Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Why does Sasha just seem so right to be on drums?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I think it would be generic like 'The Vault Hunters' Rhys would be Bass, Vaughn would be Lead guitar and vocals, Fiona would be main vocals, Sasha would be Drums, Loaderbot would be techno sounds, and Gortys would be Keyboard

  • I'm sorry, I hope you feel better. :( Remember it's just a dream and it didn't really happen. You can still hug your mother when she's up so just treasure the moment and let it help you try and forget what happened. :) It must have been awful.

  • time for me go for sleep see yu pap

  • edited September 2015

    Woooh can't wait to be sleeping through it all because screw timezones!

    enter image description here

    kristi78968 posted: »

    6 more days until the thread's anniversary 7 days until my birthday A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF DAYS TILL PAUL'S BIRTHDAY (I don't kno

  • Omg, Hanna I hope you're alright. I'm sorry you had a horrible nightmare

    enter image description here

    Hope you feel better. Maybe you can talk to her?

    (I'm sorry I give horrible advice)

    Thanks Hanna, Hope you feel better soon.

  • Hello!? Anyone home!? I finished school at 10:17am!

  • edited September 2015

    Thank you! Yeah I know it's just a dream but for some reason I feel like something bad is going to happen to her! I know it's really silly to think that but..I don't know. My head sure knows how to mess with me. This dream felt so god damn real and of course I remember every single detail from it. I'm trying to stop thinking about it and go back to sleep but I'm afraid I can't.
    Maybe I should watch some cat videos in YouTube hah.
    Oh and thanks for listening my....anxiousness :) I guess that's a word.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm sorry, I hope you feel better. Remember it's just a dream and it didn't really happen. You can still hug your mother when she's up so just treasure the moment and let it help you try and forget what happened. It must have been awful.

  • Hey don't sweat it it's good for those you love know how you feel just say you love and appreciate them I personally (even though I'm in my late teens) still hug my mom whenever I get a chance I feel it helps me out just as much as the person from the receiving end. ᵔ_ᵔ

  • edited September 2015

    Hey Elliot I'm here

    I was wondering why did you finished school early, and I remembered its Friday today

    Wow kind of early,I thought on Friday school finishes around 11 something.

    Hello!? Anyone home!? I finished school at 10:17am!

  • Thanks kimmy ;--;

    Wow I must sound like a baby right now :P I wouldn't normally be this upset over a nightmare but this nightmare just happened to be the worst kind. I don't fear many things in life but losing my mom is like the worst possible thing I can think of. :(

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Omg, Hanna I hope you're alright. I'm sorry you had a horrible nightmare Hope you feel better. Maybe you can talk to her? (I'm sorry I give horrible advice) Thanks Hanna, Hope you feel better soon.

  • Thanks for the advice :P I don't wanna wake her up just because of this but later I will. Maybe I even try to fix some of the issues we have..

    Hey don't sweat it it's good for those you love know how you feel just say you love and appreciate them I personally (even though I'm in my

  • I used to have similar nightmares with my mom when I was younger. I fucking hated it so much, and I was so scare to tell my Mom. I did in the end and ran into my room. Thankfully after that, the nightmares ended and I haven't had one like them since.

    I really hope you feel better Hanna. <3

    enter image description here

  • No you don't sound like a baby D: That was a horrible nightmare of your mum ;-; I would be so horribly sad and anxious if I had a nightmare like that.

    I mean nightmares are horrible and the worst kind of nightmares are the ones that will linger in your mind longer than usual.

    Don't worry about it, everything will be okay. ^-^

    (blarghh I'm so horrible with words)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Thanks kimmy ;--; Wow I must sound like a baby right now :P I wouldn't normally be this upset over a nightmare but this nightmare just ha

  • edited September 2015

    Thanks Kristi! I'm slowly starting to regret that I made a big fuzz about this.. ;--; (because the more time passes the more ridiculous I feel) I mean sure, this still was a terrible nightmare but now I'm slowly realizing that it was just a dream ;D

    I will definitely tell her about this. Maybe this is a good excuse to talk about some problems we have.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I used to have similar nightmares with my mom when I was younger. I fucking hated it so much, and I was so scare to tell my Mom. I did in th

  • No, you are not horrible with words, your comments really made me feel better. :) I'm just that kind of person who regrets everything :D

    But now I remember why it was a good idea to share this with you: because you guys always make me feel better ;)

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    No you don't sound like a baby That was a horrible nightmare of your mum ;-; I would be so horribly sad and anxious if I had a nightmare li

  • Hey no problem we're here with you!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Thanks for the advice :P I don't wanna wake her up just because of this but later I will. Maybe I even try to fix some of the issues we have..

  • it looks like it's from a pixar-movie! awesome and cute! here, take a cookie

    enter image description here

  • I know right?!

    I think it's her style tbh :P

    Why does Sasha just seem so right to be on drums?

  • Long story short:

    Ray was looking for someone to ship me with, and xfuriouss was the first one to be interested in me :P

    wat who ships who? ?

  • Yeah, I bet coming back here to see me moving one would be bad as well :(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, I'd say give her some time, she might be going through tough times.

  • My Honesty went down as well :/ And my Bravery shot up to the max! Think Bravery is just part of the whole saving Jessica thing, but Honesty is probably your own decisions.

    Good man :D

    It's so cute when they both have a crush on one another but neither will admit it :3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, yeah. His honesty meter went completely down for me after I maxed out bravery which was weird because I don't recall being a liar. Stran

  • How is it the threads anniversary though?

    It was created on March 7th :/

    kristi78968 posted: »

    6 more days until the thread's anniversary 7 days until my birthday A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF DAYS TILL PAUL'S BIRTHDAY (I don't kno

  • ... You do that a lot dude :/

    Nothing to see here, move along.

  • it was a good idea to come here and tell us. and you know why? 'cause the rhyiona-family is there for each other. GUYS! somepony needs a huuuuge hug!

    enter image description here

    and now for the serious part: don't think about it too hard. it was a dream, and nothing more. a horrible dream which showed you one of your greatest fears, but still just a dream. nothing in the world is stronger than a mothers love, and no matter how much problems you two have, this will not stop her from loving you. you could say that's a curse of mothers: they never, never stop loving their children (well, except for some cases, but those are about children which were created by rape, so let's not talk about this here). you have problems with your mother, but that's nothing special, everybody has/had problems with your parents. let your mother know how much you love her. and trust me, this horrible dream of yours will never become reality

  • Awww honey don't cry!!! :'(

    Hugs It was just a bad dream.

    I'll tell you one of mine, this happened years ago: I love my Grandma to bits, the woman is 88 and still going pretty good considering she has early-stage Dementia. Anyways, I had a dream that I was standing on her street, in the middle of a snowy day while her coffin was carried out of her house by men in black suits. I woke up crying my eyes out...

    But I told myself "It's only a dream, it's not real" I've had tear-jerking dreams since then about my Mom too :(

    When your Mom wakes up, talk to her about it ok? Tell her what you wanted to tell her, she's your Mother and she loves you dearly, she wouldn't abandon you like that! <3

  • That is a worst Nightmare anyone could have

  • I go there do English test real fast. Friday at school is boring. But I got tests every Friday.

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Hey Elliot I'm here I was wondering why did you finished school early, and I remembered its Friday today Wow kind of early,I thought on Friday school finishes around 11 something.

  • Oh...my...god.

    This is... This is really one of the best things you've ever done. And that's saying a lot considering your other masterpieces.

    It's so awesome, I can't even explain how much I love it. I saved it, then went back and saved it again.

    It's lovely <3 <3

  • Oh no Hanna ;-;

    hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs x1000

    I know that the situation has probably blown over by now and you've talked to your mother but I wanted to say something to help.

    It's just a dream, please don't dwell on it. The best thing you can do is talk to your mother and tell her and hug it out. Having dreams like this really sucks but you can't let them bother you or they will sink your whole day or even week.

    I know how awful it feels, I've had numerous dreams where my father dies (one was pretty comical, though, he came back as a ghost) and they always leave me in tears.

    The suicide part is also familiar although it didn't end like that (which I'm so, so grateful for).

    Hope you feel better today <3

  • March 17th.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    How is it the threads anniversary though? It was created on March 7th



  • That's cold ¬_¬

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    @xfuriouss Where is she? If Weronika isn't back soon then I need a new ship! EDIT: xfuriouss hasn't logged in since August 20th :O

  • You can save everyone you just have to be careful what you do.

  • Hey, guys. I'm back from school ^-^ <3

    So I saw that my classmates didn't change from the last year. They are still acting like 5 year olds. They hit each other for no reason, they scream in classes, these kind of things :p

    So how are you all today? ^-^

  • Okay.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hey, guys. I'm back from school ^-^ So I saw that my classmates didn't change from the last year. They are still acting like 5 year olds

  • edited September 2015

    Oh my god, Hanna, my dear, I'm so so sorry, I hope you'll feel better. ;A; attack hugs And don't regret telling us about it, we're always glad to try cheering you up!

    I'm really late with my reply, but I just wanted to tell you that I hope you'll sort things out with your mother. We forget so easily how we should treasure moments spent with the people who are close to us, so try and look on the bright side, this dream could be a reminder of that... even if it's trully awful ;_; And as others have already said, you should just talk to her, it's the best solution, she must understand how you feel.

    I'm so sorry again, I hope you'll get better soon!

  • At least you had an okay day xD

    I still have a headache cuz all my classmates were screaming. xD

    So today's the worst day of the year for me xD


  • PINK??!! FUCKING PINK?????? self destructs

    Look how beautiful Fiona is! Wife Goals Author: Betsy Balliste

  • edited September 2015

    Nah, I am not the Person for serious relationships :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So you dating this guy or nah? :P

  • Thanks a lot dracu I really appreciate this ;--;

    You are right, it was just a dream and nothing more. I probably had it because my life has been quite stressful lately but I feel a lot better now :)

    Dracu98 posted: »

    it was a good idea to come here and tell us. and you know why? 'cause the rhyiona-family is there for each other. GUYS! somepony needs a huu

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