Game Of Thrones Better Or Worse Than TWDS2?



  • ...Are you me in disguise? I was completely addicted to Luke and broken down when he, well, you know... But then Gared came along and my immediate reaction was:

    "Don't you dare die on me."

    Kateis posted: »

    Game of Thrones is better, because it doesn't kill everyone off as soon as you see them. At least with GoT we get to know the characters bef

  • Where Do i start?

    Gortys was to cute.
    Athena was to badass.
    Rhys was to funny.
    Vaughn to buff. Even with clothes.
    Loaderbot was to...Loaderboty?
    Vallory was to Evil.
    Brick wasn't wearing his Tuxedo shirt.
    Mordecai was not drunken.
    No Talon.

    I could Go on but i wont. But i could.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Maybe because there were no problems with ep 3 of TFTB?

  • enter image description here

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Where Do i start? Gortys was to cute. Athena was to badass. Rhys was to funny. Vaughn to buff. Even with clothes. Loaderbot was to...

  • But then Gared came along and my immediate reaction was:

    "Don't you dare die on me."

    "But that frozen lake/river. It's so beautiful."

    SerMarve posted: »

    ...Are you me in disguise? I was completely addicted to Luke and broken down when he, well, you know... But then Gared came along and my immediate reaction was: "Don't you dare die on me."

  • Game of Thrones.

    Walking Dead 2 was a lazily constructed game with an immensely boring protagonist and was developed with no heart compared to its predecessor.

  • I totally could be. :P

    Although it took me a while to become totally obsessed with Gared. I only lost interest in Luke about 4 weeks ago, that was when I started going crazy over Gared.

    I wasn't obsessed with him straight away, my friend used to tease me about Luke's death so I teased him about how Gared could die but instead of making me happy to see him in pain like he did with me teasing him about Gared dying hurt me too. :P

    SerMarve posted: »

    ...Are you me in disguise? I was completely addicted to Luke and broken down when he, well, you know... But then Gared came along and my immediate reaction was: "Don't you dare die on me."

  • I personally prefer S2 over GoT, but GoT is a better game than S2 overall, mostly from a developmental standpoint. It's put together better than S2, with more concise gameplay mechanics, more interactivity, etc.

  • Loaderbot was too loaderboty lmao

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Where Do i start? Gortys was to cute. Athena was to badass. Rhys was to funny. Vaughn to buff. Even with clothes. Loaderbot was to...

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