Game of Thrones

Can u guys fill me with some lore on Game of Thrones?


  • There's dragons and zombies and Boromir.

    In all seriousness, while people can answer specific questions, I don't think anyone can just 'explain' it. Might want to read some wiki pages:

  • Hodor...? Hodor :)

    jamex1223 posted: »

    and hodor.

  • Well don't ask Jon Snow.. He knows nothing

  • There's boobies and wieners...

  • I'm not of much use here, but you should watch the show. It's worth it.

  • You did not watch the show before playing the game?
    Oh, boy. How much you've been spoiled. That's a shame.

  • is there strobe lights in the tv show?

    SerMarve posted: »

    I'm not of much use here, but you should watch the show. It's worth it.

  • edited September 2015

    I would need a couple of weeks to do that.

    Basically, some big families are fighting for power among themselves, and smaller families and the common folk are getting screwed over because of that war. I will at least explain to you as briefly as I can how we got to this war. Also I've been editing my comment multiple times trying to flag it as a spoiler and I just can't do it for some reason. So whoever reads it, beware of spoilers. Edit: Oh hey it worked!

    300 years ago, Westeros was divided on seven kingdoms, until Aegon Targaryen, the Conqueror, the Dragon, First of his Name, conquered and unified six of these Kingdoms (he never conquered Dorne), so we got the Westeros we are used to (Dorne joined through diplomacy a couple of centuries later). House Targaeryen reigned until Robert Baratheon's rebellion, that ended on the year 283 after Aegon's Conquest.

    The Rebellion was caused because Prince Rhaegar Targaryen fell in love with Lyanna Stark, Eddard Stark's sister, who Robert was in love with. Rhaegar was married already by the way (to princess Elia Martell of Dorne), but still, he abducted Lyanna (or that's how Robert perceived it, but they could have ran away together). Brandon Stark, Eddard's older brother, went straight to King's Landing when he learned of it. He threatened to kill Rhaegar and was therefore arrested by his father, King Aerys II, summoned his father Rickard Stark to the court and killed both (plus some people that accompanied Brandon and their fathers). The mad king then wanted to kill Eddard Stark and Robert Rebellion. They were with Jon Arryn though, and he refused to kill them. That's how Robert's Rebellion started. The Rebellion ended with Rhaegar dead, Lyanna dead, Aerys II dead, Elia Martell dead, her children dead, and Viserys and Daenerys, Rhaegar's siblings, running away. Robert then became king. With Lyanna dead, he married Cersei Lannister.

    Cersei Lannister have a twin brother, Jaime Lannister, and they were lovers. Three children came out of that affair: Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen. Robert Baratheon believed the children to be his. Once Cersei arranged to get Robert killed, Joffrey became king. However, Eddard Stark saw right through her and tried to get Joffrey to abandon the throne, in favor of Robert's older brother, Stannis, as Joffrey was a bastard and didn't have the right to be king. That resulted on Eddard being executed for treason. His younger daughter, Arya Stark, got away from King's Landing, but his older daughter Sansa Stark wasn't so lucky and ended up as a hostage in there (and later she was forced to marry Tyrion Lannister, Cersei and Jaime's younger sibling, who is a dwarf). Eddard's accusations and his death made Robert's brothers, Renly and Stannis, to each declare themselves kings. Renly got married to Margaery Tyrell, and died shortly after, killed by blood magic, by his older brother Stannis. Eddard's older son, Robb, declared himself King of the North. The North, including our dear Forresters, greatly supported Robb's claim. Unfortunately Robb was a moron, married a random girl that he bedded instead of a Frey girl, angered Lord Frey and got himself, his mother and a lot of people killed in an event called the Red Wedding. The Red Wedding was an act of treason and a violation of the Guest's Rights, orchestrated by the Freys and the Boltons. And this is where TellTale's Game of Thrones begin.

    Meanwhile, the escaped siblings of Rhaegar were trying to get an army so that they could go back to Westeros and take back the throne. Viserys was killed in the process, Daenerys lost her husband and successfully hatched three dragon eggs, and now she is conquering cities and freeing slaves all over Essos (the landmass east of Westeros). She still plans on going back to Westeros eventually, but right now she is busy freeing slaves and getting ships.

    Okay, that should be enough for you to play the game knowing at least a bit about how the characters got where they are.

  • Wut about Jon Sneeewr? Y u no mention him?

  • Because, aside from fan speculation, he wasn't involved with what led to the current war in any way (I do believe on L+R=J, but it is still just a very popular theory, it wasn't confirmed yet). As I said, it would take forever to explain everything so I just focused on what led to the current situation of House Forrester.

    Also I've been awake for 36 hours now so if someone else could give the OP more lore tidbits in my place that would be awesome.

    Wut about Jon Sneeewr? Y u no mention him?

  • Its about games that are trying to get rid of the thrones.

  • Go to sleep!

    Abeille posted: »

    Because, aside from fan speculation, he wasn't involved with what led to the current war in any way (I do believe on L+R=J, but it is still

  • Strobe lights? I don't think so. Anyone can confirm? It's hard to have them sort of things in the show seeing as it's set in Medieval times.

    Tylerh316 posted: »

    is there strobe lights in the tv show?

  • I'm a beginner too.start it.

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