Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • No it isn't because we can't talk about it.

  • I couldn't agree more.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    ok, people get banned. that's bad. BUT WHY THE F*CK ARE WE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT IT? why do we get banned for talking about bans? why are we not allowed to ask what happened to our friends?** Why are we not allowed to talk about @John_Smith13??**

  • edited September 2015

    tfw bush tea said he was the lewd lord

    enter image description here


    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • *Lewd God

    John is the true Lewd God.

    Kawaiii posted: »

    tfw bush tea said he was the lewd lord


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    *Lewd God John is the true Lewd God.

  • literally all evidence points to me being the true lewd god

    • I created lewd days and started all the lewdness in the thread with my gif

    • i popularized the word lewd in the thread

    • i created this thread so my word is law

    what more proof do u need? hes only a lewd king because all he does is post a doctor who gif everytime someone says "come"


  • Green is a Lewd King.

    But he will never be as good as the Lewd God :3


  • edited September 2015

    Whispers woke him up in the middle of the night. At first, he freaked out, imagining all sorts of horrors lurking in the dark room, but then he recognized Gortys’ muffled voice.

    "What time is it?" She mumbled.

    Rhys heard Loader Bot shuffle around, then a faint red glow illuminated the corner as he held up the electric alarm clock.

    Rhys couldn't see the actual time, but by Gortys’ groan he understood that it was still pretty early. What were the two robots doing up, then? Sure, when Gortys was little (not that she had changed) she had stayed up all night and kept them up as well, but Fiona had taught her long ago that mommy and daddy need their sleep, otherwise there'll be trouble. Nowadays she powered off for the night, setting an internal alarm for six o'clock, which was when he and Fiona woke up.

    There was some more whispering whereupon Loader Bot raised his voice a bit.

    "No. Not now. They will be cold. I have noticed that humans do not enjoy them cold. Aunt Sasha once threw them all away because they were cold."

    This conversation puzzled Rhys a lot, but as he was tired he didn't think much of it.

    If the robots wanted to stay up in the middle of the night, they could, just as long as they were quiet.

    The alarm clock beeped its monotone melody, and he slammed his hand onto the snooze button. Fiona grumbled next to him. Rhys was torn between wanting to stay in the warm, soft bed and a sense of duty, it didn't befit the CEO of Hyperion to be late for work.

    Suddenly the door opened with a horrendous crash.

    Fiona sprang up, screaming "WHAT THE HELL?!" and reaching for her Derringer.

    Rhys, meanwhile, was paralyzed. He didn't know whether it was him being a scaredy-cat or some kind of ancient instinct to not move when enemies are near.

    They both calmed down, however, when Gortys burst in, carrying some kind of platter with a cover on top.

    "Good morning! It's six now, and you wake up at six, so I can wake you up now!"

    She sounded extremely cheerful as she sat the platter down on the nightstand and rushed to open the blinds, which made no difference whatsoever as it was still dark outside.

    "Oh, the sun's not here yet. No matter. Rise and shine!"

    Loader Bot had entered the room and was standing in the back. In some way he looked slightly abashed, though Rhys didn't know how that was possible what with him not having any facial expressions.

    Gortys walked back to the nightstand and stood proudly by it.

    Fiona had by now regained her senses enough to stop whispering muffled cuss words to herself and Rhys was mostly staring in wonder.

    Gortys cleared her throat and attempted a serious, grown-up tone, but she failed rather adorably.

    "Mom, dad, I have made you... pancakes!"

    And with that she lifted the cover.

    The charred squares underneath might once have been pancakes, but they had long ceased to bear any resemblance to them. They gave off a slight smell of burnt hair, if that was even possible.

    Rhys' first instinct was to gag, but one look at Gortys' eager face was enough to make him clamp his mouth shut.

    "Oh my god..." He heard Fiona sigh.

    Gortys, meanwhile, was chattering along, having taken their reactions as expressions of awe.

    "...and I made them for you myself! Well, Loader Bot helped me a bit... Do you like them?!"

    Oh, no. This was gonna be a tough one to answer. But he should probably tell her the truth. He'd start out by thanking her...

    "Gortys, they smell delicious, honey! I'm sure they taste great, thank you so much!"

    Rhys turned to Fiona in surprise and, he had to admit, with a fair amount of suspicion. She sounded too cheery for someone about to eat a meal cooked in the hot fires of hell.

    Fiona gave him a slight smile, which raised his suspicions even higher, then continued speaking with Gortys.

    "However, I'm not feeling that well today, and all I can eat is... is store-bought cookies. I'm sorry, sweetie. But you know what? I bet Rhys would love to eat them all!"

    With that, she grinned widely and padded off to the bathroom, leaving Rhys with a look of pure, dumbfounded shock on his face.

    "Oh, that's great!" Gortys buzzed happily. "I'm gonna stay right here and watch you eat them!"

    Don't you love it when the thread randomly dies?

  • im the lewd queen

    he can't be the king ew gross

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Green is a Lewd King. But he will never be as good as the Lewd God

  • Green is a lewd peasent, then :')

    Kawaiii posted: »

    im the lewd queen he can't be the king ew gross

  • enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    literally all evidence points to me being the true lewd god * I created lewd days and started all the lewdness in the thread with my gi

  • so who is the lewd princess or prince

    Kawaiii posted: »

    im the lewd queen he can't be the king ew gross


    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    so who is the lewd princess or prince

  • you understood what i meant jfc

  • evidence for that????

    u need to be lewder than that

    Wolfenus54 posted: »


  • wtf

    it kinda looks like Mariyana

  • I think the last part says iyama...

    Captchas are getting ridiculous, tbh.

  • I go for a few hours and tf? I had the fanfic he requested ready too :'(

    Anyways i found this

    I also found a gif for the rhyshan's too but they've probably already seen it :P

  • edited September 2015

    idk none of my kids r lewd

    and wolfsei is not my kid

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    evidence for that???? u need to be lewder than that

  • I thought it said Marijuana.

  • it's pretty hard to see them

    it's like when you take off your glasses and you can't see shit in front of you

  • Well, I'm your brother at least :P

    Kawaiii posted: »

    idk none of my kids r lewd and wolfsei is not my kid

  • His lewd spirit is within you, he'll guide you

  • nice job

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Whispers woke him up in the middle of the night. At first, he freaked out, imagining all sorts of horrors lurking in the dark room, but then

  • I'm sad... Can anyone hug me?

  • edited September 2015

    I've got you fam <3

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm sad... Can anyone hug me?

  • Oh, thank you so much :D

    Tbh not getting comments sucks more than I thought xD

    nice job

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited September 2015

    Thanks for this hug

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I've got you fam



    lottii-lu posted: »

    I go for a few hours and tf? I had the fanfic he requested ready too Anyways i found this I also found a gif for the rhyshan's too but they've probably already seen it :P

  • edited September 2015


    Eryka posted: »

    Thanks for this hug

  • I like hugs ;---;

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I've got you fam

  • Omg ur so rhack, i'll give it 2 u when the lewd king retuns.


  • Okay, Eryka. :3

    enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm sad... Can anyone hug me?

  • I like hugs ;---;

  • the fuck dis u just call me

    you want me to flag your comment

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Omg ur so rhack, i'll give it 2 u when the lewd king retuns.

  • poor rhys

    enter image description here

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Whispers woke him up in the middle of the night. At first, he freaked out, imagining all sorts of horrors lurking in the dark room, but then

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