Ludd Or Gryff Who Would You Kill?

If I had to choose I would pick Ludd. Ludd has been a bigger asshole to the Forresters behind the scenes, also if he had just kept his half of the Iron wood the boltons said he could have than most of the stuff that has happened probably wouldn't have happened. And Gryff I feel like he's just a small, angry, stupid, and loud fourth born, not worth it to kill him. Ludd is worse than him. Just my opinion, I would love to hear all of your opinions.


  • Not settling for less than both of them.

  • I'd kill Gryff, but I'd make Ludd watch as I kill his son.

  • [ Ludd ]

    [ Gryff ]

    [ Both ]

  • I don't want to be rude but the question was, Ludd Or Gryff Who Would You Kill? not Ludd or Gryff or both?

  • Gryff, so Ludd could see his legacy disappear.

  • edited September 2015

    How does killing his fourthborn son make his legacy disappear?

    For that I think you'd need to kill all his children.

    Anyway I'd kill Ludd. Gryff is a dick to be sure, but Ludd took Ryon, and badmouthed us to Ryon and held a knife to his throat. Nobody does that to my brother!

    ViniciusMJ posted: »

    Gryff, so Ludd could see his legacy disappear.

  • What id want to do: Kill Ludd
    What we'll probably do: Kill Gryff

  • Between the two? I'd choose Ludd. Ludd made Gryff into what he was, so I'd kill him first.

    Besides, that dick hurt Ryon. (Yeah, yeah, I know Gryff can shove Talia, but Ryon is younger and didn't deserve it.)

  • He still has Torrhen so his legacy's still there.

    ViniciusMJ posted: »

    Gryff, so Ludd could see his legacy disappear.

  • I would kill all the foresters instead. There's probably a twist to this end...

  • I know the question is Ludd or Gryff, but realistically you'd have to kill them both and Torrhen as well because it'd never be over. They'd never let us occupy them like we can't let them occupy Ironrath, and too much has happened for us all to possibly work this out now. Whoever was left would keep coming after us. The son at the Citadel shouldn't be a problem since once they finish their chain they give up their family names and (supposedly) their political allegiances, though he could theoretically always leave before he finishes and fight us too... Gwyn I think we may be able to reason with to some extent. Maybe. I'm pretty sure she'd take us getting rid of Gryff better than us getting rid of Ludd, but then in my headcanon she's pretty much unmarriageable now and kind of stuck at Highpoint with these losers so we may ultimately be doing her a favour by bumping her up in the order of inheritance. And anyway I'd rather take my chances with her than any other Whitehill. o.o

  • edited September 2015

    Even if he didn't have Torren he'd still have Gwyn. Females can carry the family line if all the males are dead.

    And even if he didn't have Torrhen or Gwyn there's still Ebbert, who I believe is not a Maester yet and probably hasn't taken his vows.

    And even if Ebbert does take his vows the Citadel has been known to release some of their order if the circumstances call for it. That's why Aemon Targaryen doubled up by taking Night's Watch vows in addition to Maester's vows.

    He still has Torrhen so his legacy's still there.

  • I agree, Gwyn said Ebbert was at the Citadel. He could be pulling an Oberyn and just studying something in particular.

    Even if he didn't have Torren he'd still have Gwyn. Females can carry the family line if all the males are dead. And even if he didn't ha

  • I knew I wasn't the only one thinking it!

    koban4max posted: »

    I would kill all the foresters instead. There's probably a twist to this end...

  • I think itd be funny if there was an option to kill gryff, and option to kill Ludd, and an option to kill both but then if you click both, you get killed before you can plunge swords into them.

  • No one, if I can. If I really had to choose, though, it'd be Ludd. I just don't like the concept of children dying earlier, than their parents.

  • edited September 2015

    To answer the question. Ludd he brought Ramsay, he was with the boltons when Bolton turned traitor, Ludd said he wished he was the one to drive the sword in my father, remember how awful and despicable he was to little Ethan? he said when Ethan was killed you forresters brought this on yourself, when he brought it to our door, he sent the men to kings landing to take more ironwood, he put gruff inside our walls, he found the traitor in our midst, he threatened eleanas father to have her marry gryff, he also cut little ryon and I'm sure he set the ambush up that killed another forrester, he's the mastermind he is the threat. To me everything gryff did I blame Ludd for but in my play through I crushed gryffs face, so I pretty much hit you with everything he did other than he also called us a cunt so there's another one to add to the record. gryff is a little brat, punk, dork, "wait till my father heard of this rodrick" boohoo I can get him another time when daddy doesn't have his back anymore Ludd is still the true threat So Ludd all day every day. "IRON FROM ICE!!!"

  • So kind of like in TWDS1E2 when you have one option to kill Danny and Later an option to kill andy. I think that could be interesting. If you kill just one than Gwyn will be mad but forgiving, and if you kill both than she will be mad and never forgive you, but if you don't kill either than she isn't mad at all. Or something like that.

    Wigams posted: »

    I think itd be funny if there was an option to kill gryff, and option to kill Ludd, and an option to kill both but then if you click both, you get killed before you can plunge swords into them.

  • Yes, ludd for sure. Has to die.

    To answer the question. Ludd he brought Ramsay, he was with the boltons when Bolton turned traitor, Ludd said he wished he was the one to dr

  • Ludd, of course :o

  • edited September 2015

    "How do you kill a snake then? By smashing its head!"

    "Gryff is not the head. It's his father."


  • Forgot about Tohrren and Ebbert. But still I'd kill Gryff.

    He still has Torrhen so his legacy's still there.

  • YUP!

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I knew I wasn't the only one thinking it!

  • yeah I think Ludd is the way to go here, without him it looks like his family would just fall into chaos. Gryff would be nice but I don't think it would do to much to help our cause other than the satisfaction of revenge.

  • Ludd. He might be fat and blustery and not in great fighting shape, but he also has an air of power about him, at least far more than Gryff, and I think he's not stupid either. I'm not saying I think he's a brilliant mastermind who inspires respect and devotion in all his subjects, but I think his men follow him because they know he gets shit done. He knows who to align himself with, he's smart enough to make allies in King's Landing to help get him a sellsword army and smart enough to do it in secret (which would have worked had it not been for the unfortunate milk of the poppy addiction of one Lyman Lannister that we were able to exploit). Do you think Gryff would ever have thought of that? I doubt it. Ludd understands politics at least enough to think a couple moves ahead on the chessboard, Gryff would probably flip the table and storm off as soon as one of his pawns got captured. Gryff is a temperamental, petulant child. His men follow him because he is the son of a lord, not because they respect him, not because he knows what he is doing. He thinks of things as his because he was born a Whitehill, and if those things are denied him, he only knows how to react with tantrums and violence. He does not have a strategic thought in his head, and if Ludd fell and Gryff became lord, he would be no threat at all.

  • I had the weirdest dream ever last night that lady Forrester was talking to the Maister saying that Asher brings a army bigger than Ludds .... when I woke up I was so confused and ashamed that I dreamed this lol

  • All Whitehills must die...


    soysauce posted: »

    Yes, ludd for sure. Has to die.

  • Gryff, because Ludd deserves to know what it feels like to lose part of your house in a war.

  • Why the either/or? I want both their heads on spikes.

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