What is the North Grove?

edited September 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I'm just curious about any theories people might have about the North Grove, and why it's vital to the survival of House Forester. Any thoughts? Any ties with the novels?


  • edited September 2015

    I can see it's a huge blur, like only the writers truly know, but I wonder...

  • I'm still betting on it's the place where Bran is. There's some evidence to support it.

  • edited September 2015

    If that's the case, then how is it vital to the survival of House Forester? I know they wield magic, but I don't see why they would help some small house beyond the wall, hmm...I hope it has nothing to do with the Books/TV show and is something entirely original because when Telltale works with originality the game benefits greatly. When they are constricted to what the show is, the game suffers from a lack of its own ideas

  • What evidence?

    Why would this be helpful to the Forresters anyway? The cave of the three-eyed crow would only be useful to a greenseer or skinchanger. And nothing has indicated that the Forresters have those attributes.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I'm still betting on it's the place where Bran is. There's some evidence to support it.

  • I'll respond tmoz when I've got my laptop, It's harder to do it on a kindle

    What evidence? Why would this be helpful to the Forresters anyway? The cave of the three-eyed crow would only be useful to a greenseer or skinchanger. And nothing has indicated that the Forresters have those attributes.

  • It would be kind of awesome if the brothers had some kind of heretofore unknown ability to warg. Or maybe they have Professor X's ability to transfer his consciousness to another body or something like that... Okay, I know this is very unlikely.

  • What evidence? Why would this be helpful to the Forresters anyway? The cave of the three-eyed crow would only be useful to a greenseer or skinchanger. And nothing has indicated that the Forresters have those attributes.

  • It's a cave full of cookies!

  • edited September 2015

    It's possible. But I wouldn't call it evidence exactly.

    All you really have are the maps, that don't actually seem to match up exactly. For one the map Gared has is much smaller so you need to exaggerate the distances more. I think the North Grove would actually fall a good deal North of the Antler River and thusly also North of the Cave of the Three-Eyed Crow.

    Just speaking logistically the whole point of Bran Stark's story is his isolation. If someone other than the Reeds or Hodor encountered him it would be a big big big deal. Like canon shattering, and I don't think Telltale has the mandate to do that. Unless you are suggesting that Gared will arrive at the Cave before Bran and also departs before Bran gets there.

    Also you still haven't answered the question of why the North Grove would be important or useful to the Forresters. Why would they, a House that is located very far to the South by Northern standards be tasked with protecting the North Grove if it's not useful to them? There are many more ancient Houses in the North. And many closer to the wall who would be better suited to the task. Also if they are supposed to be protecting it wouldn't Forresters be going North of the wall a lot? There's been no mention of that at all. They are only going now cause they are in deep shit.

    kaza125 posted: »


  • Remember Bran isn't in season 5 at all. There is about three weeks where the Gared and co can be and go.
    As I said in that thread, perhaps the forresters were charged with protecting the Cave, a pact made long ago, that's why the north grove must never be lost.

    It's possible. But I wouldn't call it evidence exactly. All you really have are the maps, that don't actually seem to match up exactly. F

  • edited September 2015

    Bran isn't in season 5, but that doesn't mean they can just insert a major event, like coming across another person.

    This isn't like inserting Dany, Tyrion, Cersei or Margaery into the game. All of those characters are surrounded by superfluous characters. There's plenty of time for them to be having minor interactions that have no effect on the story. Bran is literally in a frozen wasteland with nobody around him except Hodor, Meera, Bloodraven and the Children. If he met someone else that would be earth shattering.

    Ok, if the Forresters are tasked with protecting the North Grove, why has there been no mention of any Forresters going North of the Wall? You'd think it would be a common practice if they were supposed to oversee the maintenance of a hidden stronghold located miles and miles North of the Wall. You would also think that they would've arranged a way to get there, instead of having a member join the Night's Watch and then subsequently desert it, making them a fugitive against the law. It just doesn't make any sense. They would be losing a soldier (or worse member of the House) for each and every trip to the North Grove.

    It seems like no Forrester has been to the North Grove in a long long time. Why are they sending Gared now? There's been no reason to think the North Grove is in any danger. The ones in danger are the Forresters themselves. That alone implies that the North Grove is important and crucial to the Forresters survival, not the other way around.

    Finally why are they keeping it a secret if their only duty is to protect it? Why is Rodrik worried that Duncan (if he's the traitor) told the Whitehills? Do they seriously think the Whitehills, another minor house with very low man power, have the ability, resources and motivation to send someone on a very likely fatal expedition to destroy a stronghold that has no value to the Forresters that they are only protecting because of an ancient pact made with a bunch of mythical fairies?

    It seems like you're trying to turn Telltale's story of a minor house in conflict with another minor house into something big and grand that could shape the history of Westeros. That's simply not going to happen in this game. This is just the story of a minor house.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Remember Bran isn't in season 5 at all. There is about three weeks where the Gared and co can be and go. As I said in that thread, perhaps

  • Are they Smoreos?

    I love those things.

    It's a cave full of cookies!

  • A forest in the north.

    Grove literally means forest, can it be more obvious.

  • edited September 2015

    Not necessarily true. It could be the name of a castle or a town or something like that.

    Last Hearth isn't just a fireplace sitting in the middle of nowhere. Sunspear isn't a spear. Cornfield isn't a field, Grassy Vale isn't a vale

    And so forth.

    A forest in the north. Grove literally means forest, can it be more obvious.

  • Well the most trusty source of information comes from Duncan who says it is a protected citadel, hidden from the world which holds great power. Which begs the question, how is it protected? Is it protected from other people entering who aren't Forrester's? Or is it just protected? How is it hidden from the world? What do you have to do to get in? What kind of power does it hold? How can it help?

    We also have what other people say. Cotter and Slyvi are our other sources of information but their information isn't entirely trustworthy.

    Cotter says it is a secret forest within a forest. This backs up the 'hidden from the world' statement Duncan says. So maybe that's a bit of evidence.

    Slyvi says that the snow cannot touch it and that it is safe even in winter. This backs up the power statement but is this the only power the North Grove holds? Is there more to it?

    Most likely, I tend to think that their words 'Iron from Ice' have something to do with the North Grove. Maybe they came from there, maybe they have some kind of power.

    I doubt it is anything too special but Duncan did say Lord Forrester believed it could save the house soooo, I'm almost certain that it will one way or another.

  • They will be whatever you want them to be!

    Are they Smoreos? I love those things.

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