General Pollux

Are we sure General Pollux was dead?

Maybe he's the kidnapper, the mask is acting as a new eyeball for him.


  • But would you say you got, erm... real lucky?

    "I got lucky."

  • He's got a lot of dead friends and probably wants to know what they know about the project.

  • edited September 2015

    Does it look like I have a beard to you?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    But would you say you got, erm... real lucky?

  • Yes.

    Does it look like I have a beard to you?

  • Yes, Claptrap

    Yes you do

    enter image description here

    Does it look like I have a beard to you?

  • Eyes aren't vital organs. Pollux could live with no eyeballs.

  • Actually, if General Pollux was the Stranger, it could be hilarious.

  • edited September 2015

    This is actually my favorite Stranger theory since I saw lordofmilk post it in one of the Stranger's identity speculation threads.

    -he knows what at least one of the upgrades looks like (he recognizes the energy chassis)

    -he knows about the dome before they tell him about it ("tell me about the dome") which he would, as director of the Gortys project

    -his jacket looks similar enough, or at least as similar as anyone else's that has been speculated on

    My money is on Pollux.

  • Yeah, but, the Stranger is fat, Pollux isn't.

    cussbunny posted: »

    This is actually my favorite Stranger theory since I saw lordofmilk post it in one of the Stranger's identity speculation threads. -he kn

  • Almost none of the people I've seen put forth as possible strangers are fat. It doesn't necessarily mean anything, it could be padding in the suit. It could be that he GOT fat, a significant amount of time has elapsed between the time the story takes place and the telling of it. Remember in episode one when Rhys and Vaughn head in to Prosperity Junction the sign is perfectly intact and the body hanging from it is fresh. When Rhys is captured, it is in front of that same sign, which has tilted over, has panels missing, the hanging body is now just a skeleton, and the town is deserted. Plenty of time for him to have put on some weight if we want to insist that the stranger's body type fills out the suit completely.

    Yeah, but, the Stranger is fat, Pollux isn't.

  • There's not that much food in Pandora to get fat, also, the building was bombed by moonshots and nobody could have waked up Pollux from his stasis, the only ones who know about it are Atlas employers, and there's none left in Pandora, except for Cassius.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Almost none of the people I've seen put forth as possible strangers are fat. It doesn't necessarily mean anything, it could be padding in th

  • Seen plenty of fat bandits.

    And listen, none of us knows who he is, and to me it makes as much or more sense as any other theory I've heard. It's my pick, and if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'm honestly not that invested in being right here.

    There's not that much food in Pandora to get fat, also, the building was bombed by moonshots and nobody could have waked up Pollux from his

  • Neither am I, I actually think that we've not been given enough evidence to even try to guess the Stranger's identity, so if you're right, that'd be totally fine, albeit I can't agree with your theory for now.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Seen plenty of fat bandits. And listen, none of us knows who he is, and to me it makes as much or more sense as any other theory I've heard. It's my pick, and if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'm honestly not that invested in being right here.

  • edited September 2015

    It makes totally sense! Stranger has 1 eye. Pollux has 1 eye. And guess how has one eye too. Right:

    Click Spoiler below

  • enter image description here

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    It makes totally sense! Stranger has 1 eye. Pollux has 1 eye. And guess how has one eye too. Right: Click Spoiler below

  • I agree, and we're mostly on the same page. We don't have enough information, which is what has led to all the wild speculation on his or her identity, from Felix to Janey to Vaughn to Athena to any number of characters from the other Borderlands games that haven't appeared in Tales so far (I actually don't think that last one is likely, I think it will be someone we've met in Tales). It's fun to speculate, and I think the Pollux theory makes sense in that it would explain a lot of things, and when I heard it, my thought process was basically "Ha! That would be kind of clever, it explains why the stranger knows X, Y, and Z, I like this theory best." Of course there are a lot of "well then how did he do _____ and why is _____, etc" but those questions could be applied to pretty much any possible contender proposed so far. If it was too easy to figure out it wouldn't be much of a mystery, and I assume when his identity is revealed, those questions will be answered.

    My point was more, it's fun to speculate and have a favorite theory, but I didn't come up with it, and I didn't post this thread. We could go back and forth where I present my evidence as to why I think he could be, and you argue points against it, which I refute, and then you challenge those refutations, and I could have continued but i didn't want to get into this debate where I felt like I was defending my doctoral dissertation instead of a theory I like about a masked video game character, because that is much less fun. I wasn't trying to be rude in shutting the argument down, just saying that it isn't something I'm super invested in or thoroughly convinced of that I need to defend at all costs while someone tries to pick it apart. It is literally all fun and games. ;) I mean, maybe you think the Stranger is Dumpy and we can make a wager.

    Anyway, point is, I wasn't blowing you off, just wanted to be clear that my investment in the Pollux theory is more of a "that would be cool and unexpected and would make sense to me so haha, let's go with that" than a passionate manifesto outlining why I must be right and everyone else is an idiot so let's argue about it. Thanks for being cool about it.

    Neither am I, I actually think that we've not been given enough evidence to even try to guess the Stranger's identity, so if you're right, that'd be totally fine, albeit I can't agree with your theory for now.

  • im guessing general pollux is dead fiona most likely stabbed his brain with the first eye or hes braindead plus he wouldnt need to ask about gortys as he was one of the people behind it

  • thanks for being cool about it

    don't mention it, it's really much funnier to speculate when the debate is under control. You're totally right about everything, maybe even about Pollux, because, who knows, he mighta got lucky... Real Lucky.

    cussbunny posted: »

    I agree, and we're mostly on the same page. We don't have enough information, which is what has led to all the wild speculation on his or he

  • enter image description here

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    It makes totally sense! Stranger has 1 eye. Pollux has 1 eye. And guess how has one eye too. Right: Click Spoiler below

  • When Pollux is the Stranger shouldnt he be more pissed against Fiona than Rhys ?

  • I think it’s because Atlas hates Hyperion,although that doesn’t mean he doesn’t Fiona,maybe that’s why he restrained Fiona in EP1 and left her for Rakks.

    Nukledus posted: »

    When Pollux is the Stranger shouldnt he be more pissed against Fiona than Rhys ?

  • Ellie got a lot of time to get fat, she lived in a clan, than in a community, she has a family, and she is also genetically predisposed. Pollux lacks all those things.

  • That ain't no Kenny beard. No real lucky here...

    Yes, Claptrap Yes you do

  • I'm from the future, have you seen Kenny's beard in season 10?!?!?!

    It's still determinant tho.

    That ain't no Kenny beard. No real lucky here...

  • He probably fell down a flight of stairs and died afterwards lol

  • He doesn't know it was her yet, maybe. He assumes it was Rhys. He'll find the eyeball in her pocket and comedy will happen.

    Nukledus posted: »

    When Pollux is the Stranger shouldnt he be more pissed against Fiona than Rhys ?

  • EYE got lucky!

    "I got lucky."

  • polux has no eyes

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    It makes totally sense! Stranger has 1 eye. Pollux has 1 eye. And guess how has one eye too. Right: Click Spoiler below

  • we took out both his eyes out, 1 because of rhys screaming

  • EYE?

    As in ONE EYE?

    enter image description here

    EYE got lucky!

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