The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I wish gangs are more like the Biker Gang that helps kids out (I can't remember the name.), it'd be a really good community then.

    Ugh Gangs..... I don't like them, the shootings, stabings, drugs, peer pressure, smoking, etc, but I think the connection between them makes

  • Yeah, I think it's the best humorous part of the game.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    I almost shit myself laughing

  • edited September 2015

    I actually forgot how the old format felt like. I kinda miss it.

  • There's a new update for MKX on mobile.

    Wow, mobile is now powerful to render near X360/PS3 quality models!

  • It's time for a change of the guard / You've been arrested for lyric fraud, now you're barred / For real, check it, I pull strings like B.B. King on guitar / I'M THE TRUE FIST OF DA NORTH STAR!

    I love Method Man.

  • The greatest moment ever in that episode. Drunk Gren is the best Gren.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    I almost shit myself laughing

  • i dropped my phone on the bus today didnt realise till 5 minutes later it was gone i ran about 1 and a half miles the bus goes round in a loop) to the bus station to see if it was still there luckily it was somebody had handed it in so a bit of luck at least

  • Two Steps From Hell!

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Protectors of the Earth

  • Faith in humanity restored ♥

    i dropped my phone on the bus today didnt realise till 5 minutes later it was gone i ran about 1 and a half miles the bus goes round in a lo

  • Did a PC Master say that, or an Xbox slave? Do you know the difference between a PC Master and an Xbox slave? A PC master plays, an Xbox slave watches TV when he could change the source to HDMI.


    Green613 posted: »

    playstation pleb

  • edited September 2015

    enter link description here

    I feel like this is my theme song and like I need a drink.

    I don't really drink often but sometimes I just feel like chugging tequila until I die from alcohol poisoning and my corpse is discovered by my landlord the next time he comes to collect the rent.

    Uh... Kids drink moderately and stay in school.

  • My favorite Pink Floyd song. And I can relate to the feeling. Sadly, drinking will only make you feel better until it wears off or you run out.

    kaleion posted: »

    enter link description here I feel like this is my theme song and like I need a drink. I don't really drink often but sometimes I just

  • pc master ofc im no xbox shitlord

    Did a PC Master say that, or an Xbox slave? Do you know the difference between a PC Master and an Xbox slave? A PC master plays, an Xbox sla

  • Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. Oh how Ironic that I feel suicidal today.

    Well I guess I should be "Inspirational" and use my "Words of Wisdom" to try and help people... Listen up everyone, This is what I'm going to tell you. Everything I say to people to try and help is complete Bull. I have no wisdom, I have nothing inspirational to say, I just wing it because I want to help people so badly, But I'm so useless that I simply can't. My words of wisdom are from the Sh*tty experiences I've had in my life, and Comes off of my own pain, and My own hope that I can help somebody.

    So here's what I will say, I've spent most of my life in anger, pain, sadness, and I've hidden what I really feel from everybody on the face of the earth. Last night, I said what I meant and really felt, and Lost a very close friend. I've kept all of it inside, and I've never gotten help, But I haven't killed myself, And I don't know why, I'm damn sure I should have done it years ago, But I didn't, And I won't. If I can manage that, then I'm sure that you can manage asking your friends for help when you NEED it.

    And if your friends aren't helping you like you hoped, Get help. It's NEVER a sign of weakness to go and seek help if you're not doing okay, See a professional. (Hopefully better than the idiots I saw) Everything will be fine, You just can't give in.

  • Uh... Kids drink moderately and stay in school.

    I'm not sure Kids should drink at all actually.

    kaleion posted: »

    enter link description here I feel like this is my theme song and like I need a drink. I don't really drink often but sometimes I just

  • I know the feeling. Some days I just wanna drink til I drop. I usually talk myself out of it though, because it literally never helps.

    kaleion posted: »

    enter link description here I feel like this is my theme song and like I need a drink. I don't really drink often but sometimes I just

  • The cold hard truth.

    Uh... Kids drink moderately and stay in school. I'm not sure Kids should drink at all actually.

  • They are going to drink anyway, besides with kids I meant anyone younger than me not really kids, but that was more meant to anyone who drinks.

    Uh... Kids drink moderately and stay in school. I'm not sure Kids should drink at all actually.

  • Amazing song, and I know that's why I haven't really drank anything since January.

    My favorite Pink Floyd song. And I can relate to the feeling. Sadly, drinking will only make you feel better until it wears off or you run out.

  • Yeah, pretty much the same, but liquor just seems so enticing at those times.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I know the feeling. Some days I just wanna drink til I drop. I usually talk myself out of it though, because it literally never helps.

  • edited September 2015

    I'm really sorry for what you're going through and that you lost a close friend. I've had extremely shitty moments myself and I can tell you that in a moment when I was younger I wanted to kick the bucket. But even so, just like bad stuff alot of good stuff can happen too without notice. Life has its bullshit but it also has its finest moments. It's good you want to help people, but it's also important to have help for yourself too. It's important to let it out when you feel you need to. Stick to those who loves you and let them know how you feel. I know it's hard, sometimes you have to let it out so they know. Holding it in for a prolonged time will only stuff the baggage more. Always make room. It's good to help others, but it's also good to have help when you need it. Why do we fall? So we can pick ourselves back up.

    You have endurance to survive, you're strong. With loved ones you become even stronger. Reach out for help, there are always people who are there for you. I hope it didn't seem like I was trying to take the spotlight or anything, I felt like I should say something cuz I want to help, but you made a fine speech anyway.

    Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. Oh how Ironic that I feel suicidal today. Well I guess I should be "Inspirational" and use my "Wor

  • Yikes, sounds like a rough time. Hopefully you manage to pull through alright. :/

    Time is certainly one of my favorite Pink Floyd songs, although it's hard to choose since so many of their songs are phenomenal. The Great Gig in the Sky is another song that captures the same kind of bittersweet essence as Time did, in my opinion.

    The Great Gig in the Sky

    kaleion posted: »

    enter link description here I feel like this is my theme song and like I need a drink. I don't really drink often but sometimes I just

  • Thanks dude. Nice to know somebody understands, Makes me feel not as crazy. XD

    I'm really sorry for what you're going through and that you lost a close friend. I've had extremely shitty moments myself and I can tell you

  • Bruh, change that Spider-Man picture now or i'll rip your innards out through your bunhole!

    The cold hard truth.

  • Saw that one, thought he would never do parodies again.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

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  • edited September 2015

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    I'm sorry for your loss this issue has affected me deeply I lost a few people very close to me and still hurts me so much even today

    There memories and experiences live on through you the people they care for too you must fight on for them do them proud

    Never give up the world is a wonderful place and happiness is always there to be found it's ok to need help it's ok to feel down and depressed never feel getting help is weakness you deserve happiness

    Thank you for making this post

    Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. Oh how Ironic that I feel suicidal today. Well I guess I should be "Inspirational" and use my "Wor

  • Stay safe. There's light at the end of every tunnel, even if you think there may not be.

    kaleion posted: »

    enter link description here I feel like this is my theme song and like I need a drink. I don't really drink often but sometimes I just

  • edited September 2015

    Does anyone know if Mad Max: Fury Road is still in theaters? I forgot when it was released also.

  • I'm sorry for your loss this issue has affected me deeply I lost a few people very close to me and still hurts me so much even today

    Yeah... It sucks doesn't it. It's really difficult to lose someone you care about to such a stupid Idea... I just hope I can help the next friend of mine who feels that way. But I will keep their memories alive, I know that much.

    Never give up the world is a wonderful place and happiness is always there to be found it's ok to need help it's ok to feel down and depressed never feel getting help is weakness you deserve happiness

    First of all, I know not to give up, I listened to music, played the Sims and called myself down a bit. I'm not happy, But I'm mellow. Second of all, If anyone in this world deserves happiness, I certainly ain't me. XD I'm pretty awful.

    Thank you for making this post

    Hey, No problem. Thanks for replying. It makes me glad to know there are people in this world that understand what it's like to lose a friend to something so awful.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm sorry for your loss this issue has affected me deeply I lost a few people very close to me and still hurts me so much even today Ther

  • edited September 2015

    For World Suicide Prevention Day yesterday my boxing club organised a remembrance and handed out leaflets to anyone struggling with depression etc I went down to help I finished my two hour boxing training then I volunteered to help with my coaches we organized it and were part of it straight after :)

    So many people showed up, we had lanterns for every single person where on the bottom there is cardboard you can write the name of the people you lost if you want then light it and the lattern fly's off it's really beautiful sight

    My phone camera is terrible I'm sorry for the quality here are some random pics of the event I got

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    My boxing coach saw me taking pics and photobombed

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    I invited my mam and sister down she lit the lattern and threw it, It went straight for the bush in short they nearly set the whole bush on fire this is them running after the lattern XD

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    Anyone from Ireland and see this post there is help out there you don't have to beat this alone

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    In conclusion just a beautiful event so many people showed up affected by suicide you could see how much they loved and cared for those they lost your friends and family never forget you if you ever feel alone please just look around you impact every person you speak to never underestimate how important you are and always will be to your friends and family they need you nothing will ever replace the importance of you to your family and friends

    Don't give up and destroy every person who ever cared for you, you can never be replaced nothing will ever fill the void you leave in their lives no matter what you feel or think

    Remember even if you feel you can never find happiness you can always bring happiness to everyone around you, make a positive impact on the people that matter to you everyday :)

    LIfe is beautiful, life is awesome,life is fun, life is magic that is fact it's all about perspective and mentality to find happiness and fulfillment you just gotta believe you can and one day you will believe me endure even in the hard times endure it then be excited for your next happy moment coming it always does everytime :)

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  • I love when I casually browse through steam reviews and these awesome people post these insanely useful recipes.

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  • Thanks for sharing these with us Mark :)

  • Cool, that actually looks pretty good.

    Green613 posted: »

    I love when I casually browse through steam reviews and these awesome people post these insanely useful recipes.

  • Happy Suicide Prevention Day. I hope that your day is happy and full of life.

  • I know, it's just that 50 something hours of sleep deprivation get you in a weird mood (Listening to Pink Floyd while sleep deprived feels pretty trippy though and kind off amazing.), besides it is pretty frustrating how time passes more quickly each day, it feels like there's no time left, though really it's more like the way out is like jumping off a speeding train which admittedly very hard to do, but thanks, I appreciate it.

    Stay safe. There's light at the end of every tunnel, even if you think there may not be.

  • I manage somehow, I'm already working on it but time moves faster than I want it to, feels like time is slipping like water through my fingers, it's all-right though by next year things will be better because I've worked on it, still I feel tired, but that's what happens when you want to do something with you're life and you're a high school drop-out, you gotta work way harder and faster than anyone else in order to succeed because you're just simply behind the times.

    Anyway, yeah that song is fantastic too, it's pretty easy to see why Dark Side of the Moon is considered the best album of all time by a lot of people

    Yikes, sounds like a rough time. Hopefully you manage to pull through alright. Time is certainly one of my favorite Pink Floyd songs, al

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    papai46 posted: »

    Bruh, change that Spider-Man picture now or i'll rip your innards out through your bunhole!

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