's been through and everything he has to come back to (Talia, Elaena, the fact that the house needs someone who knows how to be a lord). The whole not giving Gryff the satisfaction was a big part of it for me since my Rodrik did everything he possibly could to resist and piss him off, and I'm hoping that Gwyn will actually find a way to help us now that her stupid little brother killed her boyfriend. People talk about the pit fighters not following Rodrik but Asher got their respect and so can Rodrik, no problem. I'm pretty sure they'll want to take out the people who killed their leader, and Asher said himself that everyone learns to love Rodrik. Besides, Rodrik knows how to be a lord and Asher never wanted to, so they're going to need someone who knows how to run a house if they survive this war. I'm devastated that Asher was just about to be reunited and reconciled with his family just to die and I wish he could have seen mom and Talia, but this is Rodrik's fight and you can't convince me otherwise. He was raised for this and he has too much (literal...) skin in the game to die now. Still, I wish they could have done this together, or at least had more time for their reunion so we could get a better feel for their relationship. ;_;

    On a side note I'll be shocked if the Glenmores still help us since Elaena's dad doesn't even want her to come home and nevermind they're sworn to the Boltons anyway, but we can hold out that hope. At least we have the badass Elaena, and possibly (hopefully!) Rodrik Jr., who we can't leave a bastard... come on, now. ;)

  • That's one thing that i don't want to do in a GoT story. If Elena's kid becomes a bastard, just idk man. It can either become Jon or Ramsay Snow... Or worse... Sera Flowers?!


    lilithnight posted: »

    It broke my damn heart because I love both brothers but I just couldn't leave Rodrik either. I did it for my alternate playthrough but it hu

  • Wellllll Asher could always swoop in early on and marry her to legitimize the baby but that'd be some serious homie-hopping. D:

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    That's one thing that i don't want to do in a GoT story. If Elena's kid becomes a bastard, just idk man. It can either become Jon or Ramsay Snow... Or worse... Sera Flowers?! Ewwwwww

  • Well it's your opinion.

    I left Rodrik to stay because the pit fighters won't listen to him, since he didn't do anything to win their respect. And I find his outcomes to be really boring, for example I don't like Elaena. She is too generic. Also, Rodrik has passed many harships and had a near death experience. It would be cruel to let his little brother behind.

    All the dynamic would be far more interesting with Asher, he finally sees his home again, maybe Beskha gets jealous and feels alone when she will get ditched by Asher after he reuintes with Gwyn. Stuff like that.

    I really hope that there won't be any scene where the Whitehills boast themselves with the decapitated head of the brother that you left behind. Then I'd feel really pissed.

  • I was thinking the same thing about Asher marrying Elaena. I never really liked Gwynn.

    lilithnight posted: »

    Wellllll Asher could always swoop in early on and marry her to legitimize the baby but that'd be some serious homie-hopping.

  • I like Gwyn fine but if she and Asher were unlikely before, with all this death and maiming and Ironwood business, they are imfreakingpossible now. I think Asher and Elaena would be an interesting arrangement. Plus I enjoy the idea of Asher doing something so huge in memory of his brother. <3

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I was thinking the same thing about Asher marrying Elaena. I never really liked Gwynn.

  • I feel like maybe after the whole thing, if you have Asher survive, at the end of episode 6 she will be the one to kill Asher (if they don't want Asher/Rodrik in seasons 2 and beyond)

    lilithnight posted: »

    I like Gwyn fine but if she and Asher were unlikely before, with all this death and maiming and Ironwood business, they are imfreakingpossib

  • No matter how you look at it, THERE IS NO WRONG CHOICE.

  • edited September 2015

    I choose Asher.

    He can bring peace to both houses, wasn't directly a part of what has been happening and brings a fresh perspective.

    That and the whole point going there was to... Save Asher. Not to mention that it makes makes no sense for the fourborn loser to be see smug over Asher's death as he hasn't seen him in years. Heck, he may not even know that's Asher anyway.

  • I choose Rodrik to stay behind in my first playthrough... I like Rodrik a bit more, but I don't think it would make sense for Rodrik's character, who is brave and takes care of his family, to leave behind his younger brother like that... I am however playing the ''Leave Asher'' Playtrough emediately after finishing the first one...

    I am also very curious, how will Beskha be with Rodrik... I wonder if that sad last optional line by Asher will have some inpact

    Beskha: What am I supposed to do?

    Asher: Stay by my brother's side, he's your family!

    Beskha: I will!

    I dunno, I hope that matters somehow...

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