Game of Thrones: Recommended to Friends

kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni
edited September 2015 in Game Of Thrones

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Hey gang! Just wanted to pick your collective brains about something I've been curious about.

What part of Telltale's Game of Thrones do you point to when recommending the series to friends?

Sometimes it can be hard to boil down what it is that makes the series so darn special, and I was just wondering how you all go about conveying it to friends and family to get them to dive into the harrowing tale of the Forrester's fight for survival! Considering you all are the most dedicated and enthusiastic fans out there, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

Feel free to post and elaborate what it is that you point to when telling people about the series (especially if your response didn't make it into the poll). Thanks in advance for the feedback!


  • A lot of the friends I've recommended it to aren't familiar with Telltale at all, so a big selling point is explaining that it's more like an interactive movie where you get to choose the dialogue and choices have an impact on the story going forward (I'm usually recommending Telltale games in general at this point). For friends that are fans of the show I'm also quick to point out that Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey, Natalie Dormer, Kit Harrington, et al, do the voice acting for their characters. Then I explain how damn stressful it is to try and negotiate with Ramsay Fucking Snow, or be interrogated by Cersei.

    "I decided after the first episode that I am terrible at the Game of Thrones and would die in Westeros immediately. It's awesome you should try it."

    That usually works.

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2015

    Haha I like that angle. I also would be terrible at 'Playing the Game of Thrones' and am glad I don't live in Westeros.

    Thanks for the feedback, cussbunny!

    cussbunny posted: »

    A lot of the friends I've recommended it to aren't familiar with Telltale at all, so a big selling point is explaining that it's more like a

  • Difficult choices are how I sell them on it.

  • For the record all of the things on that strawpoll are wonderful things about the game, but not all I would use as selling points. The score for instance - I absolutely love the music on the main menu screen. But "try this game, the menu screen score is amazing" isn't something I would use as a pitch, you know? Just pointing out that just because I didn't pick something on the poll means it goes unappreciated. ;)

    kenjisalk posted: »

    Haha I like that angle. I also would be terrible at 'Playing the Game of Thrones' and am glad I don't live in Westeros. Thanks for the feedback, cussbunny!

  • Interesting characters and quality voice acting. I can't like a game like this if I don't get emotionally attached to the characters, and the voice acting in this game is pretty good and really brings the characters to life. When I tell people about a choice-based game, I tell them about the characters.

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2015

    Cool! Which characters in particular do you gravitate towards in Game of Thrones? : ) There's a lot to choose from!

    Abeille posted: »

    Interesting characters and quality voice acting. I can't like a game like this if I don't get emotionally attached to the characters, and th

  • edited September 2015

    You are not asking so you guys can kill them, are you? :P

    Where do I even begin? I find Rickard Morgryn the most interesting character in the game, especially since Lord Tarwick said he has a dangerous personality. I was already completely paranoid, and now I'm really expecting him to do something bad to Mira. He is charming, cunning, calm, handsome and polite. There must be something wrong with him. He doesn't have a lot of screen time, but it is more than enough to get me speculating about him for months here. I also really like Beskha. Her story broke my heart. Her VA did a great job at conveying all the emotion she was feeling, and it really made me feel like hugging her. Yes, I know, she is probably not the kind of person that hugs, but still. I also love everything about Tom, he is spot on. A young coal boy sent by someone unknown becomes one Mira's most valuable ally? I love it. I hope his boss is someone we do not expect, but that Mira already met in the game. I love that Tom's attitude towards Mira changes if she doesn't treat him well (why would anyone not treat him well?!). For playable characters, Asher is my favourite. His personality is so captivating, his lines are great and his relationship with Beskha is the cutest thing ever.

    kenjisalk posted: »

    Cool! Which characters in particular do you gravitate towards in Game of Thrones? : ) There's a lot to choose from!

  • "You fuck potatoes?"

    Literally had to tell all my friends to go buy it after episode 2

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    haha I'll put you down for 'quality writing/voice acting'! :P

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "You fuck potatoes?" Literally had to tell all my friends to go buy it after episode 2

  • You know, now Im curious why you guys are collecting this, very gripping information. ;3

    kenjisalk posted: »

    haha I'll put you down for 'quality writing/voice acting'! :P

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    I'm just curious what aspects of the game people really love to the point of getting others to check it out. It's hard for me to put into words sometimes, as so much of Game of Thrones is a grueling fight through really dangerous and frustrating scenarios (curse you Ramsay Snow!!).

    Poogers555 posted: »

    You know, now Im curious why you guys are collecting this, very gripping information. ;3

  • Special shout-out to the voice actors who play the villains - the guy who voices Ludd is absolutely phenomenal. The VA for Gryff hits that perfect mix of arrogance and petulance in every scene.

    Part of loving Game of Thrones is those characters you love to hate - as much as I and every other viewer wanted to launch Joffrey into the sun, I still miss Jack Gleeson and his fantastic performance, especially since he's apparently such a nice and humble guy in real life.

    My Rodrik said to hell with Gwyn and her secret pact, and stood up to Ludd and Gryff at every turn, because I couldn't stomach the thought of submitting to either of those blustering smarmy jackasses for a single second. If the writing for them wasn't as good or the voice acting so believable, I might have spared more of a thought for my little captive brother Ryon and gone along with Gwyn's pact (sorry little bro). So kudos to Telltale for creating such despicable bad guys, cause that's important in this universe and you guys did it well.

    (And on Team Awesome, shout outs to the people who voice Royland and Beskha, I love you hotheaded warriors so much, you're both family in my book)

  • I would sell them on literally anything if I could. Except I can't. My particular friends are dead set on thinking that every game I bring up and enjoy is a piece of shit just because I enjoy it. Game of Thrones is no different.

  • Smh if you didn't vote for soundtrack. Ramin Djawadi is an absolute genius.

  • Um... All of those things. XD The soundtrack is one of my favourites, the art style is amazing, the voice acting is awesome, the decision making makes me stressed (I pause the game a lot when it comes to decisions) but in a good way (I guess), the characters are great and some of the most interesting I have seen and finally the story is awesome!

    So that's what I say when recommending it to people, there isn't just one thing I say, I have to say it all. :P

  • All of those things but if I had to choose I would say the voice acting.

    Just in every Telltale game, the voice acting is amazing than in other games I played. Really. When I actually hear the voice acting, it sounds like they actually live in these events.

    That's actually my favorite thing in Telltale games in general :)

  • edited September 2015

    Definitely the interesting characters, I don't know why but I've never connected to characters in a Telltale game as much as I have to the characters of GOT, I love them so much! My favourite being:

    1. Asher
    2. Beskha
    3. Rodrik
    4. Mira
    5. Ethan
  • I did try to get my dad to play this game but he got frustrated at the QTE segments and stopped unfortunately so oh well. But one of the best things I can say about your Thrones game is the art-style itself, I absolutely love the way everything has an 'oily paint' look. Pretty sure it was that art-style that got my younger sister interested in this game too so please keep doing these unique styles like we've seen in, 'The Wolf Among Us' too.

    The most interesting characters have been Rodrik, Asher, and Mira in my eyes. Rodrik's whole part has been great, seeing a broken man trying to regain not only his strength but the strength of his family/house too is great, that choice to get back up or not after Gryff knocks you down is more powerful than I think even you guys realize. Asher's character makes for a great example of not making an asinine/annoying comic relief character, and almost any conversation with Beskha feels organic and it's nice to see characters like this who are just friends and not being forced into a relationship. And finally, Mira's character has always been one I'm most excited to play as, first she's just an average handmaiden but she grows into a very confident player in this lethal political game.

  • I really like the difficult choice making. I don't watch the show much, but I can still pick up on the general implications of the choices.

  • I'd say the story, honestly, but eventually I end up praising all of the other features as well. xD I think one of my friends who played a little bit of the first episode said the art style was weird, but I honestly think it looks super cool. Surely it's different from the 'comic book' style of TWD and TWAU, but I personally think it was very well executed. I think it's nice how different the characters are from each other, they're all very memorable in their own ways. The deaths in the game have been devastating so far, by the way, so thanks for breaking our hearts. The voice acting is top notch as it always is with Telltale, and the choices... Oh dear, the choices. Do I even need to explain how nervous it makes me to just watch people play the game and do the choices? It wrecks my nerves, which is probably what they're supposed to do, so great job on that as well. Oh, and I also love the soundtrack! Gives the game a very nice medieval feel, kind of like Skyrim, so let's all take a moment to appreciate the quite overlooked feature about this game.

    Sigh... I wish my friends actually took the time to buy and play the game, but sadly none of them are really into GoT or gaming in general. Well, all I can say is that they're really missing out on some great stuff.

  • edited September 2015

    I've usually just told friends who know about the show that the game STARTS with the Red Wedding. That usually explains enough, though some worry that they can't imagine where things go from that part.

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