Okay kiddo, time to teach you a lesson.
The first rule of Rhyiona is: you don't talk about Rhyiona.
The second rule of Rhyiona is: you DO NOT talk about Rhyiona.
I'm sorry, but you absolutely can't tell your teacher about us.
thank you, I really am the chocolate I bought from this money tastes even better. tastes like victory! (I'll have to explain this: when I was 5, my mother didn't want to buy me this chocolate 'cause it was too expensive. I said "when I get my own money, I spend it on this chocolate!" of course, my mother didn't believe me. well, suck it mom! bites chocolate victoriously)
hi Wolfsei!! ♥♥♥
I'm fine thx for asking and you?
Erykaiii stp
Moi aussi, merci beaucoup.
Aaand that's about everything I remember...
I'm good, thank you for asking ^-^
And guess what!
I'm going to continue to ship you and Paul because you call me Wolfsei! ^-^
Tu parle Français ou tu utilise Google Traduction?
time flies
sono stanco, grazie per avermelo chiesto.
disclaimer: my italian is pretty bad :P
he's not lewd liek us jahn
no 69?
i am disappoint
I will call you ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Are we in the Rhyiona basement right now?
sorry i had to
Je ne suis pas incroyable
S'il te plaît continue?
Pretty hard right?
what the fuck dad im trying to preach anti spam here
Who cares? It's so much fun shipping you two!
But I'll stop if you stop calling me Wolfsei.
thank you, I really am
the chocolate I bought from this money tastes even better. tastes like victory! (I'll have to explain this: when I was 5, my mother didn't want to buy me this chocolate 'cause it was too expensive. I said "when I get my own money, I spend it on this chocolate!" of course, my mother didn't believe me. well, suck it mom! bites chocolate victoriously)
Je parle francais un petit peut.
J'ai su francais bien, mais j'ai oublié la majorité.
I had/have a B1 certificate, but it's a looong time ago...
hey, you deliver happiness! you know what they say, not all heroes wear capes
then I should murder someone too to fit in the group! any volunteers here?
Non merci
Oh yeah, my French is very rusty...
Tu te mens à toi même
Hello everybody, I am back from work and a walk with my dogs, how is everyone?
Rhyiona basement... LMAO
Honestly though, we might as well be, since nobody from Telltale notices us.
I didn't know either
Eh bien... regardez qui est de retour!
Soooo... how are ya feeling?
Hopefully your day was more exciting than mine. xd
Salut! Does that mean 'hey' because if it does I will be so proud?
Ça va?
Bad, I have school in 10 minutes...
I'm shipping Kawaiii and Paul again xD
Hey Kracmos!
Vin, renault, de rien!
welcome back Cara!
I'm fine
how was your day?