Erin Yvette (Sasha) Interview - Alternative Magazine Online

INTERVIEW – In Conversation With Erin Yvette (Sasha, Tales From The Borderlands)

I've just posted an exclusive online interview with voice actor Erin Yvette (Sasha in Tales from the Borderlands) on Alternative Magazine Online if anyone wants to check it out:

INTERVIEW – In Conversation With Erin Yvette (Sasha, Tales From The Borderlands)

Erin also voiced Molly and Bonnie (first interview here) in The Walking Dead and Snow White (second interview here) in The Wolf Among Us!



  • In my own playthrough of the game, Sasha and Rhys seem to be growing quite close – could you see them working together as a couple?

    Totally! I love seeing them dork out. And I think they bring out the best in each other (and if you aren’t seeing that in your playthrough then you’re probably one of those Rhyiona shippers)

    enter image description here

  • edited September 2015

    Sorry Erin, I love your voice acting, but you already won me over with SnowXBigby. I am sticking with Rhyiona.

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited September 2015

    Burn, you have quite a rep there Rhyiona

    In my own playthrough of the game, Sasha and Rhys seem to be growing quite close – could you see them working together as a couple? T

  • Erin, I'm sorry, but I'm a Rhyiona shipper. #TeamRhyiona <3

  • and if you aren’t seeing that in your playthrough then you’re probably one of those Rhyiona shippers

    enter image description here

    In my own playthrough of the game, Sasha and Rhys seem to be growing quite close – could you see them working together as a couple? T

  • enter image description here

    In my own playthrough of the game, Sasha and Rhys seem to be growing quite close – could you see them working together as a couple? T

  • and if you aren’t seeing that in your playthrough then you’re probably one of those Rhyiona shippers

    enter image description here

    In all seriousness, that was a really good interview, Erin Yvette seems like a really cool person.

  • Thanks, I get that impression too - I've really enjoyed interviewing her as her career has moved forward :)

    PS: Sorry guys - for me it's got to be Rhys and Sasha! :P

    and if you aren’t seeing that in your playthrough then you’re probably one of those Rhyiona shippers In all seriousness, that was a really good interview, Erin Yvette seems like a really cool person.

  • for me it's got to be Rhys and Sasha! :P

    Telltale agrees.

    martymcfly posted: »

    Thanks, I get that impression too - I've really enjoyed interviewing her as her career has moved forward PS: Sorry guys - for me it's got to be Rhys and Sasha! :P

  • martymcfly posted: »

    Thanks, I get that impression too - I've really enjoyed interviewing her as her career has moved forward PS: Sorry guys - for me it's got to be Rhys and Sasha! :P

  • edited September 2015

    Totally! I love seeing them dork out. And I think they bring out the best in each other (and if you aren’t seeing that in your playthrough then you’re probably one of those Rhyiona shippers)

    enter image description here

  • Totally! I love seeing them dork out. And I think they bring out the best in each other (and if you aren’t seeing that in your playthrough then you’re probably one of those Rhyiona shippers)

    enter image description here

    Another reason to hate Erin.

  • And I think they bring out the best in each other (and if you aren’t seeing that in your playthrough then you’re probably one of those Rhyiona shippers)

    enter image description here

  • And I think they bring out the best in each other (and if you aren’t seeing that in your playthrough then you’re probably one of those Rhyiona shippers)

    enter image description here

  • "one of those Rhyiona shippers". I actually was neutral on the pairings at the start. I liked both a lot. Sasha really was the first to bring out the good in Rhys in Ep. 1 and I really liked that and found it endearing. But it was Ep. 3 that completely turned me off to the pairing. I've already done a couple rants about this in detail, so in short, Ep. 3 Rhys and Sasha didn't really bond but more, were thrown into romantic situations and on top of that, the writing had them both be intentionally stupid to force these situations.

    I don't blame anyone but the writers for my dislike of the pairing. I still like Rhys, he was so fun to play as in the last episode, and I still like Sasha but I'm getting concerned that she might be disposable in this final episode.

  • I agree. I love the scene in episode 1, where she was questioning Rhys and told him how much Hyperion has hurt the people of Pandora. In my head canon, that was the moment where Rhys realized that he wasn't working for the best company in the universe and tried to do something different, being good and being nice. The scene felt natural.

    Then the jungle scene happened in episode 3 and it didn't felt natural and I didn't like it. It is one of those scenes that bumped an otherwise awesome episode down. Thankfully episode 4 has gotten better with that.

    Despite my dislike of Rhys somewhat forced (Lacking a better word for it) ship teasing scenes with Sasha, I still love Erin and her getting work.

    "one of those Rhyiona shippers". I actually was neutral on the pairings at the start. I liked both a lot. Sasha really was the first to brin

  • Ep. 3 Rhys and Sasha didn't really bond but more, were thrown into romantic situations and on top of that, the writing had them both be intentionally stupid to force these situations.

    enter image description here

    "one of those Rhyiona shippers". I actually was neutral on the pairings at the start. I liked both a lot. Sasha really was the first to brin

  • So the messing with the fauna, which is a bad ass tier enemy, just to pick a flower is a smart move? I get that Rhys would/could make that mistake but if you don't pick the flower, Sasha does. Why-Wha-How can a they justify that Sasha, a Pandoran, doesn't think twice about that?

    But hey, each to their own opinion

    J-Master posted: »

    Ep. 3 Rhys and Sasha didn't really bond but more, were thrown into romantic situations and on top of that, the writing had them both be intentionally stupid to force these situations.

  • She is actually the only reason why I don't hate Sasha.

  • She's probably never seen or heard of a fauna since there's this idea that both her and Fiona were really just doing small jobs and not really venturing out into the very soul of Pandora's wilderness.

    So the messing with the fauna, which is a bad ass tier enemy, just to pick a flower is a smart move? I get that Rhys would/could make that m

  • It's a shame her great voice acting can't do the same for me

    Miklaus posted: »

    She is actually the only reason why I don't hate Sasha.

  • Pandora is a planet, not a small town. Just because one is native to said planet doesn't mean they're familiar with everything in it. Besides, how is picking a flower that looks harmless acting stupid, exactly? They've been exposed to plant life that's dangerous only if it looks a certain way (Venus fly-trap thingies).

    So the messing with the fauna, which is a bad ass tier enemy, just to pick a flower is a smart move? I get that Rhys would/could make that m

  • This gif would be hilarious without the Rhyiona and Rhysha marks anyway.

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Totally! I love seeing them dork out. And I think they bring out the best in each other (and if you aren’t seeing that in your playthrough then you’re probably one of those Rhyiona shippers)

  • Thanks for sharing the interview man, they're always great things to read!

    In my own playthrough of the game, Sasha and Rhys seem to be growing quite close – could you see them working together as a couple?

    Totally! I love seeing them dork out. And I think they bring out the best in each other (and if you aren’t seeing that in your playthrough then you’re probably one of those Rhyiona shippers)

    enter image description here

  • The black dude's just awesome.

    This gif would be hilarious without the Rhyiona and Rhysha marks anyway.

  • I never said she had to know what a Giant Spore was. But the instinct of a sane person on Pandora is to not trust anything that moves, that includes both wildlife and the fauna. That's almost like the subconscious mantra of all the NPCs since the first game. I'm not exaggerating.

    And I'm not saying Sasha has to be all knowing about Pandora, but in that episode I expected her to be a safety net to Rhys' being oblivious to how dangerous Pandora is (which I thought was playing off how so many people who play TFTBL don't have prior Borderlands experience, so she would be a nice compliment to that). On a side note, I'm surprised when Rhys scanned with his eye, that it didn't go ape shit because there was so many threats that I thought it would alert him to.

    Pandora is a planet, not a small town. Just because one is native to said planet doesn't mean they're familiar with everything in it. Beside

  • edited September 2015

    Well, that's where her own personality comes in. Sasha has always been portrayed as a person who takes risks. Jumping down considerable heights at the mere mention of guns. Not even hesitating to leap over the huge gap between a bridge. Attempting to enter an Atlas facility guns blazing. There's nothing far-fetched at all about it.

    And I'm pretty sure Rhys is acutely aware of how dangerous Pandora is. If Sasha was sure that the plant was dangerous, she would have told him about it and he probably would've refrained from touching it. But she didn't, so he didn't.

    I never said she had to know what a Giant Spore was. But the instinct of a sane person on Pandora is to not trust anything that moves, that

  • Funny you mention the Atlas gun scene, cause in truth, depending which canon you agree with (I'm referring to Pandora's gravity), it was a low to zero risk choice for a high reward. So I don't say she's that much of a risk taker, but she is very impulsive which is almost as dangerous to be in some cases. But being impulsive is also one of her better traits IMO, seeing as how she and her sister are great at improving situations.

    Well, that's where her own personality comes in. Sasha has always been portrayed as a person who takes risks. Jumping down considerable heig

  • edited September 2015

    Well, the fall seemed like it could've taken a toll on her legs just by looking at it, and she didn't know the nature of the loot, anyways, so I definitely think it was a risk.

    I meant to add impulsive (this and risk-taker are not mutually exclusive. In fact, I think they complement each other) as an adjective in my second reply to you.

    Funny you mention the Atlas gun scene, cause in truth, depending which canon you agree with (I'm referring to Pandora's gravity), it was a l

  • Well that's what I was saying, in Borderlands, gravity is normal. But in BL2, Pandora's gravity got a lot lighter. I mean yes that was more of a game play change than lore but they do work it subtly into the plot through things like characters dropping several stories and being fine.

    Well, the fall seemed like it could've taken a toll on her legs just by looking at it, and she didn't know the nature of the loot, anyways,

  • The source for the gif is the World Worst boyfriend vid on youtube. Its hilarious XD.

    The black dude's just awesome.

  • Yep got from the World worst boyfriend vid xD. Just made as soon as i saw the interview.

    This gif would be hilarious without the Rhyiona and Rhysha marks anyway.

  • I'm a Rhyiona shipper but I still love Erin.....

    Is it terrible I found it hilarious when she said

    (and if you aren’t seeing that in your playthrough then you’re probably one of those Rhyiona shippers).

  • enter image description here

    Bah, I seriously hate that pairing more than ever now, ugh. I hardly call forced "romantic' interactions "bringing out the best", ugh. Call me salty, I don't care. :|

  • Wow... So If you're Rhyiona fan, you're fucking clueless... I never expected someone like Erin to say something like that. Seriously, was that comment really necessary? I like Erin, but now I am really dissaponted.

  • Seriously people,that was a joke,she never meant that as a direct insult.

    enter image description here

    gomatamo posted: »

    Wow... So If you're Rhyiona fan, you're fucking clueless... I never expected someone like Erin to say something like that. Seriously, was that comment really necessary? I like Erin, but now I am really dissaponted.

  • edited September 2015

    funny that people still use the forced argument when literally all canon ships in existence are forced. Or are you meaning to tell me the reader/watcher/player ever had any influence on a canon ship? Only the creator determines which one is canon.

    you are salty not because Rhysha was forced, but because Rhyiona wasn't.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    Bah, I seriously hate that pairing more than ever now, ugh. I hardly call forced "romantic' interactions "bringing out the best", ugh. Call me salty, I don't care.

  • edited September 2015

    If you have been mean to Sasha for the previous episodes, yes, that scene is kinda forced.

    funny that people still use the forced argument when literally all canon ships in existence are forced. Or are you meaning to tell me the re

  • so? Assholes get the girl. You act as if that's a new thing and hasn't been like that since forever.

    Miklaus posted: »

    If you have been mean to Sasha for the previous episodes, yes, that scene is kinda forced.

  • You're nice = Sasha likes you.
    You're an asshole = Sasha likes you.
    You're silent = Sasha likes you.

    That's why I think it's forced, whatever you do, you still get the same outcome.

    so? Assholes get the girl. You act as if that's a new thing and hasn't been like that since forever.

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