Quit the episodic BS already

Why not just make a full game?

Who else is tired of this episodic mumbo jumbo? It's old AF now. Was cool in TWD but it's just old, and pointless when you can make a whole game. It's basically like early alpha BS but you get the full game. I betcha trolltale would make a jizz ton more cash if they just released it at once.



  • I don't think you understand how business works

  • I like the episodic releases, it allows the product to improve and become better as time goes on and keeps people talking, which makes coming to this community all the more enjoyable.

  • edited September 2015


    Telltale made me obsess over a bunch of characters for almost a year now because of the episodic thing. I joined these forums because my friends didn't want to talk about Morgryn so I had to find a place where I could take my obsession to. The games that are released complete can make me obsess over a character or another for a while (Anders and Solas, I'm looking at you, my hearts), but never for a whole year (although on Dragon Age's case, I go back to my obsession when they release a DLC that makes the main story go forward).

    I can see how it would be nice for the game to be released complete. Sometimes I am under the impression that when Telltale starts making a game, they do not have the ending of it planned. That can lead to a few plot holes that maybe wouldn't exist if the game was released complete. On the other hand, it gives them the chance to change and adapt depending on the community's feedback, and as I said before, it keeps everyone talking about their game for a whole year.

  • I joined these forums because my friends didn't want to talk about Morgryn so I had to find a place where I could take my obsession to.

    Exactly this, only with Vaughn from TFTB.

    "Ah, here is the place where I can unload my 7 million word thinkpiece on this fictional game character's emotional well being!"

  • I'd rather have episodic. I don't like the idea of 'here's the game, once you're done, it's over.'

  • Who else is tired of this episodic mumbo jumbo?

    Nope, I like it.

  • Oops, this was supposed to be in response to @Abeille above.

    cussbunny posted: »

    I joined these forums because my friends didn't want to talk about Morgryn so I had to find a place where I could take my obsession to.

  • ^^ same

    Green613 posted: »

    Who else is tired of this episodic mumbo jumbo? Nope, I like it.

  • It is understandable. I got pretty worried after reading your post about Vaughn. He is my favourite TFTB character.

    cussbunny posted: »

    I joined these forums because my friends didn't want to talk about Morgryn so I had to find a place where I could take my obsession to.

  • edited September 2015

    Who else is tired of this episodic mumbo jumbo?

    nah, I like the feel when an episode has it's release date announced.

  • Oh C'mon it's not so bad. Waiting sucks, but when the episode's out you won't care about it anymore. Why do people care how much money Telltale makes anyway?

  • Making the game episodic lets people play episodes, then wait for the other.

    In the end GoT is still going to end at the same time, episodic or not, but having it episodic gives you the choice to play early or not. Really nothing wrong with it

  • I've calmed down slightly since then, as I know I have a tendency to both overthink and overanalyze, but I'm still worried.

    And I'll talk Lord Morgryn with you. In my head he's definitely Mira's future husband (even if practically, I'm steeling myself for betrayal, because it is GoT we're talking about).

    Abeille posted: »

    It is understandable. I got pretty worried after reading your post about Vaughn. He is my favourite TFTB character.

  • So you'd rather have them take a full year to put it out?

  • You must not understand, They've been doing this far longer than you think. They aren't gonna stop because one person can't be patient.

  • It's basically like early alpha BS but you get the full game.

    Then you should have nothing to worry about.

  • No, people like it, you get the full game.

  • I like it, you can get the full game later, don't be such a drama queen.

  • I'm sure you are not alone on that xD

    I actually think he was going to suggest an alliance by marriage during the Royal Wedding (proposing at another guy's wedding? Rude. But hey, it was Joffrey's wedding, so that's okay I guess). He put too much emphasis on the word "together". It was something like "What if we were to work together? Control the price of the ironwood together. We could get very, very rich... Together".

    I would like Morgryn to be a person that is not necessarily good or evil, but that changes his mind and course of action depending on the situation. Like, I firmly believe he sent Damien to kill Mira, but that once she showed up alive he gave up on killing her and decided to try for an alliance. I want to see Telltale play with the grey areas of morality that are so often present on ASOIAF. Tarwick said he is dangerous, but that can be good for Mira if Morgryn decided to show how dangerous he is by cutting Lucan's throat, for example.

    cussbunny posted: »

    I've calmed down slightly since then, as I know I have a tendency to both overthink and overanalyze, but I'm still worried. And I'll talk

  • All of Telltale's games are designed around episodic structures. It's their signature. You really think they're going to stop after all the money they've made, the amazing games they've produced, and because you posted a negative comment on their forums?

  • The episodic structure allows the fans who are on the forums and other social media sites to discuss the episode. TellTale sees this and can use it to tailor the season towards what seems like what fans want. As much as waiting sucks, I personally believe the fan discussions and interactions are worth it. Plus, I think during E3, I believe Kevin Bruner said that TellTale treats it's games like tv for video game (I'm paraphrasing with some inaccuracy here, correct me as needed). Essentially, TellTale releasing games as a whole all at once is like tv shows releasing entire seasons all at once instead of a periodic release.

  • The forums would be so boring if full games were released instead of episodic

  • You'd miss the journey.

  • I like the way you think.

    Abeille posted: »

    I'm sure you are not alone on that xD I actually think he was going to suggest an alliance by marriage during the Royal Wedding (proposin

  • If you really want to play the full game all at once, just wait for all of the episodes to be released first. It's literally THAT simple.

  • I agree with this. I go on the steam forums for really cool games that are perfectly complete upon release, and the discussions are all null and depressing. The discussions of episodic series are much more lively and fun to visit.

    eRock92 posted: »

    The episodic structure allows the fans who are on the forums and other social media sites to discuss the episode. TellTale sees this and ca

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2015

    Sure, quicker releases would always be nice, but I like the camaraderie of speculating with other people during a live Season and I think it adds a lot of unique touches to Telltale's format of storytelling. Not to mention, it also makes the cliffhangers that much more tense.

    As for your argument about money, Telltale actually uses episodes to their benefit there too. With multiple episodes, they can essentially have multiple versions of a launch day instead of having one launch day followed by the hype slowly decreasing. People buying the first episode at launch can also give Telltale more money and resources to spend on later episodes as well if the first episode of a series is a huge success.

  • Nooooo way. It's that crazy suspense that makes the game. Plus it almost forces the player to explore all the replay value when you put time between each episode. I liked it better when it was consistently a month between episodes. But I will say the wait is getting too long. I think they are taking on too many projects at a time. But I'm all for episodic structure personally.

  • I think it's good with that way, because if you wait for the next episode, you will be much more excited playing it and enjoying it more.

    At least in my perspective.

  • Requesting a mod to ban this ass from the forum. If you do not like the game, then do not play it. I'm tired of these hate threads.

  • I'm fine with the episodic model in principle, but they need to do a better job of justifying it narratively.

    Their older games, like Sam & Max, had distinct plotlines every episode. It was easier to wait, because they didn't leave you on the edge of your seat, and it was less crucial to remember minor details.

    I feel like the first Walking Dead season was a good compromise. They deliberately fucked with the episodic structure, and it was neat. There was a big time jump between Episode 1 and Episode 2, then the jump dropped with each passing episode, until Episode 5 began seconds after Episode 4.

    Every game since then has been one long plot arbitrarily chopped up into five or six episodes.

  • Like everyone else here, I like the episodic nature of TellTale's games and others. Almost every time I finish an episode I'm wanting the next sure but there is some fun to be had in waiting. And there's the added benefit of the forums too, I finally jumped on as I was playing through Thrones and have lots of fun discussing things with others on here and listening to theories and grievances, and also having some really good debates/discussions with others.

    If you're wanting the full game instead of getting it throughout the course of a year, maybe you should just wait until it's all done and finished? I highly doubt TellTale will ever detract from their episodic model.

  • If telltale would learn to communicate with their fans a bit more it would not be so bad.

    enter image description here

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    Disclaimer: I like the episodic aspect

  • No, I love it and want it to continue, if you prefer playing the whole thing at once just wait until every episode out.

  • Quit your whining already.

  • edited September 2015

    Don't play them then. Simple. And no most people are not tired of it.

    Old AF. First-person shooter are old AF. Windows 7 is old AF. And does that keep people from using/playing them? No.

    Anyway, gr8 b8 m8. Just let this post sinks.

  • It's not the episodic structure that's the problem, it's the amount of time between. If it was a month or less, then there definitely wouldn't be a problem. More than two months and they run the risk of people either getting annoyed at the wait or, if they haven't felt fully engaged and committed to the story yet, being bored enough to drop it and not bother to play the rest.

  • I agree that the wait might make fans give up. I remember when I was playing TWD S2 I would pretty much forget about the game until I saw Steam updating it because there was a new episode (because I wasn't nearly as engaged with the story as I am with GoT). But to release the episodes quicker, they would have to make them shorter, or of worse quality. Or they would have to finish the whole season and then release it in an episodic manner, but then they wouldn't be able to change and adapt based on feedback.

    It's not the episodic structure that's the problem, it's the amount of time between. If it was a month or less, then there definitely wouldn

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