Game Of Thrones Better Or Worse Than TWDS2?

In my opinion GoT is much better than TWDS2. I thought the choices were better, I thought the world was better, the determinate character have been handled better (admit it Finn was handled much better than Alvin or Nick), and for the most part I think GoT has a more interesting supporting cast. Also in GoT they let characters develop for a few more episodes before they kill them, instead of in TWDS2 when 2 maybe 3 characters died every episode before you got a chance to care about them.



  • Personally I like TWD S2 more.

  • I like TWD S2 more, but I like both of them a lot anyway.

  • Hmmm, Sons of Winter was probably on the level of A House Divided, and I guess Iron From Ice was better than All That Remains? But I probably need to see the finale. If it's better than Iron From Ice then GoT will be better, if not S2.

  • edited September 2015

    This might change after Episode 6 is released if Episode 6 ends up being absolutely horrible, because the last episode was what really made me hate TWD S2 (though I wasn't really happy with the other episodes), but right now, I like GoT better than TWD S2.

    Episode 5 of GoT was one of the worst episode of a TellTale game I ever played, if not the worst, but Episode 4 is probably one of the best if not the best overall, so that evens the things out for the series. TWD S2 was a special kind of bad, IMO. I didn't like any of the episodes after the second one much, and I'm still butthurt because of Luke's stupid death after all the build-up during the whole season for a final confront between him and Kenny. Yes, after all that time, I'm still butthurt. Sue me. Luke was my big bro.

  • Game of Thrones. Season 2 is probably my least favorite Telltale game as a whole, Game of Thrones had a terrible penultimate with 4 very good episodes. TWD S2 had only 1 great episode (A Housed Divided) the rest of the episodes were either mediocre or poorly written drama shoved in last second (Amid The Ruins and No Going Back)

  • I would need to see the finale episode to make the final statement but even then it is kinda hard, for the simple reason that in TWD S2 we played with a character, and meet characters we already know and loved/hated and there was much more investment in general because of that. At least for me it felt more personal to play with these established characters.

    So if I leave that out I would say Game of Thrones. It felt broader because of the multi POVs and even though it had 6 episodes it felt more intense.
    TWD S2 let people die left and right but you just didn't care after a few episodes because they became rather expendable, but with GOT I felt every death was a hit to the gut for me. That is reinforced by the multiple characters we got to play and their integration into the bigger picture. So its not only a side character we like but it feels like we have done something wrong. How many people tried to play the first episode of GOT over and over to let specific people live? In TWD the only dead that was bad to me was the end choice but that was, as I said, not because of character development but because we already knew the character.
    Decision wise I don't think those two are far of each other, they both had their share of fake choices and TWD had the only game changing decision right at the ending and GOT is not done yet so maybe they will do that better. I prefer an ending that is determined over the whole game by your decisions and not just at the very end with one choice ( If someone knows the newest Deus Ex they will know what I mean when I say : Push a button to chooce your ending.) Since nobody can tell now thats a moot point though.

  • Luke's stupid death after all the build-up during the whole season for a final confront between him and Kenny. Yes, after all that time, I'm still butthurt. Sue me. Luke was my big bro.

    You'll get along well with @LilacsBloom she's still holding her resentment.

    Abeille posted: »

    This might change after Episode 6 is released if Episode 6 ends up being absolutely horrible, because the last episode was what really made

  • this this this this this this this this

    Green613 posted: »

    I like TWD S2 more, but I like both of them a lot anyway.

  • At this point, I don't think I'm ever getting over it. I'll be 80, sitting on my front porch, observing all the kids playing with their holographic pokémon, and saying "damn, Luke's death was stupid".

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Luke's stupid death after all the build-up during the whole season for a final confront between him and Kenny. Yes, after all that time, I'm

  • Game of Thrones. Season 2

    you might want to edit that

    Clemenem posted: »

    Game of Thrones. Season 2 is probably my least favorite Telltale game as a whole, Game of Thrones had a terrible penultimate with 4 very goo

  • Better because atleast one of the protagonist is actually likable.

  • I like Game of Thrones more, though season 2 of The Walking Dead was very good.

  • I'm gonna say TWD S2, but GOT is still pretty good. We may get some bad stuff every now and then, but the good always out weigh the bad with these games.

  • You are awesome Green good to see you again :D

    Green613 posted: »

    I like TWD S2 more, but I like both of them a lot anyway.

  • Episode 5 happens and all of the sudden Game Of Thrones is the worst game the world has ever seen!

  • Nah it's good. There's a period there signifying that I was talking about TWD Season 2 to which I just referred it as Season 2 so no edits needed

    Game of Thrones. Season 2 you might want to edit that

  • Game of Thrones is better, because it doesn't kill everyone off as soon as you see them. At least with GoT we get to know the characters before they are swiftly stolen from us.

    Ahh, TWD S2 used to be one of my favourite games until episode 5 of GoT came along. That episode finally allowed me to move on from my obsession over Luke and TWD S2, so that I could become totally obsessed over Gared... It's happening again. XD

  • Well, Gared is "ye olde Luke" in many ways, so I can understand that.

    Kateis posted: »

    Game of Thrones is better, because it doesn't kill everyone off as soon as you see them. At least with GoT we get to know the characters bef

  • Well, as you know, Gared is Luke's ancestor cuz he is a reused model of Luke xD

    Kateis posted: »

    Game of Thrones is better, because it doesn't kill everyone off as soon as you see them. At least with GoT we get to know the characters bef

  • edited September 2015

    I prefer GoT. At least in GoT, the characters don't die in each episode, unlike TWD S2. But just wait until Telltale will take away the characters you love and kill them with the most brutal way possible :)

  • Better, I personally don't like TWD s2 because of little character development whatsoever, and zero choices ever matter, little stuff made any differences for the player. But in GOT there was a lot of different outcomes so far, but I don't think Telltale can promise that after Ep 6.

  • edited September 2015

    It's not even funny, but it is true. The finale of TWDG S2 with an exception of a few scenes just wasn't that good and ruined the game for me which I had gotten attached to over those 9 months. I wasn't able to play it since, that I finally decided to uninstalled Season 2 last week. I was crying a little about the game this morning thinking about it, and how I wished I felt differently; call me dramatic or whatever you want, but it's how it is.

    But from what I've seen on Game of Thrones, I think it's better than TWDG S2. I've watched the playthroughs and although I'm not into the series, I can see a difference in the storytelling.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Luke's stupid death after all the build-up during the whole season for a final confront between him and Kenny. Yes, after all that time, I'm

  • edited September 2015

    There's not a single character I liked or cared about in TWD: S2 and on top of it, they completely ruined Kenny's character for me and made me hate him. The only well developed character was Carver and his (even though short) story arc was pretty much the only positive thing about the whole season.
    GoT has none of those issues. It's a clear winner.

  • 100% better.
    Some characters in twd2 were just horrible written. Like Carlos. Sry for gramma

  • Let me say why Game of Thrones is better for me. What Walking Dead Season 2 lacked was TIME. There wasn't given enough time and development to each character to make me care for them enough. More often than not, there given too much focus on Kenny or Clem going off to do something apart from the rest of the group. When the moment comes where we could talk to them, they are killed off. There was rarely a moment where Clem could go and talk to a character about their current situation, ask for suggestions and talk about their past.

    In Game of Thrones, all of these problems are solved. On every episode, my connection with my family, friends, advisers and allies grows across the episodes. Impressively enough, the game has a larger cast of characters and still managed to make me care for them, because I was given time to learn more about them, their capabilities, flaws and depths. We are dealing with situations together with characters. Rodrik walk into Highpoint with his mother, his sentinel and possibly with Arthur and his men. Asher fought his battles with Beskha and Malcom. Gared is traveling beyond the Wall with Cotter and Finn. Mira is dealing with her situation with the help of Sera and Tom.

    The characters has a more better and noticeable presence and there are way better character interactions compared to Walking Dead Season 2, that's why I love this game.

  • But when you compare the two games (although TWD season 1 did a way better job at this) you were given opportunities to converse with a your fellow survivors in between QTEs and plot points. In GoT, Gared is the character who gets most of these kinds of opportunities, while Asher, Rodrik, and Mira only get dialogue as their means of conversation.

    Kateis posted: »

    Game of Thrones is better, because it doesn't kill everyone off as soon as you see them. At least with GoT we get to know the characters bef

  • I hope you realize Gared is doomed. I definitely think he's going to die at the hands of a whitewalker next episode. Do the dead frighten you?

    Kateis posted: »

    Game of Thrones is better, because it doesn't kill everyone off as soon as you see them. At least with GoT we get to know the characters bef

  • Well he might not be doomed. Come on mate, have some optimism. :P I just hope if he does die that his death is thought out and not pointless...

    Wigams posted: »

    I hope you realize Gared is doomed. I definitely think he's going to die at the hands of a whitewalker next episode. Do the dead frighten you?

  • I actually fell in love with Gared and Luke for different reasons. I fell in love with Luke over an action he did. I fell in love with Gared because he's cute and I don't know, I think it was because my friend is obsessed over him so that just rubbed off on me. :P

    Abeille posted: »

    Well, Gared is "ye olde Luke" in many ways, so I can understand that.

  • Like great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great (even more greats than that) grandfather like great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great (I know it's more but you know) son.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, as you know, Gared is Luke's ancestor cuz he is a reused model of Luke xD

  • edited September 2015

    When it comes to Game of Thrones optimism just isn't an option anymore. :P I mean after 5 seasons of my favorite characters dying it's hard to stay hopeful lol

    Kateis posted: »

    Well he might not be doomed. Come on mate, have some optimism. :P I just hope if he does die that his death is thought out and not pointless...

  • It's like they were horribly written but still were great concepts for the story. If we had more time with Carlos, Pete, and even Alvin they would've ended up being way cooler then they ended up being

    Xemnes posted: »

    100% better. Some characters in twd2 were just horrible written. Like Carlos. Sry for gramma

  • lol. I know right.

    Reconn posted: »

    Episode 5 happens and all of the sudden Game Of Thrones is the worst game the world has ever seen!

  • Better. There were so many things in TWD S2 that just went nowhere (Carlos/Sarah, Nick/Pete, Carver, Alvin, Rebecca). Then there is the Russian gang just appearing out of thin air, a blatant plot device (AJ) and the Deus Ex Makenny. I'm sure there are more, but I won't bother right now.

    Game of Thones has had one bad episode, which felt like the story was treading water. I'm sure the finale will be brilliant.

  • I personally would rather have a game with one Big problem then a game with a lot of medium sized problems. So I like GoT better.

  • I hate Cerseis face in this game, that's actually my biggest problem with the game

  • Your a moron im sick of seeing these i see no flack for ep 3 of TFTB cause boy o'boy that ep was real shit but no.

  • May I ask what was wrong with the third episode of TFTB in your opinion?

    Your a moron im sick of seeing these i see no flack for ep 3 of TFTB cause boy o'boy that ep was real shit but no.

  • Maybe because there were no problems with ep 3 of TFTB?

    Your a moron im sick of seeing these i see no flack for ep 3 of TFTB cause boy o'boy that ep was real shit but no.

  • At least no problems that were big enough to cause a huge reaction aside from the usual minor complaints that are turned into threads.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Maybe because there were no problems with ep 3 of TFTB?

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