Why No Nudity In TTGoT?
I don't want to seem like a pervert. But TWAU had nudity. Why not GoT it's a staple of the show. Sorry if this seems weird just wondering why not?
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I don't want to seem like a pervert. But TWAU had nudity. Why not GoT it's a staple of the show. Sorry if this seems weird just wondering why not?
No one knows, but I'm guessing Telltale just hasn't found a point where it would be conducive to telling their story? Which I don't really see where it would actually help their story anyway :P
Yeah that makes sense. The GoT show only has nudity and sex to forward the story and develop characters. The show even coined the term sexposition.
Okay. Thanks. just saying I didn't make this discussion because I want nudity in the game I just wanted to know why not.
There really weren't any moments where they'd add nudity. Other than Rodrik's sexy time.
I don't mind though. I was pretty fed up in GoT season 2 of all the nudity.
Yeah. I don't really understand all of the nudity and sex in the show. In the book it had it, but not as much as the show does.
The only place where it would make sense to add nudity was the time where Rodrik had sex with Elaena, but when she stands up, Talia is in the room, and obviously she's not just gonna galavant around the room naked for no reason. She's going to cover herself up. And that's what she did.
Having nudity and sex scene just for the sake of it, isn't necessary. If it doesn't add anything to the story or the characters, then it (for lack of better words) a waste of time.
They were previously scared about the community reactions on The Wolf Among Us nudity bits.
Because there's no point.
The nudity on the show for the 'sex appeal' for guys. Even having naked women around during/after Theon gets tortured by Ramsay. What's that for?? Tbh, I'm fine they went in the opposite direction for the game.
As for why... since they'd have to create the nude models themselves, maybe they thought it was unnecessary to do that extra work. Rodrik and Elaena's post-sex scene works just fine. They don't need to be naked for us to know what happened. Besides, that place looks pretty cold, you'd want to be under blankets all the time.
Part of the torture? Ramsay is not only torturing Theon physically, but also messing with his head. And knowing what would soon happen to "Theon's favorite toy" it was pretty sick way to mess with his head.
It doesn't make sense. I don't see how sex would make Telltale's Game of Thrones' story better. It's just unecessary.
Seriously though, same reasons people mentioned above. There hasn't been any need for it. Implied nudity is more than enough. Any more than that might make Ortengryn want to Maesterbate™
Much of the nudity/sex scenes on the show are just for sex appeal. However, that scene with Theon and those women isn't one of them.
Yeah, same story. Violence, guts and tortures good - tits bad, scary and unnecessary.
Telltale wanted GoT for younger audience. Of course it does not work.
Maybe because when we saw boobs in TWAU there was a little shitstorm?
lel u still sound like a pervert who wanted to see some tits in the game
just admid it.
I think, considering the source material, that having nudity just for the sake of nudity would be most appropriate. After all this game is based on HBO series and HBO always adds nudity to their shows.
By the way I would like to see TTG version of Starz's Spartacus.
Yeah cause killing people is alright, but boobs are just too much apparently.
Why does every game have to devalue women?
I think it was appropriate for the scene though. She was working at a strip club. I feel it should be avoided, unless done well.
rodrick and alaena? they definitly was developing their relationship
and it was necessary in twau? its not necessary but it adds to the realism and atmosphire.
Because there's been no need. Characters have had sex off-screen, but other than that, there's been no logical reason to include it.
Why does it devalue women with a sex scene? I don't see anything degrading in that since having sex is perfectly normal. But if it was degrading, why would it be only to women? Wouldn't it devalue men too?
The only reason I don't watch GoT is because of its explicit scenes. If they just implied it, it would have been so much better. As for The game , iis better of without it! (My sister plays along with me so no thanks) (not that I enjoy nudity alone)
He's a terrible father.
Actually, I love this game because there isn't some unnecessary nudity and sex scene. It is subtle and implied. And the Rodrik and Eleana scene was cute and romantic because of that.
Okay. I get it. It would be unnecessary for the story I agree.
My least favorite parts of the show are the nudity\sex stuff. I watch the show for the characters and the situations they are thrust into and then have to get out of.
I 100% agree. I'm sorry for even starting the discussion.
I don't understand all this hate for the nudity on the show. Nudity is natural and real, why do we need to shy away from seeing what is essentially reality? It doesn't affect the storytelling, sure, but it doesn't particularly hinder it. And people seem to think that it's sexist. A lot of the times it is and for good reason. GoT is not a walk in the park with sunshine and rainbows to help guide your way. It's a world afflicted by an unending war. It's brutal and merciless. It's reality.
No need to feel sorry about it, if you want to express your thoughts and opinions, don't hesitate.
Some people don't like nudity but if they want to watch GoT they have to see it all the time. You also have to remember some people are repulsed by nudity, soooo yeah.
I said it was my least favorite part of the show, compared to the other parts it isn't as interesting. But I guess it gets people talking about the show.
Fuck you. If I wanted to see tits I wouldn't pay $4.99 per episode to do it. And I wouldn't pay to see fake water color painting tits.