This game is awful and getting worse

The narrative/story is weak even compared to the low bar of previous episodes and on the whole the series does a poor job conveying sense of importance to choices you are offered; you simply spin a conversation in a certain direction before arriving at a pre-determined outcome.

Also, while it is obvious that the world of Game of Thrones is very grim and unjust, it's quite frustrating to see our characters not be able to achieve any success at all despite the player's best efforts to make the right choices in the game. Not only are you unable to take your characters to a better position by making sound decisions, but the slightest success is always followed by antagonists being able to regain the upper-hand. Which would be less frustrating if these events were well written. For example, Ramsey comes in and makes mention of him not understanding why you are causing problems despite him allowing you to keep half the Ironwood. Nowhere was the option to say hey the Whitehill didn't honor your decision and stole our half. Would be kind an obvious response don't ya think? Not to the telltale writers who were so focused on the storyline playing out a certain way they ignored such an obvious response.

Another such instance chest of gold which depending on the choices you've made, she may rewarded. The gold really seemed like a large amount to me, yet it changes NOTHING. You can recruit the pit fighters without any gold! In the end, Asher just sails off to the North with 7-8 fighters while he should have been able to afford an army -- an army that would have been able to possibly prevent or mitigate the ambush that Rodrick KNEW was coming but still allowed to happen.

Just as an FYI I killed my Rodrick, I can understand allowing a traitor to operate under your midst. I mean how can you expect Rodrick to predict the traitor actions when the traitor himself didn't have a good reason but to allow yourself to be caught unaware in a trap you knew was coming. You had to die Rodrick the writers made you too stupid to let live.

Personally, I think whatever team is working on Game of Thrones could learn a thing or two from Tales from the Borderlands. They don't try to present every decision as important. Choose a custom outfit. Rig your ride. Then present maybe two meaningful choices you have to branch out from. Would I prefer the Game of Thrones have important decisions that play a role in how events play out like the Witcher and Mass Effect? Yes. But if Telltale can't or won't do this then they need to rethink the way in which they present the choices because the writers aren't half as smart as they think they are and it becomes apparent to the player early on then that there choices in large part don't matter removing the suspense from the dialogue decision making process and replacing it with emptiness.



  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    But, in all seriousness there's a criticism thread that El_Taco1220 linked where you can hate on Thrones all you want.

  • Oh god now you've done it.. Now you've really done it. Make way for the impending wrath of a thousand fan boys ripping you to shreds

  • Completely agree with you

  • , it's quite frustrating to see our characters not be able to achieve any success at all despite the player's best efforts to make the right choices in the game

    That's actually one thing you're completely wrong about. One problem I have with GoT (the show) is that the good guys always fail. In the game episode 4 was practically a win fest for the Forrestors. With the beating and locking up of Gryff, and the Denaerys mission (that was episode 4 right?), they were pretty successful that episode.

  • I actually think episode 4 stayed on point with the game and the theme of ASOIAF/GOT franchise. I don't think it's just as easy as good guys constantly failing as each story is a long journey of ups and downs (examples being: Robb Stark winning every battle and losing the war out of no where, Jon Snow losing many of the people he cares about while rising through the ranks of the Night's Watch and even winning a war before he was killed). A common grievance people mention regarding episode 5 is that they felt as if the episode pulled a 180 and completely diminished people's previous success

    Green613 posted: »

    , it's quite frustrating to see our characters not be able to achieve any success at all despite the player's best efforts to make the right

  • The criticism thread should be a sticky...

  • edited September 2015

    LOL, here we go again!

  • edited September 2015

    I agree about the Ramsay sentiment. Him talking to you about the ironwood he "let you keep" without us being able to respond was stupid.

    What did he say if the Whitehills controlled all of the forests since episode 1? Nothing? That part was stupid..

    But cmon man, we have many threads you can spew your distaste for this game. You don't have to make a new one

    P.S: just saw your name lmao. Which episode 3? For GoT or TWD season 2?

  • edited September 2015

    I find funny how this game went from overpraised to overhated after only one episode.

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    No need to make a hate thread, as you can now see that someone linked the "official hate thread". So go copy n paste this shit there.

    InB4 close doe

  • I don't think it was over praised before episode 5. I never really saw many I love this game threads, although I guess it's always more awkward to create those than to create a hate thread.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I find funny how this game went from overpraised to overhated after only one episode.

  • I don't think it's just as easy as good guys constantly failing as each story is a long journey of ups and downs

    You are correct. ASOIAF does not favor people that make bad decisions and for the most part does not forgive stupidity (therefore on the rare occasions when it does, it is a happy surprise). That goes for characters that fans consider "good" and for characters that fans consider "evil" all the same. People keep talking about Starks having a high mortality rate (when only two of the ones that started the series alive so far are confirmed dead and staying dead) and forget all the shit the Lannister are going through too. I remember that Jaime said something about it once, after his father's death, it was something like "They say we are winning, but it doesn't look like we are".

    Also, it is not as simple as "good vs evil" in ASOIAF either. No character is a saint (though there are characters with no redeeming characteristic that we know of, like Ramsay).

    Clemenem posted: »

    I actually think episode 4 stayed on point with the game and the theme of ASOIAF/GOT franchise. I don't think it's just as easy as good guys

  • Here we go again.

    grabs popcorn

  • Official hate thread according to who? It wasn't created by a mod or stickied.

    Can I post a Official tool thread and post your name there.

  • Another one of these?

    enter image description here

    Is it safe to say that this section has become even more critical and toxic than TWD section?

  • edited September 2015

    Members are helping the mods organize the community forums by creating a thread where people can properly discuss their disappointments with the series so far.

    Being a Moderator ≠ doing everything by yourself

    Official hate thread according to who? It wasn't created by a mod or stickied. Can I post a Official tool thread and post your name there.

  • Not quite to Kenny vs Jane levels yet.

    Another one of these? Is it safe to say that this section has become even more critical and toxic than TWD section?

  • If death threats start rolling in then maybe I'll consider it to be on that level of toxicity.

    J-Master posted: »

    Not quite to Kenny vs Jane levels yet.

  • Your complaints are all about Episode 5.

    Yes, Espisode 5 sucked. There are many discussions about the things that made it so bad. It doesn't mean the whole game is awful. Episode 4 was pretty good.

  • There's no need to insult whoever you were trying to reply to.

    Official hate thread according to who? It wasn't created by a mod or stickied. Can I post a Official tool thread and post your name there.

  • Yeah, people tend to show their hate towards a game better than their love, for some reason. :p

    But before A Nest of Vipers, I think the game was being really well received here, there was even a post in this thread saying how most people were overpraising got.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I don't think it was over praised before episode 5. I never really saw many I love this game threads, although I guess it's always more awkward to create those than to create a hate thread.

  • edited September 2015

    @ihateepisodethree lol k, anyways this guy is right. People are trying to put all the criticism into one thread but everyone keeps making their own criticism threads. People are right, this part of the forum is toxic.

    Members are helping the mods organize the community forums by creating a thread where people can properly discuss their disappointments with the series so far. Being a Moderator ≠ doing everything by yourself

  • Not gonna lie, it's been kind of interesting seeing the GOT forum slowly reduced to this as the series has progressed over the past year or so, however sad it may also be at the same time.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    If death threats start rolling in then maybe I'll consider it to be on that level of toxicity.

  • enter image description here

    Abeille posted: »

    Your complaints are all about Episode 5. Yes, Espisode 5 sucked. There are many discussions about the things that made it so bad. It doesn't mean the whole game is awful. Episode 4 was pretty good.

  • It's fascinating. Kind of like staring at a car crash you're driving by. Except your watching the actual crash in slow motion. It's horrifying but you're curious.

    Not gonna lie, it's been kind of interesting seeing the GOT forum slowly reduced to this as the series has progressed over the past year or so, however sad it may also be at the same time.

  • This game is awesome.

  • P.S: just saw your name lmao. Which episode 3? For GoT or TWD season 2?

    From what he said in another thread, it's apparently Long Road Ahead

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I agree about the Ramsay sentiment. Him talking to you about the ironwood he "let you keep" without us being able to respond was stupid.

  • edited September 2015

    If the mods wanted the thread stickied they would have and I would have seen it and posted there.

    Anyways, if a mod has a problem with what I did feel free to move it. I'm not really worried if a bunch of wannabe mods have a problem with it.

    Members are helping the mods organize the community forums by creating a thread where people can properly discuss their disappointments with the series so far. Being a Moderator ≠ doing everything by yourself


    We get it. Episode 5 was bad, but the whole game is great! Oh my god .-.

    And your criticism should be in the criticism thread .-.

    Seriously, where are the mods when you need them? .-.

  • edited September 2015

    Soo...Can I still love this game? :P

    Seriously, sometimes these criticism threads feels like they are trying to force or brainwash people to hate the game.

  • the game is good episode 5 was a pile shit. done. i saved you all an arguement.

  •'s not just OP's fault that he started a hate thread, but you are also at fault for taking the bait.

    Instead of saying "Hear we go again" or anything else, just stop commenting and shit will stop.

  • Wah, wah. If you don't like the fucking game, then don't play it! Your opinions are not facts, but people who like the game don't waste their time anymore, because it doesn't matter what we write, It doesn't matter what we think , in the end, people will still post these threads, so they can see the two sides tear each-other to pieces. Seriously if you didn't post this thread, people would have been better off. If you think the game is garbage, then don't brainwash the people who don't and leave this place!

  • Seriously. I signed up for the community to post in the TFTB forums, but since I love GOT almost as much I thought I'd mosey over here to fangirl a little. I was shocked to see how much impotent anger and bitterness is going down on this forum. Felt like if I spoke up about how much I love this game and Telltale I'd be verbally stoned to death by an angry mob chanting "CHOICES DON'T MATTER YOU FOOL"

    Hey guess what? If you hate the game THAT much and you think it's a pile of garbage, YOU DON'T HAVE TO KEEP PLAYING. Chalk it up as a loss and move on with your lives.

    Soo...Can I still love this game? :P Seriously, sometimes these criticism threads feels like they are trying to force or brainwash people to hate the game.


    I had to do it.

  • Aye, sometimes I feel like that too. All of these hate threads is like hater doesn't want ANYONE to say something positive or show love to this game.

    I am sorry that you have to experience such a thing and feel this way.

    If you want to talk about the game or want to discuss something, just post the thread or send me a PM. I will gladly talk with someone about it. :)

    cussbunny posted: »

    Seriously. I signed up for the community to post in the TFTB forums, but since I love GOT almost as much I thought I'd mosey over here to fa

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